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Tapio Lokki
  Tapio Lokki, D.Sc.(Tech.)

Professor, Head of the Department
Aalto Acoustics Lab
Department of Information and Communications Engineering, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering

Room: E207a, A Grid building
Street address: Otakaari 5, FI-02150 Espoo, Finland
Postal address: P.O.Box 13100, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland
Phone: +358 40 578 2486    
Email: Tapio.Lokki(at)aalto.fi  View Tapio Lokki's profile on LinkedIn


[19.12.2024] We have published 4 articles in the Journal of the AES in October, November and December issues.

[13.12.2024] Sujie Yu from PSL (Paris) visited us to measure aerogels and cryogels, read a news article

[25.11.2024] An article on auralization of Turku Fuuga concert hall in Helsingin Sanomat

[26.7.2024] PhD Defence of Nils Meyer-Kahlen on the Transfer-Plausible Acoustics for Augmented Reality, press release and PhD thesis

[22.5.2024] I am the Technical Chair at BNAM 2024 conference.

[7.10.2023] I was interviewed on my research in High Point Podcast.

[18.8.2023] I gave an invited keynote on "Perspectives on the acoustics of concert halls" in ISPS 2023.

[1.3.2023] I received Aalto ELEC Solutions for Sustainability Award on the work done together with Lumir.

[1.1.2023] I started as the Head of the new DICE department.

[16.12.2022] PhD Defence of Julie Meyer on the FDTD modeling method for room acoustics. press release and PhD thesis

[17.11.2022] I will be in the PhD evaluation committee of Randy Frans Fela at DTU, Denmark.

[7.10.2022] I will be in the PhD evaluation committee of Lucas Lenne at Nancy, France.

[1.9.2022] Room acoustics with carbon negative bio-based absorption material, check: press release and video.

[29.8.2022] I gave a keynote on Spatial RIRs and SDM in: FIA2022.

[1.7.2022] I'm hiring one PhD student to study porous materials: check the description of the open position.

[29.6.2022] I was in the PhD evaluation committee of Sarvesh Agrawal at DTU, Denmark.

[24.5.2022] PhD Defence of Raimundo Gonzalez on the acoustic scattering. (press release and PhD thesis

[14.3.2022] I gave a presentation on recent results on concert hall acoustics in Sorbonne University, Paris. Lecture in Youtube.

[14.2.2022] I'm visiting Matelys Research Lab in Lyon, France for two months.

[16.12.2021] PhD Defence of Otto Puomio on the parametric analysis and reproduction of room acoustics. (more info and zoom link) PhD thesis

[1.12.2021] I was granted the title "full professor" by Aalto University.

[15.10.2021] PhD Defence of Henna Tahvanainen on the seat-dip effect. (more info and zoom link) PhD thesis

[1.10.2021] Our course "Virtual Acoustics" was awarded based on the student feedback. (Link to news)

[26.5.2021] Two new articles on wood fibre-based acoustic materials. (press release)

[24.2.2021] Two new articles on movie sound (part 1 and part 2) published in Journal of AES.

[1.1.2021] My new position as Head of the Department started.

[10.11.2020] A press release on our two recent JASA articles.

[16.10.2020] New journal article on the angle-dependent absorption of porous materials.

[11.9.2020] New journal article on the scale model measurements of the seat-dip effect.

[10.9.2020] New journal article on recognizing concert halls with different music.

[1.9.2020] A book chapter published on the auditory spatial impression in concert halls.

[24.4.2020] New blog text on the rendering #stayhome orchestra in a concert hall (in Finnish).

[25.3.2020] A short interview at Aalto pages.

[2.3.2020] An hour long interview in a Finnish radio program.

[1.1.2020] I moved to SPA department inside Aalto.

[19.11.2019] I'm happy to contribute to a video highlighting Music Museum FAME and Genelec Smart IP.

[4.11.2019] I have been nominated as a honorary member of the Acoustical Society of Finland.

[22.5.2019] An article (in Finnish) on idea to enhance the acoustics of Musiikkitalo concert hall.

[22.5.2019] An article Architectural Features That Make Music Bloom in Concert Halls published in MDPI Acoustics.

[31.3.2019] An article Concert hall acoustics -- but on whose terms? published in Finnish Music Quarterly.

[8.3.2019] Great article by Kelsey A. Hochgraf on concert hall acoustics in Acoustics Today.

[21.11.2018] Aki Haapaniemi's PhD defence, Aki's thesis (open access).

[14.10.2018] New blog text on the design of concert halls (in Finnish).

[8.10.2018] Author in 4 papers and a talk in IOA Auditorium Acoustics. Check papers here.

[16.8.2018] A talk in The future of immersive sound event.

[12.6.2018] I was an editor of a special issue on Sound and Music Computing.

[29.5.2018] After extremely busy spring, one AES conference paper published.

[29.1.2018] New web pages of Aalto Acoustics Lab has been published.

[28.1.2018] New blog text (in Finnish)

[12.10.2017] I'll be in a PhD committee at Aalborg University.

[30.9.2017] My blog (in Finnish) at Aalto blogs.

[23.5.2017] I'm honored to be an AES fellow.

[17.2.2017] New article on sensory evaluation of car audio is published.

[2.2.2017] Open PhD student positions! ESR02 and ESR13 are in my team.

[9.1.2017] Final report of a hearing protection proto for musicians.

Research, Publications, and Scientific Activities

Virtual Acoustics, i.e. concert hall acoustics, auralization, sound rendering, spatial hearing, HRTFs, room acoustics modeling, perception, psychoacoustics, virtual auditory environments, sounds in virtual reality, auditory displays, eyes-free user interfaces, reverberation algorithms, multichannel reproduction, reverberation enhancement ...
See more on Virtual Acoustics research team's publications in Google Scholar.

Major academic research projects

  • [01.09.2023 - 31.08.2027] the Academy of Finland [grant no. 357389]. The topic is "Collective Experience of Music Performances with Augmented Acoustics".
  • [01.03.2019 - 31.08.2023] the EU Marie Curie ITN: VRACE "Virtual reality audio for cyber environments"
  • [01.01.2017 - 31.12.2020] the EU Marie Curie ITN: ACOUTECT "A sound fundament for our future buildings"
  • [01.09.2016 - 31.08.2020] the Academy of Finland [grant no. 296393]. The topic was "Immersive Concert for Homes (ICHO)".
  • [01.09.2012 - 31.08.2016] the Academy of Finland [grant no. 257099]. The topic was "Concert hall acoustics -- From sensory profiles to new objective criteria".
  • [01.07.2008 - 30.06.2013] the ERC Starting Grant agreement no. [203636]. The topic was "Physically-based Virtual Acoustics".
  • [01.08.2007 - 31.07.2012] the Academy of Finland grant agreement no. [119092]. The topic was "Physically-based Virtual Acoustics".


Freely available research tools

Other major scientific activities and responsibilities



I'm the responsible professors of the major of Acoustics and Audio Technology in the CCIS MSc programme. In particular, I'm the responsible lecturer at the following courses:
  • ELEC-E5670 - Acoustical Measurements, MSc course
  • ELEC-C5250 - Akustiikan ja psykoakustiikan perusteet, BSc course
In the past I was responsible lecturer at the following courses:
  • ELEC-E5680 - Virtual Acoustics, 2021, 2022, 2023
  • ELEC-E5670 - Acoustical Measurements, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
  • CS-E5500 - Acoustical Measurements,
  • ELEC-E5630 - Acoustics and Audio Technology Seminar,2016, 2018, 2020, 2022
  • CS-C2000 - Ihminen havaitsijana, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
  • ME-E2420 - Room Acoustics, Spring 2016
  • ME-E4200 Experimental User Interfaces, Spring 2014, (for EIT ICT students, Fall 2013)
  • T-111.5501 - Seminar on Media Technology (visualization on acoustical measurements), results in Jasa-EL
  • T-111.5400 - Keinotodellisuus (Virtual Reality) (4 op) L (2008, 2007, 2006, 2004, 2003)
  • T-111.5600 - Special assingment in digital media (Digitaalisen median erikoistyö) (2-4 op) L (2007, 2006)
  • T-111.5080 - Seminar, interactive digital theatre (4-8 op) L (2006)
  • T-111.590 - Seminar, 3D sound rendering. (2002)

Acoustics and Audio Technology   –   MyCourses


Other Activities

Some past projects and results

I was chosen to be a EspooAmbassador 2013, see more and a press article
Muusikon elektroninen kuulonsuojaus, funded by the The Finnish Work Environment Fund (01.09.2015 - 31.08.2016). See the final report.
Audio Augmented Reality, funded by the Nokia Technologies
BLAAST– a spin-off company based on our research
Management committee member in Cost Action TD0804 on Soundscapes
http://www.hipui.com Development of eyes-free user interfaces for mobile devices (2008-2011)
Intuition - Network of excellence in vIrtual reality aNd virTUal environments applIcaTIONs for future workspaces (2004-2008)
Uni-verse - A distributed interactive audio-visual virtual reality system (2004-2007)
Auralization in slow motion. DEMO
EVE - The Experimental Virtual Environment at HUT (1999-2006)
SARA - Spatial audio and room acoustics (2004-2007)
TAKU - Modeling, desing, and control of acoustics of closed spaces. Tekes funded project 1999-2002. Final report in Finnish and in English of the whole VÄRE program (VÄRE = Control of vibration and sound 1999-2002)
DIVA - Digital Interactive Virtual Acoustics (1997-2002)
HeCSE - Helsinki Graduate School in Computer Science and Engineering (1998-2002). The description of my Doctoral Thesis.
Marienkirche - A visual and aural demonstration film (Presented in SIGGRAPH'98, Electronic Theater).
Demo Sounds in VRML (1998)
NETVE - NETworked Virtual Environments (1997)

Hobbies: family, running, disc golf (download ringtones), used to play clarinet in (Retuperän WBK), ...

Old News

https://users.aalto.fi/~ktlokki/      updated January 12th, 2023