Compute RSA between DSMs

This example showcases the most basic version of RSA: computing the similarity between two DSMs. Then we continue with computing RSA between many DSMs efficiently.

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# Import required packages
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import mne
import mne_rsa

MNE-Python contains a build-in data loader for the kiloword dataset, which is used here as an example dataset. Since we only need the words shown during the experiment, which are in the metadata, we can pass preload=False to prevent MNE-Python from loading the EEG data, which is a nice speed gain.

data_path = mne.datasets.kiloword.data_path(verbose=True)
epochs = mne.read_epochs(data_path / 'kword_metadata-epo.fif')

# Show the metadata of 10 random epochs
Reading C:\Users\wmvan\mne_data\MNE-kiloword-data\kword_metadata-epo.fif ...
Isotrak not found
    Found the data of interest:
        t =    -100.00 ...     920.00 ms
        0 CTF compensation matrices available
Adding metadata with 8 columns
960 matching events found
No baseline correction applied
0 projection items activated
WORD Concreteness WordFrequency OrthographicDistance NumberOfLetters BigramFrequency ConsonantVowelProportion VisualComplexity
609 cavity 5.400000 1.716003 2.25 6.0 465.666667 0.500000 58.809211
311 flesh 5.300000 2.968950 1.80 5.0 380.600000 0.800000 61.589660
721 test 4.350000 3.079904 1.25 4.0 730.000000 0.750000 61.042122
464 heritage 3.150000 2.276462 2.80 8.0 552.750000 0.500000 66.750923
786 grace 2.550000 2.572872 1.40 5.0 633.600000 0.600000 71.031177
279 crux 3.210526 1.531479 2.00 4.0 289.500000 0.750000 57.645218
903 figment 3.150000 1.113943 2.50 7.0 458.714286 0.714286 67.160375
886 teacher 5.000000 3.152594 1.90 7.0 860.714286 0.571429 65.652075
422 leprosy 5.800000 1.301030 3.00 7.0 345.285714 0.571429 64.447305
365 horror 3.300000 2.729165 2.35 6.0 692.666667 0.666667 56.043174

Compute DSMs based on word length and visual complexity.

metadata = epochs.metadata
dsm1 = mne_rsa.compute_dsm(metadata.NumberOfLetters, metric='euclidean')
dsm2 = mne_rsa.compute_dsm(metadata.VisualComplexity, metric='euclidean')

# Plot the DSMs
mne_rsa.plot_dsms([dsm1, dsm2], names=['Word length', 'Vis. complexity'])
Word length, Vis. complexity
<Figure size 400x200 with 3 Axes>

Perform RSA between the two DSMs using Spearman correlation

rsa_result = mne_rsa.rsa(dsm1, dsm2, metric='spearman')
print('RSA score:', rsa_result)
RSA score: 0.02643988328911863

We can compute RSA between multiple DSMs by passing lists to the mne_rsa.rsa() function.

# Create DSMs for each stimulus property
columns = metadata.columns[1:]  # Skip the first column: WORD
dsms = [mne_rsa.compute_dsm(metadata[col], metric='euclidean')
        for col in columns]

# Plot the DSMs
fig = mne_rsa.plot_dsms(dsms, names=columns, n_rows=2)
fig.set_size_inches(12, 4)

# Compute RSA between the first two DSMs (Concreteness and WordFrequency) and
# the others.
rsa_results = mne_rsa.rsa(dsms[:2], dsms[2:], metric='spearman')

# Pack the result into a Pandas DataFrame for easy viewing
print(pd.DataFrame(rsa_results, index=columns[:2], columns=columns[2:]))
Concreteness, WordFrequency, OrthographicDistance, NumberOfLetters, BigramFrequency, ConsonantVowelProportion, VisualComplexity
               OrthographicDistance  NumberOfLetters  ...  ConsonantVowelProportion  VisualComplexity
Concreteness               0.031064         0.026832  ...                  0.005647          0.004263
WordFrequency              0.058385         0.013607  ...                 -0.003850         -0.009620

[2 rows x 5 columns]

What if we have many DSMs? The mne_rsa.rsa() function is optimized for the case where the first parameter (the “data” DSMs) is a large list of DSMs and the second parameter (the “model” DSMs) is a smaller list. To save memory, you can also pass generators instead of lists.

Let’s create a generator that creates DSMs for each time-point in the EEG data and compute the RSA between those DSMs and all the “model” DSMs we computed above. This is a basic example of using a “searchlight” and in other examples, you can learn how to use the searchlight generator to build more advanced searchlights. However, since this is such a simple case, it is educational to construct the generator manually.

The RSA computation will take some time. Therefore, we pass a few extra parameters to mne_rsa.rsa() to enable some improvements. First, the verbose=True enables a progress bar. However, since we are using a generator, the progress bar cannot automatically infer how many DSMs there will be. Hence, we provide this information explicitly using the n_data_dsms parameter. Finally, depending on how many CPUs you have on your system, consider increasing the n_jobs parameter to parallelize the computation over multiple CPUs.

epochs.resample(100)  # Downsample to speed things up for this example
eeg_data = epochs.get_data()
n_trials, n_sensors, n_times = eeg_data.shape

def generate_eeg_dsms():
    """Generate DSMs for each time sample."""
    for i in range(n_times):
        yield mne_rsa.compute_dsm(eeg_data[:, :, i], metric='correlation')

rsa_results = mne_rsa.rsa(generate_eeg_dsms(), dsms, metric='spearman',
                          verbose=True, n_data_dsms=n_times, n_jobs=1)

# Plot the RSA values over time using standard matplotlib commands
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.plot(epochs.times, rsa_results)
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.ylabel('RSA value')
plot rsa between dsms
  0%|                                                                       | 0/102 [00:00<?, ?DSM/s]
  1%|6                                                              | 1/102 [00:01<01:42,  1.02s/DSM]
  2%|#2                                                             | 2/102 [00:02<01:43,  1.04s/DSM]
  3%|#8                                                             | 3/102 [00:03<01:41,  1.02s/DSM]
  4%|##4                                                            | 4/102 [00:04<01:39,  1.01s/DSM]
  5%|###                                                            | 5/102 [00:05<01:38,  1.01s/DSM]
  6%|###7                                                           | 6/102 [00:06<01:37,  1.01s/DSM]
  7%|####3                                                          | 7/102 [00:07<01:37,  1.03s/DSM]
  8%|####9                                                          | 8/102 [00:08<01:36,  1.03s/DSM]
  9%|#####5                                                         | 9/102 [00:09<01:34,  1.02s/DSM]
 10%|######                                                        | 10/102 [00:10<01:34,  1.03s/DSM]
 11%|######6                                                       | 11/102 [00:11<01:33,  1.03s/DSM]
 12%|#######2                                                      | 12/102 [00:12<01:34,  1.05s/DSM]
 13%|#######9                                                      | 13/102 [00:13<01:32,  1.04s/DSM]
 14%|########5                                                     | 14/102 [00:14<01:30,  1.02s/DSM]
 15%|#########1                                                    | 15/102 [00:15<01:30,  1.04s/DSM]
 16%|#########7                                                    | 16/102 [00:16<01:30,  1.05s/DSM]
 17%|##########3                                                   | 17/102 [00:17<01:29,  1.05s/DSM]
 18%|##########9                                                   | 18/102 [00:18<01:28,  1.05s/DSM]
 19%|###########5                                                  | 19/102 [00:19<01:26,  1.04s/DSM]
 20%|############1                                                 | 20/102 [00:20<01:27,  1.07s/DSM]
 21%|############7                                                 | 21/102 [00:21<01:25,  1.06s/DSM]
 22%|#############3                                                | 22/102 [00:22<01:25,  1.06s/DSM]
 23%|#############9                                                | 23/102 [00:23<01:22,  1.04s/DSM]
 24%|##############5                                               | 24/102 [00:24<01:21,  1.04s/DSM]
 25%|###############1                                              | 25/102 [00:26<01:21,  1.06s/DSM]
 25%|###############8                                              | 26/102 [00:27<01:19,  1.05s/DSM]
 26%|################4                                             | 27/102 [00:28<01:17,  1.03s/DSM]
 27%|#################                                             | 28/102 [00:29<01:16,  1.03s/DSM]
 28%|#################6                                            | 29/102 [00:30<01:15,  1.03s/DSM]
 29%|##################2                                           | 30/102 [00:31<01:16,  1.06s/DSM]
 30%|##################8                                           | 31/102 [00:32<01:15,  1.07s/DSM]
 31%|###################4                                          | 32/102 [00:33<01:13,  1.05s/DSM]
 32%|####################                                          | 33/102 [00:34<01:11,  1.03s/DSM]
 33%|####################6                                         | 34/102 [00:35<01:10,  1.04s/DSM]
 34%|#####################2                                        | 35/102 [00:36<01:10,  1.05s/DSM]
 35%|#####################8                                        | 36/102 [00:37<01:09,  1.05s/DSM]
 36%|######################4                                       | 37/102 [00:38<01:07,  1.04s/DSM]
 37%|#######################                                       | 38/102 [00:39<01:05,  1.03s/DSM]
 38%|#######################7                                      | 39/102 [00:40<01:06,  1.06s/DSM]
 39%|########################3                                     | 40/102 [00:41<01:06,  1.07s/DSM]
 40%|########################9                                     | 41/102 [00:42<01:06,  1.08s/DSM]
 41%|#########################5                                    | 42/102 [00:44<01:08,  1.14s/DSM]
 42%|##########################1                                   | 43/102 [00:45<01:06,  1.12s/DSM]
 43%|##########################7                                   | 44/102 [00:46<01:04,  1.11s/DSM]
 44%|###########################3                                  | 45/102 [00:47<01:03,  1.11s/DSM]
 45%|###########################9                                  | 46/102 [00:48<01:02,  1.11s/DSM]
 46%|############################5                                 | 47/102 [00:49<01:02,  1.13s/DSM]
 47%|#############################1                                | 48/102 [00:50<01:01,  1.14s/DSM]
 48%|#############################7                                | 49/102 [00:52<01:01,  1.15s/DSM]
 49%|##############################3                               | 50/102 [00:53<00:59,  1.14s/DSM]
 50%|###############################                               | 51/102 [00:54<01:00,  1.19s/DSM]
 51%|###############################6                              | 52/102 [00:55<00:58,  1.17s/DSM]
 52%|################################2                             | 53/102 [00:56<00:58,  1.19s/DSM]
 53%|################################8                             | 54/102 [00:57<00:55,  1.15s/DSM]
 54%|#################################4                            | 55/102 [00:58<00:51,  1.10s/DSM]
 55%|##################################                            | 56/102 [00:59<00:49,  1.07s/DSM]
 56%|##################################6                           | 57/102 [01:00<00:47,  1.06s/DSM]
 57%|###################################2                          | 58/102 [01:01<00:45,  1.04s/DSM]
 58%|###################################8                          | 59/102 [01:02<00:44,  1.03s/DSM]
 59%|####################################4                         | 60/102 [01:03<00:42,  1.01s/DSM]
 60%|#####################################                         | 61/102 [01:04<00:41,  1.01s/DSM]
 61%|#####################################6                        | 62/102 [01:05<00:40,  1.01s/DSM]
 62%|######################################2                       | 63/102 [01:06<00:39,  1.01s/DSM]
 63%|######################################9                       | 64/102 [01:07<00:38,  1.01s/DSM]
 64%|#######################################5                      | 65/102 [01:08<00:37,  1.00s/DSM]
 65%|########################################1                     | 66/102 [01:09<00:35,  1.01DSM/s]
 66%|########################################7                     | 67/102 [01:10<00:34,  1.00DSM/s]
 67%|#########################################3                    | 68/102 [01:11<00:34,  1.02s/DSM]
 68%|#########################################9                    | 69/102 [01:12<00:33,  1.02s/DSM]
 69%|##########################################5                   | 70/102 [01:13<00:31,  1.01DSM/s]
 70%|###########################################1                  | 71/102 [01:14<00:30,  1.02DSM/s]
 71%|###########################################7                  | 72/102 [01:15<00:30,  1.01s/DSM]
 72%|############################################3                 | 73/102 [01:16<00:29,  1.01s/DSM]
 73%|############################################9                 | 74/102 [01:17<00:28,  1.01s/DSM]
 74%|#############################################5                | 75/102 [01:18<00:26,  1.01DSM/s]
 75%|##############################################1               | 76/102 [01:19<00:25,  1.02DSM/s]
 75%|##############################################8               | 77/102 [01:20<00:25,  1.00s/DSM]
 76%|###############################################4              | 78/102 [01:21<00:24,  1.02s/DSM]
 77%|################################################              | 79/102 [01:22<00:23,  1.01s/DSM]
 78%|################################################6             | 80/102 [01:23<00:21,  1.01DSM/s]
 79%|#################################################2            | 81/102 [01:24<00:20,  1.00DSM/s]
 80%|#################################################8            | 82/102 [01:25<00:20,  1.02s/DSM]
 81%|##################################################4           | 83/102 [01:26<00:19,  1.01s/DSM]
 82%|###################################################           | 84/102 [01:27<00:17,  1.00DSM/s]
 83%|###################################################6          | 85/102 [01:28<00:16,  1.01DSM/s]
 84%|####################################################2         | 86/102 [01:29<00:15,  1.02DSM/s]
 85%|####################################################8         | 87/102 [01:30<00:15,  1.01s/DSM]
 86%|#####################################################4        | 88/102 [01:32<00:14,  1.07s/DSM]
 87%|######################################################        | 89/102 [01:33<00:13,  1.08s/DSM]
 88%|######################################################7       | 90/102 [01:34<00:12,  1.07s/DSM]
 89%|#######################################################3      | 91/102 [01:35<00:11,  1.06s/DSM]
 90%|#######################################################9      | 92/102 [01:36<00:10,  1.06s/DSM]
 91%|########################################################5     | 93/102 [01:37<00:09,  1.05s/DSM]
 92%|#########################################################1    | 94/102 [01:38<00:08,  1.01s/DSM]
 93%|#########################################################7    | 95/102 [01:39<00:07,  1.00s/DSM]
 94%|##########################################################3   | 96/102 [01:40<00:06,  1.02s/DSM]
 95%|##########################################################9   | 97/102 [01:41<00:05,  1.03s/DSM]
 96%|###########################################################5  | 98/102 [01:42<00:04,  1.04s/DSM]
 97%|############################################################1 | 99/102 [01:43<00:03,  1.03s/DSM]
 98%|###########################################################8 | 100/102 [01:44<00:02,  1.03s/DSM]
 99%|############################################################4| 101/102 [01:45<00:01,  1.03s/DSM]
100%|#############################################################| 102/102 [01:46<00:00,  1.03s/DSM]
100%|#############################################################| 102/102 [01:46<00:00,  1.04s/DSM]

<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x00000267D2A7C6A0>

Total running time of the script: ( 1 minutes 51.260 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery