Who funded this
I have been personally funded by K.H. Renlund foundation and KAUTE-foundation. Big thanks! We have been as a group funded by the Research Council of Finland and Business Finland.
Significant affiliations
I am closely tied to Lumo Analytics Oy that sells LIBS imaging/measurement services.
Who worked on this
These pages show work of among others: Ilkka Laine, Lasse Kangas, Jussi Leveinen, Luis Huaman, Aalto University Department of Civil Engineering personnel, Lumo Analytics Oy personnel, Geological Survey of Finland personnel, and many others.
The University of Edinburgh for REE samples
All the mining companies that have helped with constant feedback and lots of samples and measurement campaigns done together
You if you are reading this :)
CC BY-SA 4.0 Ilkka Laine. Last modified: February 13, 2025. Please contact me by email for any suggestions, comments or improvements.