- Implementation of a Contour Crafting System to a 3-Dimensional Concrete Printer
- Research Projects :– Recent Research Projects related to the COST Action TU1404
- Optimized neural network based carbonation prediction model
- Ageing Management Platform for Finnish NPP Concrete Infrastructure
- von Konow Academy Database (TvK-DB).A database based on the accurate field research and laboratory studies of mortars initiated by PhD Thorborg von Konow
- SAFIR2014- The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety 2011-2014 Final Report. 38.1 MANAGE summary report - Ageing management of concrete structures in nuclear power plants (MANAGE)
- Ageing Management Platform For NPP Concrete Structures
- von Konow Academy Database (TvK-DB).A database based on the accurate field research and laboratory studies of mortars initiated by PhD Thorborg von Konow
- Ageing Mechanisms of Building Structures and their Management
- Development of a Database for the Restoration Mortars - von Konow DB
- Monitoring, Evaluation and Long-term Forecasting of Hygrothermal Performance of Thick-walled Concrete Structure
- Developing a Computerized Aging Management System for Concrete Structures in Finnish Nuclear Power Plants
- Integral approach to service life management of NPP concrete infrastructure: From inspection database to predictive durability performance
- Condition Assessments and Corrosion Measurements of Cooling Water Chambers in a Nuclear Power Plant
- Developing a Computerized Aging Management System for Concrete Structures in Finnish Nuclear Power Plants
- Computerised prediction of the deterioration of concrete building facades caused by moisture and changes in temperature
- Ageing management of concrete structures in nuclear power plants (MANAGE)
- Development of database for the in-service inspection of the concrete structures of the Finnish Nuclear Power Plants
- Effect of different Repair Techniques on the Hygrothermal Performance of Concrete Façades
- Working Plan for the Aging Management System of Concrete Structures in Finnish Nuclear Power Plants
- Analysis of the moisture performance of wall structures at the zero-energy Luukku-house
- Network system for assessing the moisture and thermal behaviour of repaired concrete building facades
- Effect of interacted deterioration parameters on service life of concrete structures in cold environments, Laboratory test results 2009 - 2010
- The Effect of Cracking on Chloride Migration in Concrete
- Effect of NaCl and dirrerent CO2 concentrations on the mineral compositions of a hardened cement paste
- Computerized assessment of the moisture and thermal originated deterioration of concrete facades
- Monitoring System for Tracking the Hydrothermal Behaviour of the Building Structures
- Wireless Monitoring Sensor System for Tracking the Hydrothermal Behaviour and Deterioration of Building Structures
- Accounting for coupled deterioration mechanisms when designing durable concrete containing mineral by-products
- The use of ICT for monitoring the hygrothermal behavior of building structures
- Assessment of the moisture and thermal performance of repaired building facades
- Measuring the bowing of marble panels in building facades using terrestrial laser scanning technology
- The potential of the terrestrial laser scanning for geometrical building facades inspection
- Monitoring Relative Humidity and Temperature for Life-Time Assessment of Sandwich-Type Concrete Structures
- The Potential of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Detecting the Deterioration of Building Facades
- Detecting the Deterioration of Building Facades Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technique
- Korjatun julkisivurakenteen kosteusteknisen toiminnan seuranta
- Korjaustoimenpiteiden vaikutukset betonijulkisivujen käyttöikään
- Ohjeistus 1960- ja 1970- luvuilla rakennettujen betonijulkisivujen ja -parvekkeiden kunnostamisesta
- KT-tietokanta (the database software) Tietokantaohjelma, johon kerätään kuntotutkimusten tiedot.
- New Method for Monitoring the Hygrothermal Condition of Repaired Facades
- Case Study of Using Self-Compacting Concrete in Balcony Repairs
- Desing of database based on condition survey of concrete facades
- Development of Database for Concrete Facades’ Condition Survey
- The Development of a Condition Survey Database Management System and Hygrothermal Monitoring Method for Concrete Facades
- Using Self-compacting Concrete in Repairs
- Balcony Repair with Pumped Self-compacting Concrete
- Intergrated management of Condition Survey Database for Concrete Facades
- Monitoring the Hygrothermal Performance of Repaired Concrete Facades
- RH and temperature Measurement (the communication software) Tietokoneohjelma, joka mittaa, kerää ja tallentaa kosteusmonitorioinnin tiedot
- Effect of Maintenance Measures on Service Life of Concrete Facades.
- Itsetiivistyvien betonien suhteitus, valmistustekniikka ja perusominaisuudet
- Internal and surface deterioration of concrete due to frost action
- Stress and strain state of concrete during freezing and thawing cycles
- Ice Formation and Pore Water Redistribution During 2-Cycle Freezing and Thawing of Concrete Mortars
- Sementtimäärällä ja vesisementtisuhteella merkittävä vaikutus betonin kuivumisnopeuteen