Courses taught in 2021-22
Digital Marketing
Recent studies suggest that almost 60% of new marketing jobs are in digital marketing. In this course, students will gain an understanding of the practical skills necessary to succeed in the online marketplace. This course will also teach students to think strategically about digital marketing, and how to develop, implement, and analyze digital marketing strategies using electronic media.
Learning outcomes:
- Understand the role of different online marketing channels throughout the customer journey.
- Apply the principles of search engine marketing, online advertising, email marketing, social media marketing, and relationship marketing to reach strategic outcomes.
- Understand the critical importance of managing online privacy, both from a marketer’s and a customer’s perspective.
Kim et al. 2019 PDF
Lambrecht & Tucker 2013 PDF
Bendle & Bagga 2016 PDF
Edelman 2010 PDF
Walker-Munro 2019 PDF
Marketing Analytics
The course provides an overview of the applications of marketing analytics in organizations, and covers concepts and tools such as return on marketing investment, customer lifetime value, price and advertising elasticity, marketing experiments, and applications of machine learning to marketing.
Learning outcomes:
- Understand how data about customers and the firm s marketing activities can be collected and leveraged to improve marketing productivity and organizational performance.
- Understands the statistical and mathematical principles underlying modern marketing analytics tools.
- Knows how to apply various techniques in the marketing analytics toolkit in order to harness actionable insights from data concerning the firm s customers, products, marketing communications and pricing.
Hume 2017 PDF
Marketing & Society
Most marketing courses focus on providing managerially relevant skills and insights, leaving little room for discussing the broader societal implications of marketing practice and consumer behavior. This course foregrounds these implications. The goal of the course is to examine the many taken-for-granted assumptions that underpin mainstream marketing theory and practice. We will cover topics such as the history of marketing thought, the role of regulations in the marketplace, marketplace access, and the implicit politics of sustainable and social marketing.
Learning outcomes:
- Students understand how markets, marketing, and consumer behavior are both influenced by and shape social structures and systems.
- Students are able to recognize various ethical dilemmas that may arise in everyday consumer behavior and marketing practice, and are able to critically reflect on the marketing activities of corporate, public, political, and non-governmental organizations.
- Students understand how marketing principles can be used outside the domain of commerce to foster individual and societal wellbeing.
- Students are able to apply the above knowledge when developing marketing strategies and engaging in marketing activities, helping their organization create equitable relationships with clients, customers, and society.
TBD: A collection of articles assigned by the lecturer
Other teaching experience
Year | Course | Level |
2019 | Market Research | Undergraduate (BSc) |
2015-16 | Product & Brand Management | Undergraduate (BSc) |
2015-16 | Fashion Marketing | Graduate (MSc) |