I thank heads and coworkers at the institutions in which this work was done over the years: Professor Olli Halkka, Head, and Professor Veikko Sorsa, Department of Genetics, University of Helsinki; Professor V. Lindroos, Head, Department of Metallurgy (EM facility), Helsinki University of Technology; Matti Parvinen, MD, Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Anatomy, University of Turku; Professor H. Sauer and the late Dr. U. Plagens, Department of Zoology, University of Würzburg; Professor Dieter Werner, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg; Professor U. Grossbach and Dr. H.-H. Trepte, Laboratory of Developmental Biology, Department of Zoology, University of Göttingen; Professor Antti Vaheri and personnel, Department of Virology, University of Helsinki; J. Seppänen, M.Sci. (Eng.), Computing center, Helsinki University of Technology.

The funding of this work during the years, by the following institutions and foundations, is gratefully acknowledged: National Research Council of Science of the Academy of Finland, The Finnish Cultural Foundation, The Kordelin Foundation, and also The EMBO and FEBS.

I am very grateful for substantial support to Professor Antti Vaheri and Dr. (Eng.) Eeva-Marjatta Salonen, coworkers and staff members, at the Department of Virology, University of Helsinki. They have all created a pleasant working atmosphere.

The text was greatly improved with the critical reading and linguistic checking by K. Pusa, A. Vaheri, and Ross Stephens, Ph.D. I thank V. Sorsa for exchange of information on chromosome structure during the years and for expert comments on this work.

For help over the years, final thanks are due to Kalevi Pusa, Lic. Phil.

Academic Dissertation 1988

Eukaryotic chromosome structure [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

Peter Engelhardt
Email: Peter.Engelhardt@Helsinki.Fi
Available at