Personal data
- Name: Al-Neshawy, Fahim Metawlli
- Gender: Male
- Date of birth: 28.11.1964, Damietta - Egypt
- Citizenship: Finnish - Egyptian
Education and degrees awarded
- D.Sc. (Tech.) 2013 Aalto University, Finland, Structural Engineering and Building Physics
- Lic.Sc. (Tech.) 2007 Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, Major in Structural Engineering and Building Physics with minor in Computer Science
- M.Sc. (Tech.) 1996 Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, Major in Concrete Technology with minor in Buildings Repair Technology
- B.Sc. (Tech.) 1987 Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering, Egypt, Civil Engineering
Other education and training, qualifications and skills
- Studies at the department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2004 – 2007, Programming languages (Java, C++ and VB) and database development.
- Aalto University pedagogical training, started 2013
Linguistic skills
- Arabic: Mother tongue
- English: Very good practical knowledge in oral and written presentation
- Finnish: Very good practical knowledge in oral and written presentation
- French: Basics
Current position
- Project Researcher; Department of Civil and Structural Engineering at Aalto University, Finland, 2013
Previous work experience
- Staff Scientist at Aalto University School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering. Started in 1.6.2016.
- Researcher at Helsinki University of Technology / Aalto University, Laboratory of Structural Engineering and Building Physics. Started in 1.3.2004. Duties included database and hygrothermal monitoring software developing, concrete structures inspections, carrying out projects and related data Analysis
- Researcher at Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Building Materials Technology. 1.1.1996 to 29.2.2004. Duties included carrying out projects and related data Analysis, also acting as computer support person for the laboratory
- Field Engineer at El-Sherouk, Commerce & Contacting, Damietta, Egypt. 1.3. - 15.8.1989. Duties included the concreting of foundations and frames of the Damietta Polytechnic in New Damietta city
Research funding as well as leadership and supervision
- Preparation of funding applications of the following research projects:
- Non-destructive examination of NPP primary circuit components and concrete infrastructure
- Aging Management of Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plants (MANAGE).
- The reliability of integrated moisture sensors in building applications.
- Effect of Interacted Deterioration Parameters on Service Life of Concrete Structures in Cold Environments.
- The Use of ICT 3D Measuring Techniques for High Quality Construction.
- Supervision of several undergraduate students (Master and Bachelor of Science in Technology)
Academic merits
- Member of the Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries group for making the national appendix of the SFS-7022: Concrete. Application of standard SFS-EN 206-1 in Finland
Positions of trust in society and other societal merits
- The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT (CFCI), SFS-7022: Concrete. Application of standard SFS-EN 206-1 in Finland. Member, 2013-
- Concrete Association of Finland, Member, 1996-
- Association of Finnish Civil Engineers, Member, 2004