Source code for mne_rsa.rsa

# encoding: utf-8
"""Methods to compute representational similarity analysis (RSA)."""

import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from scipy import stats

from .folds import create_folds
from .rdm import _ensure_condensed, compute_rdm, compute_rdm_cv
from .searchlight import searchlight

    # Version 1.8.0 and up
    from scipy.stats._stats_py import _kendall_dis
except ImportError:
    from scipy.stats.stats import _kendall_dis

def _kendall_tau_a(x, y):
    """Compute Kendall's Tau metric, A-variant.

    Taken from scipy.stats.kendalltau and modified to be the tau-a variant.
    x = np.asarray(x).ravel()
    y = np.asarray(y).ravel()

    if x.size != y.size:
        raise ValueError(
            "All inputs to `kendalltau` must be of the same size,"
            " found x-size %s and y-size %s" % (x.size, y.size)
    elif not x.size or not y.size:
        return np.nan  # Return NaN if arrays are empty

    def count_rank_tie(ranks):
        cnt = np.bincount(ranks).astype("int64", copy=False)
        cnt = cnt[cnt > 1]
        return (
            (cnt * (cnt - 1) // 2).sum(),
            (cnt * (cnt - 1.0) * (cnt - 2)).sum(),
            (cnt * (cnt - 1.0) * (2 * cnt + 5)).sum(),

    size = x.size
    perm = np.argsort(y)  # sort on y and convert y to dense ranks
    x, y = x[perm], y[perm]
    y = np.r_[True, y[1:] != y[:-1]].cumsum(dtype="intp")

    # stable sort on x and convert x to dense ranks
    perm = np.argsort(x, kind="mergesort")
    x, y = x[perm], y[perm]
    x = np.r_[True, x[1:] != x[:-1]].cumsum(dtype="intp")

    dis = _kendall_dis(x, y)  # discordant pairs

    obs = np.r_[True, (x[1:] != x[:-1]) | (y[1:] != y[:-1]), True]
    cnt = np.diff(np.nonzero(obs)[0]).astype("int64", copy=False)

    ntie = (cnt * (cnt - 1) // 2).sum()  # joint ties
    xtie, x0, x1 = count_rank_tie(x)  # ties in x, stats
    ytie, y0, y1 = count_rank_tie(y)  # ties in y, stats

    tot = (size * (size - 1)) // 2

    if xtie == tot or ytie == tot:
        return np.nan

    # Note that tot = con + dis + (xtie - ntie) + (ytie - ntie) + ntie
    #               = con + dis + xtie + ytie - ntie
    con_minus_dis = tot - xtie - ytie + ntie - 2 * dis
    tau = con_minus_dis / tot
    # Limit range to fix computational errors
    tau = min(1.0, max(-1.0, tau))

    return tau

def _consolidate_masks(masks):
    if type(masks[0]) == slice:
        mask = slice(None)
        mask = masks[0]
        for m in masks[1:]:
            mask &= m
    return mask

def _partial_correlation(rdm_data, rdm_model, masks=None, type="pearson"):
    """Compute partial Pearson/Spearman correlation."""
    if len(rdm_model) == 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Need more than one model RDM to use partial " "correlation as metric."
    if type not in ["pearson", "spearman"]:
        raise ValueError("Correlation type must be either 'pearson' or " "'spearman'")

    if masks is not None:
        mask = _consolidate_masks(masks)
        rdm_model = [rdm[mask] for rdm in rdm_model]
        rdm_data = rdm_data[mask]

    X = np.vstack([rdm_data] + rdm_model).T
    if type == "spearman":
        X = np.apply_along_axis(stats.rankdata, 0, X)
    X = X - X.mean(axis=0)
    cov_X_inv = np.linalg.pinv(X.T @ X)
    norm = np.sqrt(np.outer(np.diag(cov_X_inv), np.diag(cov_X_inv)))
    R_partial = cov_X_inv / norm
    return -R_partial[0, 1:]

[docs] def rsa_gen(rdm_data_gen, rdm_model, metric="spearman", ignore_nan=False): """Generate RSA values between data and model RDMs. Will yield RSA scores for each data RDM. Parameters ---------- rdm_data_gen : generator of ndarray, shape (n_items, n_items) The generator for data RDMs rdm_model : ndarray, shape (n_items, n_items) | list of ndarray The model RDM, or list of model RDMs. metric : str The RSA metric to use to compare the RDMs. Valid options are: * 'spearman' for Spearman's correlation (the default) * 'pearson' for Pearson's correlation * 'kendall-tau-a' for Kendall's Tau (alpha variant) * 'partial' for partial Pearson correlations * 'partial-spearman' for partial Spearman correlations * 'regression' for linear regression weights Defaults to 'spearman'. ignore_nan : bool Whether to treat NaN's as missing values and ignore them when computing the distance metric. Defaults to ``False``. .. versionadded:: 0.8 Yields ------ rsa_val : float | ndarray, shape (len(rdm_model),) For each data RDM, the representational similarity with the model RDM. When multiple model RDMs are specified, this will be a 1D array of similarities, comparing the data RDM with each model RDM. See Also -------- rsa """ if isinstance(rdm_model, list): return_array = True rdm_model = [_ensure_condensed(rdm, "rdm_model") for rdm in rdm_model] else: return_array = False rdm_model = [_ensure_condensed(rdm_model, "rdm_model")] if ignore_nan: masks = [~np.isnan(rdm) for rdm in rdm_model] else: masks = [slice(None)] * len(rdm_model) for rdm_data in rdm_data_gen: rdm_data = _ensure_condensed(rdm_data, "rdm_data") if ignore_nan: data_mask = ~np.isnan(rdm_data) masks = [m & data_mask for m in masks] rsa_vals = _rsa_single_rdm(rdm_data, rdm_model, metric, masks) if return_array: yield np.asarray(rsa_vals) else: yield rsa_vals[0]
def _rsa_single_rdm(rdm_data, rdm_model, metric, masks): """Compute RSA between a single data RDM and one or more model RDMs.""" if metric == "spearman": rsa_vals = [ stats.spearmanr(rdm_data[mask], rdm_model_[mask])[0] for rdm_model_, mask in zip(rdm_model, masks) ] elif metric == "pearson": rsa_vals = [ stats.pearsonr(rdm_data[mask], rdm_model_[mask])[0] for rdm_model_, mask in zip(rdm_model, masks) ] elif metric == "kendall-tau-a": rsa_vals = [ _kendall_tau_a(rdm_data[mask], rdm_model_[mask]) for rdm_model_, mask in zip(rdm_model, masks) ] elif metric == "partial": rsa_vals = _partial_correlation(rdm_data, rdm_model, masks) elif metric == "partial-spearman": rsa_vals = _partial_correlation(rdm_data, rdm_model, masks, type="spearman") elif metric == "regression": mask = _consolidate_masks(masks) rdm_model = [rdm[mask] for rdm in rdm_model] rdm_data = rdm_data[mask] X = np.atleast_2d(np.array(rdm_model)).T X = X - X.mean(axis=0) y = rdm_data - rdm_data.mean() rsa_vals = np.linalg.lstsq(X, y, rcond=None)[0] else: raise ValueError( "Invalid RSA metric, must be one of: 'spearman', " "'pearson', 'partial', 'partial-spearman', " "'regression' or 'kendall-tau-a'." ) return rsa_vals
[docs] def rsa( rdm_data, rdm_model, metric="spearman", ignore_nan=False, n_data_rdms=None, n_jobs=1, verbose=False, ): """Perform RSA between data and model RDMs. Parameters ---------- rdm_data : ndarray, shape (n_items, n_items) | list | generator The data RDM (or list/generator of data RDMs). rdm_model : ndarray, shape (n_items, n_items) | list of ndarray The model RDM (or list of model RDMs). metric : str The RSA metric to use to compare the RDMs. Valid options are: * 'spearman' for Spearman's correlation (the default) * 'pearson' for Pearson's correlation * 'kendall-tau-a' for Kendall's Tau (alpha variant) * 'partial' for partial Pearson correlations * 'partial-spearman' for partial Spearman correlations * 'regression' for linear regression weights Defaults to 'spearman'. ignore_nan : bool Whether to treat NaN's as missing values and ignore them when computing the distance metric. Defaults to ``False``. .. versionadded:: 0.8 n_data_rdms : int | None The number of data RDMs. This is useful when displaying a progress bar, so an estimate can be made of the computation time remaining. This information is available if ``rdm_data`` is an array or a list, but if it is a generator, this information is not available and you may want to set it explicitly. n_jobs : int The number of processes (=number of CPU cores) to use. Specify -1 to use all available cores. Defaults to 1. verbose : bool Whether to display a progress bar. In order for this to work, you need the tqdm python module installed. Defaults to False. Returns ------- rsa_val : float | ndarray, shape (len(rdm_data), len(rdm_model)) Depending on whether one or more data and model RDMs were specified, a single similarity value or a 2D array of similarity values for each data RDM versus each model RDM. See Also -------- rsa_gen """ return_array = False if isinstance(rdm_data, list) or hasattr(rdm_data, "__next__"): return_array = True else: rdm_data = [rdm_data] if verbose: from tqdm import tqdm if n_data_rdms is not None: total = n_data_rdms elif hasattr(rdm_data, "__len__"): total = len(rdm_data) else: total = None rdm_data = tqdm(rdm_data, total=total, unit="RDM") if n_jobs == 1: rsa_vals = list(rsa_gen(rdm_data, rdm_model, metric, ignore_nan)) else: def process_single_rdm(rdm): return next(rsa_gen([rdm], rdm_model, metric, ignore_nan)) rsa_vals = Parallel(n_jobs)( delayed(process_single_rdm)(rdm) for rdm in rdm_data ) if return_array: return np.asarray(rsa_vals) else: return rsa_vals[0]
[docs] def rsa_array( X, rdm_model, patches=None, data_rdm_metric="correlation", data_rdm_params=dict(), rsa_metric="spearman", ignore_nan=False, y=None, n_folds=1, n_jobs=1, verbose=False, ): """Perform RSA on an array of data, possibly in a searchlight pattern. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, shape (n_items, n_series, n_times) An array containing the data. rdm_model : ndarray, shape (n, n) | (n * (n - 1) // 2,) | list of ndarray The model RDM, see :func:`compute_rdm`. For efficiency, you can give it in condensed form, meaning only the upper triangle of the matrix as a vector. See :func:`scipy.spatial.distance.squareform`. To perform RSA against multiple models at the same time, supply a list of model RDMs. Use :func:`compute_rdm` to compute RDMs. patches : generator of tuples | None Searchlight patches as generated by :class:`searchlight`. If ``None``, no searchlight is used. Defaults to ``None``. data_rdm_metric : str The metric to use to compute the data RDMs. This can be any metric supported by the scipy.distance.pdist function. Defaults to 'correlation'. data_rdm_params : dict Extra arguments for the distance metric used to compute the RDMs. Refer to :mod:`scipy.spatial.distance` for a list of all other metrics and their arguments. Defaults to an empty dictionary. rsa_metric : str The RSA metric to use to compare the RDMs. Valid options are: * 'spearman' for Spearman's correlation (the default) * 'pearson' for Pearson's correlation * 'kendall-tau-a' for Kendall's Tau (alpha variant) * 'partial' for partial Pearson correlations * 'partial-spearman' for partial Spearman correlations * 'regression' for linear regression weights Defaults to 'spearman'. ignore_nan : bool Whether to treat NaN's as missing values and ignore them when computing the distance metric. Defaults to ``False``. .. versionadded:: 0.8 y : ndarray of int, shape (n_items,) | None (Deprecated) For each item, a number indicating the class to which the item belongs. When ``None``, each item is assumed to belong to a different class. Defaults to ``None``. labels_rdm_model: list | None For each row in ``rdm_model``, a label that identifies the item to which it corresponds. This is used in combination with ``labels_X`` to align the data and model RDMs before comparing them. Each row should have a unique label. Labels may be of any python type that can be compared with ``==`` (int, float, string, tuple, etc). By default (``None``), the integers ``0:n_rows`` are used as labels. .. versionadded:: 0.10 labels_X : list | None For each element in ``X`` (=the first dimension), a label that identifies the item to which it corresponds. This is used in combination with ``labels_rdm_model`` to align the data and model RDMs before comparing them. Multiple elements in ``X`` may correspond to the same item, in which case they should have the same label and will be averaged when computing the data RDM. Labels may be of any python type that can be compared with ``==`` (int, float, string, tuple, etc). By default (``None``), the integers ``0:len(X)`` are used as labels. .. versionadded:: 0.10 n_folds : int | sklearn.model_selection.BaseCrollValidator | None Number of cross-validation folds to use when computing the distance metric. Folds are created based on the ``y`` parameter. Specify ``None`` to use the maximum number of folds possible, given the data. Alternatively, you can pass a Scikit-Learn cross validator object (e.g. ``sklearn.model_selection.KFold``) to assert fine-grained control over how folds are created. Defaults to 1 (no cross-validation). n_jobs : int The number of processes (=number of CPU cores) to use. Specify -1 to use all available cores. Defaults to 1. verbose : bool Whether to display a progress bar. In order for this to work, you need the tqdm python module installed. Defaults to False. Returns ------- rsa_vals : ndarray, shape ([n_series,] [n_times,] [n_model_rdms]) The RSA value for each searchlight patch. When ``spatial_radius`` is set to ``None``, there will only be no ``n_series`` dimension. When ``temporal_radius`` is set to ``None``, there will be no time dimension. When multiple models have been supplied, the last dimension will contain RSA results for each model. See Also -------- searchlight compute_rdm rdm_array """ if patches is None: patches = searchlight(X.shape) # One big searchlight patch # Create folds for cross-validated RDM metrics X = create_folds(X, y, n_folds) # The data is now folds x items x n_series x n_times if isinstance(rdm_model, list): rdm_model = [_ensure_condensed(rdm, "rdm_model") for rdm in rdm_model] else: rdm_model = [_ensure_condensed(rdm_model, "rdm_model")] if ignore_nan: masks = [~np.isnan(rdm) for rdm in rdm_model] else: masks = [slice(None)] * len(rdm_model) if verbose: from tqdm import tqdm shape = getattr(patches, "shape", (-1,)) patches = tqdm(patches, unit="patch") try: setattr(patches, "shape", shape) except AttributeError: pass def rsa_single_patch(patch): """Compute RSA for a single searchlight patch.""" if len(X) == 1: # Check number of folds # No cross-validation rdm_data = compute_rdm(X[0][patch], data_rdm_metric, **data_rdm_params) else: # Use cross-validation rdm_data = compute_rdm_cv( X[(slice(None),) + patch], data_rdm_metric, **data_rdm_params ) if ignore_nan: data_mask = ~np.isnan(rdm_data) patch_masks = [m & data_mask for m in masks] else: patch_masks = masks return _rsa_single_rdm(rdm_data, rdm_model, rsa_metric, patch_masks) # Call RSA multiple times in parallel for each searchlight patch data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(rsa_single_patch)(patch) for patch in patches ) # Figure out the desired dimensions of the resulting array dims = getattr(patches, "shape", (-1,)) if len(rdm_model) > 1: dims = dims + (len(rdm_model),) return np.array(data).reshape(dims)