The bliss toolΒΆ
bliss is an open-source tool for computing canonical labelings and automorphism groups of graphs. Its algorithms are described in the following papers, please cite them if you use bliss in your research or software tools.
Tommi Junttila and Petteri Kaski: Conflict Propagation and Component Recursion for Canonical Labeling. In TAPAS 2011, pages 151β162, 2011. [
bibtex entry
]Tommi Junttila and Petteri Kaski: Engineering an Efficient Canonical Labeling Tool for Large and Sparse Graphs. In ALENEX 2007, pages 135β149, 2007. [
bibtex entry
Currently, bliss is included as a library at least in the following tools:
- igraph
A network analysis package.
- SageMath
A free open-source mathematics software system.
A solver for mixed integer programming (MIP) and mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP).
- Arabesque
A system for distributed graph mining.
- GraKeL
A graph kernel library in Python.
- Peregrine
A pattern-aware graph mining system.
- Pangolin
A graph mining system