1. Implementation of a Contour Crafting System to a 3-Dimensional Concrete Printer
  2. Research Projects :– Recent Research Projects related to the COST Action TU1404
  4. Optimized neural network based carbonation prediction model
  5. Ageing Management Platform for Finnish NPP Concrete Infrastructure
  6. von Konow Academy Database (TvK-DB).A database based on the accurate field research and laboratory studies of mortars initiated by PhD Thorborg von Konow
  7. SAFIR2014- The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety 2011-2014 Final Report. 38.1 MANAGE summary report - Ageing management of concrete structures in nuclear power plants (MANAGE)
  8. Ageing Management Platform For NPP Concrete Structures
  9. von Konow Academy Database (TvK-DB).A database based on the accurate field research and laboratory studies of mortars initiated by PhD Thorborg von Konow
  10. Ageing Mechanisms of Building Structures and their Management
  11. Development of a Database for the Restoration Mortars - von Konow DB
  12. Monitoring, Evaluation and Long-term Forecasting of Hygrothermal Performance of Thick-walled Concrete Structure
  13. Developing a Computerized Aging Management System for Concrete Structures in Finnish Nuclear Power Plants
  14. Integral approach to service life management of NPP concrete infrastructure: From inspection database to predictive durability performance
  15. Condition Assessments and Corrosion Measurements of Cooling Water Chambers in a Nuclear Power Plant
  16. Developing a Computerized Aging Management System for Concrete Structures in Finnish Nuclear Power Plants
  17. Computerised prediction of the deterioration of concrete building facades caused by moisture and changes in temperature
  18. Ageing management of concrete structures in nuclear power plants (MANAGE)
  19. Development of database for the in-service inspection of the concrete structures of the Finnish Nuclear Power Plants
  20. Effect of different Repair Techniques on the Hygrothermal Performance of Concrete Façades
  21. Working Plan for the Aging Management System of Concrete Structures in Finnish Nuclear Power Plants
  22. Analysis of the moisture performance of wall structures at the zero-energy Luukku-house
  23. Network system for assessing the moisture and thermal behaviour of repaired concrete building facades
  24. Effect of interacted deterioration parameters on service life of concrete structures in cold environments, Laboratory test results 2009 - 2010
  25. The Effect of Cracking on Chloride Migration in Concrete
  26. Effect of NaCl and dirrerent CO2 concentrations on the mineral compositions of a hardened cement paste
  27. Computerized assessment of the moisture and thermal originated deterioration of concrete facades
  28. Monitoring System for Tracking the Hydrothermal Behaviour of the Building Structures
  29. Wireless Monitoring Sensor System for Tracking the Hydrothermal Behaviour and Deterioration of Building Structures
  30. Accounting for coupled deterioration mechanisms when designing durable concrete containing mineral by-products
  31. The use of ICT for monitoring the hygrothermal behavior of building structures
  32. Assessment of the moisture and thermal performance of repaired building facades
  33. Measuring the bowing of marble panels in building facades using terrestrial laser scanning technology
  34. The potential of the terrestrial laser scanning for geometrical building facades inspection
  35. Monitoring Relative Humidity and Temperature for Life-Time Assessment of Sandwich-Type Concrete Structures
  36. The Potential of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Detecting the Deterioration of Building Facades
  37. Detecting the Deterioration of Building Facades Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technique
  38. Korjatun julkisivurakenteen kosteusteknisen toiminnan seuranta
  39. Korjaustoimenpiteiden vaikutukset betonijulkisivujen käyttöikään
  40. Ohjeistus 1960- ja 1970- luvuilla rakennettujen betonijulkisivujen ja -parvekkeiden kunnostamisesta
  41. KT-tietokanta (the database software) Tietokantaohjelma, johon kerätään kuntotutkimusten tiedot.
  42. New Method for Monitoring the Hygrothermal Condition of Repaired Facades
  43. Case Study of Using Self-Compacting Concrete in Balcony Repairs
  44. Desing of database based on condition survey of concrete facades
  45. Development of Database for Concrete Facades’ Condition Survey
  46. The Development of a Condition Survey Database Management System and Hygrothermal Monitoring Method for Concrete Facades
  47. Using Self-compacting Concrete in Repairs
  48. Balcony Repair with Pumped Self-compacting Concrete
  49. Intergrated management of Condition Survey Database for Concrete Facades
  50. Monitoring the Hygrothermal Performance of Repaired Concrete Facades
  51. RH and temperature Measurement (the communication software) Tietokoneohjelma, joka mittaa, kerää ja tallentaa kosteusmonitorioinnin tiedot
  52. Effect of Maintenance Measures on Service Life of Concrete Facades.
  53. Itsetiivistyvien betonien suhteitus, valmistustekniikka ja perusominaisuudet
  54. Internal and surface deterioration of concrete due to frost action
  55. Stress and strain state of concrete during freezing and thawing cycles
  56. Ice Formation and Pore Water Redistribution During 2-Cycle Freezing and Thawing of Concrete Mortars
  57. Sementtimäärällä ja vesisementtisuhteella merkittävä vaikutus betonin kuivumisnopeuteen
