Bayesian data analysis
- Bayesian data analysis course material is based mostly on the textbook Bayesian data analysis, 3rd ed (BDA3) by Gelman, Carlin, Stern, Dunson, Vehtari and Rubin.
- All course material online, including video lectures, slides, code, and notes for most of the chapters. All material is licensed with open access and free software license.
- In Aalto University the course is 5 ECTS, 12 weeks and targeted for advanced BSc and first year MSc students.
- In 2021–2023, I also organized an instance targeted for Global south.
Regression and other stories
- Regression and other stories textbook by Gelman, Hill and Vehtari is a BSc level introduction to regression and causal analysis. Each chapter has exercises so the book is suitable for self study.
- Active statistics textbook by Gelman, and Vehtari provides statistics instructors and students with complete classroom material for a one- or two-semester course on applied regression and causal inference. It is built around 52 stories, 52 class-participation activities, 52 hands-on computer demonstrations, and 52 discussion problems that allow instructors and students to explore in a fun way the real-world complexity of the subject.