LIBS imaging research groups (DRAFT)

Some LIBS imaging research groups are mentioned here. This is not all, these are the people whose work I'm familiar enough with to talk about it. See also list of LIBS commercial providers page, as they are in large part the same people.

Contact me at for errors or additions for this page.

CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology)

Ceitec Laboratory of Laser Spectroscopy In Brno, Czech republic.

Commercial providers Lightigo and AtomTrace are affiliated.

Highlights: Ceitec LIBS education material explains multiple LIBS spectra classification algorithms with python scripts. They have organized a LIBS contest Vrábel, J. et al. (2020) ‘Classification of challenging Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy soil sample data - EMSLIBS contest’, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 169, p. 105872. DOI: for different teams to compete on LIBS spectral processing methodologies. I tested some of my methods with the contest data on EMBLIBS page.

ILM (Institut Lumiére Matiére) of CNRS-Université Lyon 1

In Lyon, France, ILM makes some of the most impressive LIBS imaging work. One of their specialty is the microLIBS(µLIBS) meaning equipment that allows higher resolution than most LIBS scanners.

Commercial provider Ablatom is affiliated.


LIBS research in Finland

Aalto University

Our team! We have built LIBS imaging devices for drill core scanning and a prototype for standoff LIBS imaging among other things

Commecial provides Lumo Analytics is affiliated.

Satakunta University of Applied Sciences

University of Jyväskylä

Tampere University

Other LIBS research groups

BAM for concrete LIBS analysis maybe?

Department of Experimental Physics, Comenius University

CC BY-SA 4.0 Ilkka Laine. Last modified: February 28, 2025. Please contact me by email for any suggestions, comments or improvements.