\(%\usepackage{color}\) \(%\usepackage{tcolorbox}\) \(%\tcbuselibrary{skins}\) \(\usepackage{pifont}\) \(\) \(\definecolor{fakeaaltobluel}{RGB}{00,141,229} % 0065BD\) \(\definecolor{aaltoblue}{RGB}{00,101,189} % 0065BD\) \(\definecolor{aaltored}{RGB}{237,41,57} % ED2939\) \(\) \(\definecolor{MyBoxBackground}{rgb}{0.98,0.98,1.0}\) \(\definecolor{MyBoxBorder}{rgb}{0.90,0.90,1.0}\) \(\definecolor{backgroundred}{rgb}{1.0,0.98,0.98}\) \(\definecolor{shadowred}{rgb}{1.0,0.90,0.90}\) \(\) \(%\newcommand{\subheading}[1]{\textbf{\large\color{fakeaaltobluel}#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\subheading}[1]{\large{\usebeamercolor[fg]{frametitle}\sc #1}}\) \(\) \(\) \(%\newtcbox{\mybox}[1][red]{on line,arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,colback=#1!10!white,colframe=#1!50!black,boxsep=0pt,left=1pt,right=1pt,top=2pt,bottom=2pt,boxrule=0pt,bottomrule=1pt,toprule=1pt}\) \(%\newtcbox{\mybox}[1][MyBoxBackground]{on line,arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,colback=#1!10!white,colframe=#1!50!black,boxsep=0pt,left=1pt,right=1pt,top=2pt,bottom=2pt,boxrule=0pt,bottomrule=1pt,toprule=1pt}\) \(\) \(\newtcolorbox{MyBoxTitled}[1]{colback=MyBoxBackground!100!black,colframe=MyBoxBorder!100!black,boxsep=2pt,left=0pt,right=0pt,top=2pt,bottom=0pt,%enhanced,%\) \( coltitle=red!25!black,title=#1,boxrule=1pt}\) \(\) \(\newtcolorbox{MyBox}[1][]{colback=MyBoxBackground!100!black,colframe=MyBoxBorder!100!black,boxsep=0pt,left=2pt,right=0pt,top=0pt,bottom=0pt,%enhanced,%\) \( coltitle=red!25!black,boxrule=1pt,#1}\) \(\) \(\newenvironment{EqnBox}[1]{\begin{adjustbox}{valign=t}\begin{minipage}{#1}\begin{MyBox}[colback=backgroundred!100!black,colframe=shadowred!100!black]}{\end{MyBox}\end{minipage}\end{adjustbox}}\) \(\) \(\newenvironment{topbox}[1]{\begin{adjustbox}{valign=t}\begin{minipage}{#1}}{\end{minipage}\end{adjustbox}}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\Blue}[1]{{\color{aaltoblue}#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\Red}[1]{{\color{aaltored}#1}}\) \(%\newcommand{\Emph}[1]{\emph{\color{aaltoblue}#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\Emph}[1]{\emph{\usebeamercolor[fg]{structure} #1}}\) \(%\newcommand{\Emp}{\usebeamercolor[fg]{structure}}\) \(\newcommand{\Emp}{\color{aaltored}}\) \(\newcommand{\TextDef}[1]{{\bf\usebeamercolor[fg]{structure} #1}}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\todo}[1]{\textbf{\Red{\Pointer #1}}}\) \(\newcommand{\TODO}[1]{\todo{#1}}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\Pointer}{\raisebox{-1ex}{\huge\ding{43}}\ }\) \(\) \(%\newcommand{\Follows}{\Pointer}\) \(\newcommand{\Follows}{\color{flagblue}\rightsquigarrow}\) \(\newcommand{\Property}{{\color{italygreen}\bf Property}}\) \(\) \(\) \(%\) \(% Common math definitions\) \(%\) \(\newcommand{\Set}[1]{\{#1\}}\) \(\newcommand{\Setdef}[2]{\{{#1}\mid{#2}\}}\) \(\newcommand{\PSet}[1]{\mathcal{P}(#1)}\) \(\newcommand{\Pair}[2]{(#1,#2)}\) \(\newcommand{\Card}[1]{{\vert{#1}\vert}}\) \(\newcommand{\Tuple}[1]{(#1)}\) \(\newcommand{\Seq}[1]{[#1]}\) \(\newcommand{\bbZ}{\mathbb{Z}}\) \(\newcommand{\Ints}{\mathbb{Z}}\) \(\newcommand{\Reals}{\mathbb{R}}\) \(\newcommand{\bbQ}{\mathbb{Q}}\) \(\newcommand{\Rats}{\bbQ}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\False}{\textsf{F}}\) \(\newcommand{\True}{\textsf{T}}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\Implies}{\rightarrow}\) \(\newcommand{\Iff}{\leftrightarrow}\) \(%\newcommand{\Implies}{\Rightarrow}\) \(%\newcommand{\Iff}{\Leftrightarrow}\) \(\newcommand{\Xor}{\oplus}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\Equiv}{\equiv}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\Oh}[1]{O(#1)}\) \(%\newcommand{\Theta}[1]{\Theta(#1)}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\PHP}[2]{\mathrm{php}_{#1,#2}}\) \(\newcommand{\PH}[2]{\mathit{x}_{#1,#2}}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\NP}{\textbf{NP}}\) \(\newcommand{\coNP}{\textbf{co-NP}}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\bnfdef}{\mathrel{\textup{::=}}}\) \(\newcommand{\bnfor}{\mathrel{\mid}}\) \(\)
\(\newcommand{\Vars}{X}\) \(\newcommand{\VarsOf}[1]{\mathop{vars}(#1)}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\Bool}{\Bbb{B}}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\FF}{\bot} % Formula "False"\) \(\newcommand{\TF}{\top} % Formula "True"\) \(%\newcommand{\FF}{\mathbf{F}} % Formula "True"\) \(%\newcommand{\TF}{\mathbf{T}} % Formula "False"\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\LHS}{\alpha}\) \(\newcommand{\RHS}{\beta}\) \(\newcommand{\EHS}{\gamma}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\Res}[2]{{#1} \otimes {#2}}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\Gates}{{\mathcal G}}\) \(\newcommand{\Eqns}{{\mathcal D}}\) \(\newcommand{\Circuit}{{\mathcal C}}\) \(\newcommand{\GDef}{\mathrel{\mathrm{:=}}}\) \(\newcommand{\Gate}{g}\) \(\newcommand{\GateL}{g'}\) \(\newcommand{\GateR}{g''}\) \(\newcommand{\GateVar}[1]{v_{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\ORf}{\mathbf{or}}\) \(\newcommand{\ANDf}{\mathbf{and}}\) \(\newcommand{\NOTf}{\mathbf{not}}\) \(\newcommand{\OR}[1]{\mathbf{or}(#1)}\) \(\newcommand{\AND}[1]{\mathbf{and}(#1)}\) \(\newcommand{\NOT}[1]{\mathbf{not}(#1)}\) \(\newcommand{\FG}{\mathbf{f}} % Input gate "False"\) \(\newcommand{\TG}{\mathbf{t}} % Input gate "True"\) \(\newcommand{\Tseitin}[1]{\mathop{\textrm{cnf}}(#1)}\) \(\newcommand{\Trans}{\mathrel{\rightsquigarrow}}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\SUD}[3]{x_{#1,#2,#3}}\) \(\newcommand{\SUDClues}{H}\) \(\) \(\newcommand{\PseudoDPLL}{\mathop{\mathit{dpll}}}\) \(\newcommand{\PseudoAsgn}{\mathrel{\leftarrow}}\) \(\newcommand{\PseudoUnsat}{\mathbf{unsat}}\) \(\newcommand{\PseudoSat}{\mathbf{sat}}\) \(\newcommand{\TA}{\tau}\) \(\newcommand{\Undef}{\mathit{undef}}\) \(%\newcommand{\PseudoPropagate}{\textit{propagate}}\)

DNF — The Disjunctive Normal Form

The disjunctive normal form is the dual of CNF. We define a cube to be a conjunction \( (l_1 \land l_2 \land … \land l_n) \) of literals. A cube is contradictory if it contains a literal and its negation. A formula is in disjunctive normal form (DNF) if it is a disjunction of cubes.


The formula \( (a \land \neg b) \lor (\neg a \land \neg b \land c) \) is in DNF.

Checking whether a DNF formula is satisfiable is easy: as the formula is a disjunction of cubes, each non-contradictory cube corresponds to one or more satisfying truth assignments.


The DNF formula \( (a \land \neg b) \lor (\neg a \land \neg b \land c) \) over the three variables \( \Set{a,b,c} \) has three satisfying truth assignments:

  • ​ The cube \( (a \land \neg b) \) corresponds to \( \Set{a \mapsto \True, b \mapsto \False, c \mapsto \False} \) and \( \Set{a \mapsto \True, b \mapsto \False, c \mapsto \True} \).

  • ​ The cube \( (\neg a \land \neg b \land c) \) corresponds to \( \Set{a \mapsto \False, b \mapsto \False, c \mapsto \True} \).

However, this fact does not make SAT solving trivial: translating a formula to DNF can require exponential time and space in the worst case.


Consider the parity formula \( x_1 \Xor x_2 \Xor \ldots \Xor x_n \). Its minimal DNF consists of \( 2^{n-1} \) cubes of length \( n \). For instance, when \( n = 3 \), the DNF of \( x_1 \Xor x_2 \Xor x_3 \) is \begin{eqnarray*} (\neg x_1 \land \neg x_2 \land x_3) &{\lor}&\\\\ (\neg x_1 \land x_2 \land \neg x_3) &{\lor}&\\\\ (x_1 \land \neg x_2 \land \neg x_3) &{\lor}&\\\\ (x_1 \land x_2 \land x_3) \end{eqnarray*}

As with CNF (recall the section CNF Translations), a formula can be translated to DNF by local rewriting rules:

  • ​ removing other binary operands but disjunction and conjunction,

  • ​ pushing negations next to variables, and

  • ​ pushing disjunctions outside of conjunctions with the rule \( {\EHS \land (\LHS \lor \RHS)} \Trans {(\EHS \land \LHS) \lor (\EHS \land \RHS)} \)

For small formulas, the DNF can also be directly read from the truth table by observing that a cube \( (l_1 \land … \land l_k) \) “includes” all the rows in which \( l_1,…,l_k \) are all true.


Consider the formula \( (a \land b) \Xor c \) with the truth table below. \[\begin{array}{ccc|c|c@{}} a & b & c & (a \land b) & (a \land b) \Xor c \\\\ \hline \False & \False & \False & \False & \False \\\\ \False & \False & \True & \False & \True \\\\ \False & \True & \False & \False & \False \\\\ \False & \True & \True & \False & \True \\\\ \True & \False & \False & \False & \False \\\\ \True & \False & \True & \False & \True \\\\ \True & \True & \False & \True & \True \\\\ \True & \True & \True & \True & \False \\\\ \end{array}\] Now the cube \( (\neg a \land \neg b \land c) \) includes the second row in which \( a \) and \( b \) are false and \( c \) is true. Including all the rows, and only those, in which \( (a \land b) \Xor c \) is \( \True \) by adding cubes, we get the DNF formula \begin{equation} (\neg a \land \neg b \land c) \lor (\neg a \land b \land c) \lor (a \land \neg b \land c) \lor (a \land b \land \neg c) \end{equation}