Function-defines-curvature curves
These images are fun pretty images made by defining a function for the curvature of the shape and then drawing forward and/or backwards.
The curves that jump off a smooth path are I guess a result of computational inaccuracies, but I haven't confirmed that. They make pretty shapes either way.
These are drawn with GNU Octave. The code to produce these is very simple, see the end of the page. TODO: add the codes here for each.
One example with numerical integration: (change the function and the drawing interval and step to make your own curves). These run in GUN Octave or MATLAB.
t = -10:0.01:10; %väli
kaarevuus =t.^2 -2.19;
x = cumtrapz(cos(cumtrapz(kaarevuus)));
y = cumtrapz(sin(cumtrapz(kaarevuus)));
Or alternatively with symbolic integration:
pkg load symbolic %octave tarvii tän
v = -20:0.1:20; %väli
%käytetään symbolista integrointia
syms t;
kaarevuusfunktio = symfun(t-2,t); %sym
integraalifunktio = int(kaarevuusfunktio,t); %sym
kosinifunktio = cos(integraalifunktio);
xfunktio = int(kosinifunktio);
xx =matlabFunction(xfunktio); %this breaks on octave with complicated integrations, matlab can handle more
sinifunktio = sin(integraalifunktio);
yfunktio = int(sinifunktio);
yy =matlabFunction(yfunktio);
CC BY-SA 4.0 Ilkka Laine. Last modified: January 07, 2025. Please contact me by email for any suggestions, comments or improvements.