

COMFORT - Short film with 3D audio - Viewing experience

You are about to watch my short movie "Comfort". For the best viewing experience and the most efficient data collection, behave like when watching any other film at home. For example, if you like to see it in a dark room, with the lights turned off, do the same in this case. 

Please, make sure you use a good pair of headphones, ideally over-ear ones, and stay in a quiet environment. Put the volume up, as the audio may seem a bit quiet. It is better to turn it down later on than missing some details from the beginning. 

You can choose the quality of the video, I highly recommend 1080p HD. Feel free also to adjust the brightness of your computer, if the visuals seem too dark to you.

The movie is 8 minutes long. Afterwards, I kindly ask you to fill the questionnaire about the experience, you will find the link below.

Link to the film: COMFORT short film with 3D audio

COMFORT - Short film with 3D audio - Data collection

The questionnaire is anonymous, consists of 32 questions and is divided in two parts. Part A contains general questions about yourself, Part B relates only to the viewing experience. Please, remember there are no good or wrong answers. I am interested in your feelings and thoughts regarding the film and the experience itself.

All your personal details will be treated confidentially. The gathered data will be used for the purpose of the research and will be stored securely. The results will be published in the articles and my Ph.D. thesis.

Link to the survey: Questionnaire