\(\definecolor{fakeaaltobluel}{RGB}{00,141,229} % 0065BD\)
\(\definecolor{aaltoblue}{RGB}{00,101,189} % 0065BD\)
\(\definecolor{aaltored}{RGB}{237,41,57} % ED2939\)
\(\newcommand{\subheading}[1]{\large{\usebeamercolor[fg]{frametitle} #1}}\)
\(%\newtcbox{\mybox}[1][red]{on line,arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,colback=#1!10!white,colframe=#1!50!black,boxsep=0pt,left=1pt,right=1pt,top=2pt,bottom=2pt,boxrule=0pt,bottomrule=1pt,toprule=1pt}\)
\(%\newtcbox{\mybox}[1][MyBoxBackground]{on line,arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,colback=#1!10!white,colframe=#1!50!black,boxsep=0pt,left=1pt,right=1pt,top=2pt,bottom=2pt,boxrule=0pt,bottomrule=1pt,toprule=1pt}\)
\( coltitle=red!25!black,title=#1,boxrule=1pt}\)
\( coltitle=red!25!black,boxrule=1pt,#1}\)
\(\newcommand{\Emph}[1]{\emph{\usebeamercolor[fg]{structure} #1}}\)
\(\newcommand{\TextDef}[1]{{\bf\usebeamercolor[fg]{structure} #1}}\)
\(\newcommand{\todo}[1]{\textbf{\Red{\Pointer #1}}}\)
\(\newcommand{\Pointer}{\raisebox{-1ex}{\huge\ding{43}}\ }\)
\(% Common math definitions\)
\(\newcommand{\Floor}[1]{\lfloor #1 \rfloor}\)
\(\newcommand{\Ceil}[1]{\lceil #1 \rceil}\)
\(\newcommand{\Substf}[3]{#1[#2 \mapsto #3]}\)
\(\newcommand{\Functions}[2]{[#1 \to #2]}\)
\(% Example interpretations\)
\(% EUF\)
\(% Arithmetics\)
\(% Arrays\)
\(% Theories of Lisp-like lists\)
\(% Sorted version additions\)
\(% SMTLIB logics\)
\(% Theory solver interface\)
\(% Nelson-Oppen\)
\(% Example formulas in Nelson-Oppen part\)
\(%\newcommand{\Engl}[1]{(engl.\ #1)}\)
\(% Fourier-Motzkin elimination\)
\(% SSA example\)
Part III: Some further topics (NOT INCLUDED IN THE AUTUMN 2020 VERSION)
This material is not included in the course in Autumn 2020!
In this last round, we will take a look at some selected further topics
in SMT.
Namely, we see how (some) theories can be combined so that one can reason,
for example, about lists containing integers.
In addition, we’ll briefly discuss how quantifiers can be handled and
show one quantifier elimination method that eliminates variables from
linear inequalities; this technique may be of interest in other contexts as well.
There are also many topics that are not covered in the course, e.g.,
Unsat cores: If your formula is unsatisfiable, why is this the case?
Usually proofs of unsatisfiability are large and thus difficult to understand for humans but unsatisfiability cores (a hopefully small subset of clauses that already quarantee unsatisfiability) may help in debugging/analysis
Interpolants: (approximation) formulas over common variables
Given two quantifier-free formulas \( A \) and \( B \) such that \( A \land B \) is \( \Th \)-unsatisfiable, find a formula \( C \) such that
\( A \ThModels C \), and
\( C \land B \ThModels \False \), and
\( P \) only refers to variables and uninterpreted symbols occurring in both \( A \) and \( B \)
A reference: