Helium theory
Largest part of the Helium theory work is devoted to investigating the
properties of the superfluid 3He. Why this is
interesting, is explained
There is a short introduction to the following topics.
Some projects are described in more detail below.
Transparencies of some old presentations
- Recent topics in the theory of
superfluid 3He,
(13.5.2003, E. Thuneberg, pdf file, 1 Mb)
- Vortex sheets and solitons in
(14.5.2003, E. Thuneberg, pdf file, 456 kb)
- Vortices at the A-B phase
boundary in superfluid 3He,
(17.5.2003, R. Hänninen, pdf file, 3 Mb)
Most of the figures on the theory pages are available as original
Adobe Illustrator or eps files in
this folder.
14.1.2025, Erkki Thuneberg, Email,
Suomeksi, Home