LIBS datasets

Here are download links, or zenodo links to our LIBS datasets available for download. Datas are in NetCDF files or some in MATLAB formats. TODO: transfer most to .nc:s with wavelength info in the same file.

Datasets are licensed as either CC-BY-SA or CC0(public domain) so they are mostly free to use however you wish, check details on each repository.

LIBS workshop demo dataset. Information

Pure elements dataset. Information

Rare Earth Elements glass melts dataset. Information

Minerals dataset. Information . Minerals, mostly from Aalto University collections

Rock LIBS images dataset. Information . Different rocks LIBS imaged, mostly Aalto collections

Drill core boxes datasets (Waiting for permissions). TODO: verify permissions for each(4)

Drill core piece sets. TODO: process and verify permission

Circuit boards. TODO

Older datasets:

Tunnel face scans of Otaniemi research tunnel Tunnel scanner mineral demo scan Tunnel face scan at mine permission?

CC BY-SA 4.0 Ilkka Laine. Last modified: January 13, 2025. Please contact me by email for any suggestions, comments or improvements.