Scanning LIBS showcase

This introductory chapter quickly shows the capabilities of scanning LIBS imaging before we go into the details of how to do this and more. The next chapters will provide the methodology.

What is scanning LIBS

The data we acquire with is a LIBS-image or spectral cube(like in hyperspectral imaging). As normal digital photograph is a 3-color image of red, green, and Blue, a LIBS image is a 8188-color image. So the LIBS-spark for each measurement point i.e. pixel is recorded in 8188 different color channels. This technique is called LIBS scanning or LIBS imaging.

Large area LIBS imaging can do kilometers and/or square meters of sample surface imagery

The main type of sample we have scanned is rock material and specifically drill core samples so most examples you see are rocks and rock materials.

Equipment 1: LASOLIBS, Large Area Scanning Open-source Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrometer

![LASOLIBS 3D model][figlaso3d]LASOLIBS 3D model

![LASOLIBS early version photograph][figlasoearly] LASOLIBS early version photograph

[LASOLIBS new photo]


Equipment 2: Stand-off scanning LIBS

![3D model LIBS-Lidar main components][figtunnelscanner3d]

High detail imaging 20um grid

Let's look closer. LASOLIBS in addition to doing large area scans can also do this. A tiny area scan:

The figure shows a

(If small samples is all you are interested it is better to build a TASOLIBS : Tiny Area Scanning Open-Source Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrometer.)

Methodology 1: Elemental emission lines


A little bit math now. We can classify all the measurement points to make maps of materials, minerals in our case.

Methodology 2: Spectral angles
Methodology 3: Interesting Features Finder

[figlaso3d]:../assets/wholeLASOcropped.jpg "LASOLIBS 3D model" [figlasoearly]:../assets/Picture1.png "LASOLIBS early version photograph" [figtunnelscanner3d]:../assets/3D-Model-wall-scanner.png "3D model LIBS-Lidar main components"

CC BY-SA 4.0 Ilkka Laine. Last modified: October 15, 2024. Please contact me by email for any suggestions, comments or improvements.