7  Statements

The blocks of a Stan program are made up of variable declarations and statements; see the blocks chapter for details. Unlike programs in BUGS, the declarations and statements making up a Stan program are executed in the order in which they are written. Variables must be defined to have some value (as well as declared to have some type) before they are used — if they do not, the behavior is undefined.

The basis of Stan’s execution is the evaluation of a log probability function (specifically, a log probability density function) for a given set of (real-valued) parameters. Log probability functions can be constructed by using distribution statements and log probability increment statements. Statements may be grouped into sequences and into for-each loops. In addition, Stan allows local variables to be declared in blocks and also allows an empty statement consisting only of a semicolon.

7.1 Statement block contexts

The data and parameters blocks do not allow statements of any kind because these blocks are solely used to declare the data variables for input and the parameter variables for sampling. All other blocks allow statements. In these blocks, both variable declarations and statements are allowed. All top-level variables in a block are considered block variables. See the blocks chapter for more information about the block structure of Stan programs.

7.2 Assignment statements

An assignment statement consists of a variable (possibly multivariate with indexing information) and an expression. Executing an assignment statement evaluates the expression on the right-hand side and assigns it to the (indexed) variable on the left-hand side. An example of a simple assignment is as follows.

n = 0;

Executing this statement assigns the value of the expression 0, which is the integer zero, to the variable n. For an assignment to be well formed, the type of the expression on the right-hand side should be compatible with the type of the (indexed) variable on the left-hand side. For the above example, because 0 is an expression of type int, the variable n must be declared as being of type int or of type real. If the variable is of type real, the integer zero is promoted to a floating-point zero and assigned to the variable. After the assignment statement executes, the variable n will have the value zero (either as an integer or a floating-point value, depending on its type).

Syntactically, every assignment statement must be followed by a semicolon. Otherwise, whitespace between the tokens does not matter (the tokens here being the left-hand-side (indexed) variable, the assignment operator, the right-hand-side expression and the semicolon).

Because the right-hand side is evaluated first, it is possible to increment a variable in Stan just as in C++ and other programming languages by writing

n = n + 1;

Such self assignments are not allowed in BUGS, because they induce a cycle into the directed graphical model.

The left-hand side of an assignment may contain indices for array, matrix, or vector data structures. For instance, if Sigma is of type matrix, then

Sigma[1, 1] = 1.0;

sets the value in the first column of the first row of Sigma to one.

Assignments to subcomponents of larger multi-variate data structures are supported by Stan. For example, a is an array of type array[,] real and b is an array of type array[] real, then the following two statements are both well-formed.

a[3] = b;
b = a[4];

Similarly, if x is a variable declared to have type row_vector and Y is a variable declared as type matrix, then the following sequence of statements to swap the first two rows of Y is well formed.

x = Y[1];
Y[1] = Y[2];
Y[2] = x;

7.2.1 Promotion

Stan allows assignment of lower types to higher types, but not vice-versa. That is, we can assign an expression of type int to an lvalue of type real, and we can assign an expression of type real to an lvalue of type complex. Furthermore, promotion is transitive, so that we can assign an expression of type int to an lvalue of type complex.

Promotion extends to containers, so that arrays of int can be promoted to arrays of real during assignment, and arrays of real can be assigned to an lvalue of type array of complex. Similarly, an expression of type vector may be assigned to an lvalue of type complex_vector, and similarly for row vectors and matrices.

Lvalue summary

The expressions that are legal left-hand sides of assignment statements are known as “lvalues.” In Stan, there are three kinds of legal lvalues,

  • a variable, or
  • a variable with one or more indices, or
  • a comma separated list of lvalues surrounded by ( and )

To be used as an lvalue, an indexed variable must have at least as many dimensions as the number of indices provided. An array of real or integer types has as many dimensions as it is declared for. A matrix has two dimensions and a vector or row vector one dimension; this also holds for the constrained types, covariance and correlation matrices and their Cholesky factors and ordered, positive ordered, and simplex vectors. An array of matrices has two more dimensions than the array and an array of vectors or row vectors has one more dimension than the array. Note that the number of indices can be less than the number of dimensions of the variable, meaning that the right hand side must itself be multidimensional to match the remaining dimensions.

Multiple indexes

Multiple indexes, as described in the multi-indexing section, are also permitted on the left-hand side of assignments. Indexing on the left side works exactly as it does for expressions, with multiple indexes preserving index positions and single indexes reducing them. The type on the left side must still match the type on the right side.


All assignment is carried out as if the right-hand side is copied before the assignment. This resolves any potential aliasing issues arising from he right-hand side changing in the middle of an assignment statement’s execution.

7.2.2 Compound arithmetic and assignment statement

Stan’s arithmetic operators may be used in compound arithmetic and assignment operations. For example, consider the following example of compound addition and assignment.

real x = 5;
x += 7;  // value of x is now 12

The compound arithmetic and assignment statement above is equivalent to the following long form.

x = x + 7;

In general, the compound form

x op= y

will be equivalent to

x = x op y;

The compound statement will be legal whenever the long form is legal. This requires that the operation x op y must itself be well formed and that the result of the operation be assignable to x. For the expression x to be assignable, it must be an indexed variable where the variable is defined in the current block. For example, the following compound addition and assignment statement will increment a single element of a vector by two.

vector[N] x;
x[3] += 2;

As a further example, consider

matrix[M, M] x;
vector[M] y;
real z;
x *= x;  // OK, (x * x) is a matrix
x *= z;  // OK, (x * z) is a matrix
x *= y;  // BAD, (x * y) is a vector

The supported compound arithmetic and assignment operations are listed in the compound arithmetic/assignment table; they are also listed in the index prefaced by operator, e.g., operator+=.

Compound Arithmetic/Assignment Table. Stan allows compound arithmetic and assignment statements of the forms listed in the table. The compound form is legal whenever the corresponding long form would be legal and it has the same effect.

operation compound unfolded
addition x += y x = x + y
subtraction x -= y x = x - y
multiplication x *= y x = x * y
division x /= y x = x / y
elementwise multiplication x .*= y x = x .* y
elementwise division x ./= y x = x ./ y

7.3 Increment log density

The basis of Stan’s execution is the evaluation of a log probability function (specifically, a log probability density function) for a given set of (real-valued) parameters; this function returns the log density of the posterior up to an additive constant. Data and transformed data are fixed before the log density is evaluated. The total log probability is initialized to zero. Next, any log Jacobian adjustments accrued by the variable constraints are added to the log density (the Jacobian adjustment may be skipped for optimization). Distribution statements and log probability increment statements may add to the log density in the model block. A log probability increment statement directly increments the log density with the value of an expression as follows.1

target += -0.5 * y * y;

The keyword target here is actually not a variable, and may not be accessed as such (though see below on how to access the value of target through a special function).

In this example, the unnormalized log probability of a unit normal variable \(y\) is added to the total log probability. In the general case, the argument can be any expression.2

An entire Stan model can be implemented this way. For instance, the following model has a single variable according to a unit normal probability.

parameters {
  real y;
model {
  target += -0.5 * y * y;

This model defines a log probability function

\[ \log p(y) = - \, \frac{y^2}{2} - \log Z \]

where \(Z\) is a normalizing constant that does not depend on \(y\). The constant \(Z\) is conventionally written this way because on the linear scale, \[ p(y) = \frac{1}{Z} \exp\left(-\frac{y^2}{2}\right). \] which is typically written without reference to \(Z\) as \[ p(y) \propto \exp\left(-\frac{y^2}{2}\right). \]

Stan only requires models to be defined up to a constant that does not depend on the parameters. This is convenient because often the normalizing constant \(Z\) is either time-consuming to compute or intractable to evaluate. Built in distributions

The built in distribution functions in Stan are all available in normalized and unnormalized form. The normalized forms include all of the terms in the log density, and the unnormalized forms drop terms which are not directly or indirectly a function of the model parameters.

For instance, the normal_lpdf function returns the log density of a normal distribution:

\[ \textsf{normal\_lpdf}(x | \mu, \sigma) = -\log \left( \sigma \sqrt{2 \pi} \right) -\frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{x - \mu}{\sigma} \right)^2 \]

The normal_lupdf function returns the log density of an unnormalized distribution. With the unnormalized version of the function, Stan does not define what the normalization constant will be, though usually as many terms as possible are dropped to make the calculation fast. Dropping a constant sigma term, normal_lupdf would be equivalent to:

\[ \textsf{normal\_lupdf}(x | \mu, \sigma) = -\frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{x - \mu}{\sigma} \right)^2 \]

All functions ending in _lpdf have a corresponding _lupdf version which evaluates and returns the unnormalized density. The same is true for _lpmf and _lupmf.

Relation to compound addition and assignment

The increment log density statement looks syntactically like compound addition and assignment (see the compound arithmetic/assignment section, it is treated as a primitive statement because target is not itself a variable. So, even though

target += lp;

is a legal statement, the corresponding long form is not legal.

target = target + lp;  // BAD, target is not a variable


The target += ... statement accepts an argument in place of ... for any expression type, including integers, reals, vectors, row vectors, matrices, and arrays of any dimensionality, including arrays of vectors and matrices. For container arguments, their sum will be added to the total log density.

Accessing the log density

To access accumulated log density up to the current execution point, the function target() may be used.

7.4 Sampling statements

The term “sampling statement” has been replaced with distribution statement.

7.5 Distribution statements

Stan supports writing probability statements also using distribution statements, for example

y ~ normal(mu, sigma);
mu ~ normal(0, 10);
sigma ~ normal(0, 1);

The symbol \(\sim\) is called tilde. Due to historical reasons, the distribution statements used to be called “sampling statements” in Stan, but that term is not recommended anymore as it is a less accurate description.

In general, we can read \(\sim\) as “is distributed as,” and overall this notation is used as a shorthand for defining distributions, so that the above example can be written also as \[ \begin{aligned} p(y| \mu, \sigma) & = \mathrm{normal}(y | \mu, \sigma)\\ p(\mu) & = \mathrm{normal}(\mu | 0, 10)\\ p(\sigma) & = \mathrm{normal}^+(\sigma | 0, 1). \end{aligned} \] A collection of distribution statements define a joint distribution as the product of component distributions \[ p(y,\mu,\sigma) = p(y| \mu, \sigma )p(\mu) p(\sigma). \]

This works even if the model is not constructed generatively. For example, suppose you include the following code in a Stan model:

  a ~ normal(0, 1);
  a ~ normal(0, 1);

This is translated to \[ p(a) = \mathrm{normal}(a | 0, 1)\mathrm{normal}(a | 0, 1), \] which in this case is \(\mathrm{normal}(a|0,1/\sqrt{2})\). One might expect that the above two lines of code would represent a redundant expression of a \(\mathrm{normal}(a|0,1)\) prior, but, no, each line of code corresponds to an additional term in the target, or log posterior density. You can think of each line as representing an additional piece of information.

When the joint distribution is considered as a function of parameters (e.g. \(\mu\), \(\sigma\)) given fixed data, it is proportional to the posterior distribution. In general, the posterior distribution is not a normalized probability density function—that is, it will be positive but will not in general integrate to 1—but the proportionality is sufficient for the Stan algorithms.

Stan always constructs the target function—in Bayesian terms, the log posterior density function of the parameter vector—by adding terms in the model block. Equivalently, each \(\sim\) statement corresponds to a multiplicative factor in the unnormalized posterior density.

Distribution statements (~) accept only built-in or user-defined distributions on the right side. The left side of a distribution statement may be data, parameter, or a complex expression, but the evaluated type needs to match one of the allowed types of the distribution on the right (see more below).

In Stan, a distribution statement is merely a notational convenience following the typical notation used to present models in the literature. The above model defined with distribution statements could be expressed as a direct increment on the total log probability density as

target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);
target += normal_lpdf(mu | 0, 10);
target += normal_lpdf(sigma | 0, 1);

Stan models can mix distribution statements and log probability increment statements. Although statistical models are usually defined with distributions in the literature, there are several scenarios in which we may want to code the log likelihood or parts of it directly, for example, due to computational efficiency (e.g. censored data model) or coding language limitations (e.g. mixture models in Stan). This is possible with log probability increment statements. See also the discussion below about Jacobians.

In general, a distribution statement of the form

y ~ dist(theta1, ..., thetaN);

involving subexpressions y and theta1 through thetaN (including the case where N is zero) will be well formed if and only if the corresponding log probability increment statement is well-formed. For densities allowing real y values, the log probability density function is used,

target += dist_lpdf(y | theta1, ..., thetaN);

For those restricted to integer y values, the log probability mass function is used,

target += dist_lpmf(y | theta1, ..., thetaN);

This will be well formed if and only if dist_lpdf(y | theta1, ..., thetaN) or dist_lpmf(y | theta1, ..., thetaN) is a well-formed expression of type real. User defined distributions can be defined in functions block by using function names ending with _lpdf.

Log probability increment vs. distribution statement

Although both lead to the same inference algorithm behavior in Stan, there is one critical difference between using the distribution statement, as in

y ~ normal(mu, sigma);

and explicitly incrementing the log probability function, as in

target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);

The distribution statement drops all the terms in the log probability function that are constant, whereas the explicit call to normal_lpdf adds all of the terms in the definition of the log normal probability function, including all of the constant normalizing terms. Therefore, the explicit increment form can be used to recreate the exact log probability values for the model. Otherwise, the distribution statement form will be faster if any of the input expressions, y, mu, or sigma, involve only constants, data variables, and transformed data variables. See the section Built in distributions above discussing _lupdf and _lupmf functions that also drops all the constant terms.

User-transformed variables

The left-hand side of a distribution statement may be an arbitrary expression (of compatible type)“. For instance, it is legal syntactically to write

parameters {
  real<lower=0> beta;
// ...
model {
  log(beta) ~ normal(mu, sigma);

Unfortunately, this is not enough to properly model beta as having a lognormal distribution. Whenever a nonlinear transform is applied to a parameter, such as the logarithm function being applied to beta here, and then used on the left-hand side of a distribution statement or on the left of a vertical bar in a log pdf function, an adjustment must be made to account for the differential change in scale and ensure beta gets the correct distribution. The correction required is to add the log Jacobian of the transform to the target log density; see the change of variables section for full definitions. For the case above, the following adjustment will account for the log transform.3

target += - log(abs(y));

Truncated distributions

Stan supports truncating distributions with lower bounds, upper bounds, or both.

Truncating with lower and upper bounds

A probability density function \(p(x)\) for a continuous distribution may be truncated to an interval \([a, b]\) to define a new density \(p_{[a, b]}(x)\) with support \([a, b]\) by setting

\[ p_{[a, b]}(x) = \frac{p(x)} {\int_a^b p(u) \, du}. \]

A probability mass function \(p(x)\) for a discrete distribution may be truncated to the closed interval \([a, b]\) by

\[ p_{[a, b]}(x) = \frac{p(x)} {\sum_{u = a}^b p(u)}. \]

Truncating with a lower bound

A probability density function \(p(x)\) can be truncated to \([a, \infty]\) by defining

\[ p_{[a, \infty]}(x) = \frac{p(x)} {\int_a^{\infty} p(u) \, du}. \]

A probability mass function \(p(x)\) is truncated to \([a, \infty]\) by defining

\[ p_{[a, \infty]}(x) = \frac{p(x)} {\sum_{a <= u} p(u)}. \]

Truncating with an upper bound

A probability density function \(p(x)\) can be truncated to \([-\infty, b]\) by defining

\[ p_{[-\infty, b]}(x) = \frac{p(x)} {\int_{-\infty}^b p(u) \, du}. \]

A probability mass function \(p(x)\) is truncated to \([-\infty, b]\) by defining

\[ p_{[-\infty,b]}(x) = \frac{p(x)} {\sum_{u <= b} p(u)}. \]

Cumulative distribution functions

Given a probability function \(p_X(x)\) for a random variable \(X\), its cumulative distribution function (cdf) \(F_X(x)\) is defined to be the probability that \(X \leq x\),

\[ F_X(x) = \Pr[X \leq x]. \]

The upper-case variable \(X\) is the random variable whereas the lower-case variable \(x\) is just an ordinary bound variable. For continuous random variables, the definition of the cdf works out to

\[ F_X(x) \ = \ \int_{-\infty}^{x} p_X(u) \, du, \]

For discrete variables, the cdf is defined to include the upper bound given by the argument,

\[ F_X(x) = \sum_{u \leq x} p_X(u). \]

Complementary cumulative distribution functions

The complementary cumulative distribution function (ccdf) in both the continuous and discrete cases is given by

\[ F^C_X(x) \ = \ \Pr[X > x] \ = \ 1 - F_X(x). \]

Unlike the cdf, the ccdf is exclusive of the bound, hence the event \(X > x\) rather than the cdf’s event \(X \leq x\).

For continuous distributions, the ccdf works out to

\[ F^C_X(x) \ = \ 1 - \int_{-\infty}^x p_X(u) \, du \ = \ \int_x^{\infty} p_X(u) \, du. \]

The lower boundary can be included in the integration bounds because it is a single point on a line and hence has no probability mass. For the discrete case, the lower bound must be excluded in the summation explicitly by summing over \(u > x\),

\[ F^C_X(x) \ = \ 1 - \sum_{u \leq x} p_X(u) \ = \ \sum_{u > x} p_X(u). \]

Cumulative distribution functions provide the necessary integral calculations to define truncated distributions. For truncation with lower and upper bounds, the denominator is defined by \[ \int_a^b p(u) \, du = F_X(b) - F_X(a). \] This allows truncated distributions to be defined as \[ p_{[a,b]}(x) = \frac{p_X(x)} {F_X(b) - F_X(a)}. \]

For discrete distributions, a slightly more complicated form is required to explicitly insert the lower truncation point, which is otherwise excluded from \(F_X(b) - F_X(a)\),

\[ p_{[a,b]}(x) = \frac{p_X(x)} {F_X(b) - F_X(a) + p_X(a)}. \]

Truncation with lower and upper bounds in Stan

Stan allows probability functions to be truncated. For example, a truncated unit normal distributions restricted to \([-0.5, 2.1]\) can be coded with the following distribution statement.

y ~ normal(0, 1) T[-0.5, 2.1];

Truncated distributions are translated as an additional term in the accumulated log density function plus error checking to make sure the variate in the distribution statement is within the bounds of the truncation.

In general, the truncation bounds and parameters may be parameters or local variables.

Because the example above involves a continuous distribution, it behaves the same way as the following more verbose form.

y ~ normal(0, 1);
if (y < -0.5 || y > 2.1) {
  target += negative_infinity();
} else {
  target += -log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(2.1 | 0, 1),
                          normal_lcdf(-0.5 | 0, 1));

Because a Stan program defines a log density function, all calculations are on the log scale. The function normal_lcdf is the log of the cumulative normal distribution function and the function log_diff_exp(a, b) is a more arithmetically stable form of log(exp(a) - exp(b)).

For a discrete distribution, another term is necessary in the denominator to account for the excluded boundary. The truncated discrete distribution

y ~ poisson(3.7) T[2, 10];

behaves in the same way as the following code.

y ~ poisson(3.7);
if (y < 2 || y > 10) {
  target += negative_infinity();
} else {
  target += -log_sum_exp(poisson_lpmf(2 | 3.7),
                         log_diff_exp(poisson_lcdf(10 | 3.7),
                                      poisson_lcdf(2 | 3.7)));

Recall that log_sum_exp(a, b) is just the arithmetically stable form of log(exp(a) + exp(b)).

Truncation with lower bounds in Stan

For truncating with only a lower bound, the upper limit is left blank.

y ~ normal(0, 1) T[-0.5, ];

This truncated distribution statement has the same behavior as the following code.

y ~ normal(0, 1);
if (y < -0.5) {
  target += negative_infinity();
} else {
  target += -normal_lccdf(-0.5 | 0, 1);

The normal_lccdf function is the normal complementary cumulative distribution function.

As with lower and upper truncation, the discrete case requires a more complicated denominator to add back in the probability mass for the lower bound. Thus

y ~ poisson(3.7) T[2, ];

behaves the same way as

y ~ poisson(3.7);
if (y < 2) {
  target += negative_infinity();
} else {
  target += -log_sum_exp(poisson_lpmf(2 | 3.7),
                         poisson_lccdf(2 | 3.7));

Truncation with upper bounds in Stan

To truncate with only an upper bound, the lower bound is left blank. The upper truncated distribution statement

y ~ normal(0, 1) T[ , 2.1];

produces the same result as the following code.

target += normal_lpdf(y | 0, 1);
if (y > 2.1) {
  target += negative_infinity();
} else {
  target += -normal_lcdf(2.1 | 0, 1);

With only an upper bound, the discrete case does not need a boundary adjustment. The upper-truncated distribution statement

y ~ poisson(3.7) T[ , 10];

behaves the same way as the following code.

y ~ poisson(3.7);
if (y > 10) {
  target += negative_infinity();
} else {
  target += -poisson_lcdf(10 | 3.7);

Cumulative distributions must be defined

In all cases, the truncation is only well formed if the appropriate log density or mass function and necessary log cumulative distribution functions are defined. Not every distribution built into Stan has log cdf and log ccdfs defined, nor will every user-defined distribution. The discrete probability function documentations describes the available discrete and continuous cumulative distribution functions; most univariate distributions have log cdf and log ccdf functions.

Type constraints on bounds

For continuous distributions, truncation points must be expressions of type int or real. For discrete distributions, truncation points must be expressions of type int.

Variates outside of truncation bounds

For a truncated distribution statement, if the value sampled is not within the bounds specified by the truncation expression, the result is zero probability and the entire statement adds \(-\infty\) to the total log probability, which in turn results in the sample being rejected.

Vectorizing truncated distributions

Vectorization of distribution functions with truncation is available if the underlying distribution, lcdf, and lccdf functions meet the required signatures.

The equivalent code for a vectorized truncation depends on which of the variables are non-scalars (arrays, vectors, etc.):

  1. If the variate y is the only non-scalar, the result is the same as described in the above sections, but the lcdf/lccdf calculation is multiplied by size(y).

  2. If the other arguments to the distribution are non-scalars, then the vectorized version of the lcdf/lccdf is used. These functions return the sum of their terms, so no multiplication by the size is needed.

  3. The exception to the above is when a non-variate is a vector and both a lower and upper bound are specified in the truncation. In this case, a for loop is generated over the elements of the non-scalar arguments. This is required since the log_diff_exp of two sums is not the same as the sum of the pairwise log_diff_exp operations.

Note that while a lower-and-upper truncated distribution may generate a for-loop internally as part of translating the truncation statement, this is still preferable to manually constructing a loop, since the distribution function itself can still be evaluated in a vectorized manner.

7.6 For loops

Suppose N is a variable of type int, y is a one-dimensional array of type array[] real, and mu and sigma are variables of type real. Furthermore, suppose that n has not been defined as a variable. Then the following is a well-formed for-loop statement.

for (n in 1:N) {
  y[n] ~ normal(mu, sigma);

The loop variable is n, the loop bounds are the values in the range 1:N, and the body is the statement following the loop bounds.

Loop variable typing and scope

The type of the loop variable is int. Unlike in C++ and similarly to R, this variable must not be declared explicitly.

The bounds in a for loop must be integers. Unlike in R, the loop is always interpreted as an upward counting loop. The range L:H will cause the loop to execute the loop with the loop variable taking on all integer values greater than or equal to L and less than or equal to H. For example, the loop for (n in 2:5) will cause the body of the for loop to be executed with n equal to 2, 3, 4, and 5, in order. The variable and bound for (n in 5:2) will not execute anything because there are no integers greater than or equal to 5 and less than or equal to 2.

The scope of the loop variable is limited to the body of the loop.

Order sensitivity and repeated variables

Unlike in BUGS, Stan allows variables to be reassigned. For example, the variable theta in the following program is reassigned in each iteration of the loop.

for (n in 1:N) {
  theta = inv_logit(alpha + x[n] * beta);
  y[n] ~ bernoulli(theta);

Such reassignment is not permitted in BUGS. In BUGS, for loops are declarative, defining plates in directed graphical model notation, which can be thought of as repeated substructures in the graphical model. Therefore, it is illegal in BUGS or JAGS to have a for loop that repeatedly reassigns a value to a variable.4

In Stan, assignments are executed in the order they are encountered. As a consequence, the following Stan program has a very different interpretation than the previous one.

for (n in 1:N) {
  y[n] ~ bernoulli(theta);
  theta = inv_logit(alpha + x[n] * beta);

In this program, theta is assigned after it is used in the probability statement. This presupposes it was defined before the first loop iteration (otherwise behavior is undefined), and then each loop uses the assignment from the previous iteration.

Stan loops may be used to accumulate values. Thus it is possible to sum the values of an array directly using code such as the following.

total = 0.0;
for (n in 1:N) {
  total = total + x[n];

After the for loop is executed, the variable total will hold the sum of the elements in the array x. This example was purely pedagogical; it is easier and more efficient to write

total = sum(x);

A variable inside (or outside) a loop may even be reassigned multiple times, as in the following legal code.

for (n in 1:100) {
  y += y * epsilon;
  epsilon = 0.5 * epsilon;
  y += y * epsilon;

7.7 Foreach loops

A second form of for loops allows iteration over elements of containers. If ys is an expression denoting a container (vector, row vector, matrix, or array) with elements of type T, then the following is a well-formed foreach statement.

for (y in ys) {
  // ... do something with y ...

The order in which elements of ys are visited is defined for container types as follows.

  • vector, row_vector: elements visited in order, y is of type double

  • matrix: elements visited in column-major order, y is of type double

  • array[] T: elements visited in order, y is of type T.

Consequently, if ys is a two dimensional array array[,] real, y will be a one-dimensional array of real values (type array[] real). If ’ysis a matrix, thenywill be a real value (typereal`). To loop over all values of a two-dimensional array using foreach statements would require a doubly-nested loop,

array[2, 3] real yss;
for (ys in yss) {
  for (y in ys) {
    // ... do something with y ...

whereas a matrix can be looped over in one foreach statement

matrix[2, 3] yss;
for (y in yss) {
   // ... do something with y...

In both cases, the loop variable y is of type real. The elements of the matrix are visited in column-major order (e.g.,y[1, 1],y[2, 1],y[1, 2], ...,y[2, 3]), whereas the elements of the two-dimensional array are visited in row-major order (e.g.,y[1, 1],y[1, 2],y[1, 3],y[2, 1], ...,y[2, 3]`).

7.8 Conditional statements

Stan supports full conditional statements using the same if-then-else syntax as C++. The general format is

if (condition1)
else if (condition2)
// ...
else if (conditionN-1)

There must be a single leading if clause, which may be followed by any number of else if clauses, all of which may be optionally followed by an else clause. Each condition must be an integer value, with non-zero values interpreted as true and the zero value as false.

The entire sequence of if-then-else clauses forms a single conditional statement for evaluation. The conditions are evaluated in order until one of the conditions evaluates to a non-zero value, at which point its corresponding statement is executed and the conditional statement finishes execution. If none of the conditions evaluate to a non-zero value and there is a final else clause, its statement is executed.

7.9 While statements

Stan supports standard while loops using the same syntax as C++. The general format is as follows.

while (condition)

The condition must be an integer expression and the body can be any statement (or sequence of statements in curly braces).

Evaluation of a while loop starts by evaluating the condition. If the condition evaluates to a false (zero) value, the execution of the loop terminates and control moves to the position after the loop. If the loop’s condition evaluates to a true (non-zero) value, the body statement is executed, then the whole loop is executed again. Thus the loop is continually executed as long as the condition evaluates to a true value.

The rest of the body of a while loop may be skipped using a continue. The loop will be exited with a break statement. See the section on continue and break statements for more details.

7.10 Statement blocks and local variable declarations

Just as parentheses may be used to group expressions, curly brackets may be used to group a sequence of zero or more statements into a statement block. At the beginning of each block, local variables may be declared that are scoped over the rest of the statements in the block.

Blocks in for loops

Blocks are often used to group a sequence of statements together to be used in the body of a for loop. Because the body of a for loop can be any statement, for loops with bodies consisting of a single statement can be written as follows.

for (n in 1:N) {
  y[n] ~ normal(mu, sigma);

To put multiple statements inside the body of a for loop, a block is used, as in the following example.

for (n in 1:N) {
  lambda[n] ~ gamma(alpha, beta);
  y[n] ~ poisson(lambda[n]);

The open curly bracket ({) is the first character of the block and the close curly bracket (}) is the last character.

Because whitespace is ignored in Stan, the following program will not compile.

for (n in 1:N)
  y[n] ~ normal(mu, sigma);
  z[n] ~ normal(mu, sigma); // ERROR!

The problem is that the body of the for loop is taken to be the statement directly following it, which is y[n] ~ normal(mu, sigma). This leaves the probability statement for z[n] hanging, as is clear from the following equivalent program.

for (n in 1:N) {
  y[n] ~ normal(mu, sigma);
z[n] ~ normal(mu, sigma); // ERROR!

Neither of these programs will compile. If the loop variable n was defined before the for loop, the for-loop declaration will raise an error. If the loop variable n was not defined before the for loop, then the use of the expression z[n] will raise an error.

Local variable declarations

A for loop has a statement as a body. It is often convenient in writing programs to be able to define a local variable that will be used temporarily and then forgotten. For instance, the for loop example of repeated assignment should use a local variable for maximum clarity and efficiency, as in the following example.

for (n in 1:N) {
  real theta;
  theta = inv_logit(alpha + x[n] * beta);
  y[n] ~ bernoulli(theta);

The local variable theta is declared here inside the for loop. The scope of a local variable is just the block in which it is defined. Thus theta is available for use inside the for loop, but not outside of it. As in other situations, Stan does not allow variable hiding. So it is illegal to declare a local variable theta if the variable theta is already defined in the scope of the for loop. For instance, the following is not legal.

for (m in 1:M) {
  real theta;
  for (n in 1:N) {
    real theta; // ERROR!
    theta = inv_logit(alpha + x[m, n] * beta);
    y[m, n] ~ bernoulli(theta);
// ...

The compiler will flag the second declaration of theta with a message that it is already defined.

No constraints on local variables

Local variables may not have constraints on their declaration. The only types that may be used are listed in the types table under “local”.

Blocks within blocks

A block is itself a statement, so anywhere a sequence of statements is allowed, one or more of the statements may be a block. For instance, in a for loop, it is legal to have the following

for (m in 1:M) {
     int n = 2 * m;
     sum += n;
  for (n in 1:N) {
    sum += x[m, n];

The variable declaration int n; is the first element of an embedded block and so has scope within that block. The for loop defines its own local block implicitly over the statement following it in which the loop variable is defined. As far as Stan is concerned, these two uses of n are unrelated.

7.11 Break and continue statements

The one-token statements continue and break may be used within loops to alter control flow; continue causes the next iteration of the loop to run immediately, whereas break terminates the loop and causes execution to resume after the loop. Both control structures must appear in loops. Both break and continue scope to the most deeply nested loop, but pass through non-loop statements.

Although these control statements may seem undesirable because of their goto-like behavior, their judicious use can greatly improve readability by reducing the level of nesting or eliminating bookkeeping inside loops.

Break statements

When a break statement is executed, the most deeply nested loop currently being executed is ended and execution picks up with the next statement after the loop. For example, consider the following program:

while (1) {
  if (n < 0) {
  n = n - 1;

The while~(1) loop is a “forever” loop, because 1 is the true value, so the test always succeeds. Within the loop, if the value of n is less than 0, the loop terminates, otherwise it executes foo(n) and then decrements n. The statement above does exactly the same thing as

while (n >= 0) {
  n = n - 1;

This case is simply illustrative of the behavior; it is not a case where a break simplifies the loop.

Continue statements

The continue statement ends the current operation of the loop and returns to the condition at the top of the loop. Such loops are typically used to exclude some values from calculations. For example, we could use the following loop to sum the positive values in the array x,

real sum;
sum = 0;
for (n in 1:size(x)) {
  if (x[n] <= 0) {
  sum += x[n];

When the continue statement is executed, control jumps back to the conditional part of the loop. With while and for loops, this causes control to return to the conditional of the loop. With for loops, this advances the loop variable, so the the above program will not go into an infinite loop when faced with an x[n] less than zero. Thus the above program could be rewritten with deeper nesting by reversing the conditional,

real sum;
sum = 0;
for (n in 1:size(x)) {
  if (x[n] > 0) {
    sum += x[n];

While the latter form may seem more readable in this simple case, the former has the main line of execution nested one level less deep. Instead, the conditional at the top finds cases to exclude and doesn’t require the same level of nesting for code that’s not excluded. When there are several such exclusion conditions, the break or continue versions tend to be much easier to read.

Breaking and continuing nested loops

If there is a loop nested within a loop, a break or continue statement only breaks out of the inner loop. So

while (cond1) {
  // ...
  while (cond2) {
    // ...
    if (cond3) {
    // ...
  // execution continues here after break
  // ...

If the break is triggered by cond3 being true, execution will continue after the nested loop.

As with break statements, continue statements go back to the top of the most deeply nested loop in which the continue appears.

Although break and continue must appear within loops, they may appear in nested statements within loops, such as within the conditionals shown above or within nested statements. The break and continue statements jump past any control structure other than while-loops and for-loops.

7.13 Reject statements

The Stan reject statement provides a mechanism to report errors or problematic values encountered during program execution and either halt processing or reject iterations.

Like the print statement, the reject statement accepts any number of quoted string literals or Stan expressions as arguments.

Reject statements are typically embedded in a conditional statement in order to detect variables in illegal states. For example, the following code handles the case where a variable x’s value is negative.

if (x < 0) {
  reject("x must not be negative; found x=", x);

Behavior of reject statements

Reject statements have the same behavior as exceptions thrown by built-in Stan functions. For example, the normal_lpdf function raises an exception if the input scale is not positive and finite. The effect of a reject statement depends on the program block in which the rejection occurs.

In all cases of rejection, the interface accessing the Stan program should print the arguments to the reject statement.

Rejections in functions

Rejections in user-defined functions are just passed to the calling function or program block. Reject statements can be used in functions to validate the function arguments, allowing user-defined functions to fully emulate built-in function behavior. It is better to find out earlier rather than later when there is a problem.

Fatal exception contexts

Rejections are fatal in the transformed data block. This is because if initialization fails there is no way to recover values, so the algorithm will not begin execution.

Reject statements placed in the transformed data block can be used to validate both the data and transformed data (if any). This allows more complicated constraints to be enforced that can be specified with Stan’s constrained variable declarations.

Fatal errors in other blocks may also be signaled by use of the fatal_error statement.

Recoverable rejection contexts

Rejections in the transformed parameters and model blocks are not in and of themselves instantly fatal. The result has the same effect as assigning a \(-\infty\) log probability, which causes rejection of the current proposal in MCMC samplers and adjustment of search parameters in optimization.

If the log probability function results in a rejection every time it is called, the containing application (MCMC sampler or optimization) should diagnose this problem and terminate with an appropriate error message. To aid in diagnosing problems, the message for each reject statement will be printed as a result of executing it.

Rejection is not for constraints

Rejection should be used for error handling, not defining arbitrary constraints. Consider the following errorful Stan program.

parameters {
  real a;
  real<lower=a> b;
  real<lower=a, upper=b> theta;
  // ...
model {
  // **wrong** needs explicit truncation
  theta ~ normal(0, 1);
  // ...

This program is wrong because its truncation bounds on theta depend on parameters, and thus need to be accounted for using an explicit truncation on the distribution. This is the right way to do it.

  theta ~ normal(0, 1) T[a, b];

The conceptual issue is that the prior does not integrate to one over the admissible parameter space; it integrates to one over all real numbers and integrates to something less than one over \([a ,b]\); in these simple univariate cases, we can overcome that with the T[ , ] notation, which essentially divides by whatever the prior integrates to over \([a, b]\).

This problem is exactly the same problem as you would get using reject statements to enforce complicated inequalities on multivariate functions. In this case, it is wrong to try to deal with truncation through constraints.

  if (theta < a || theta > b) {
    reject("theta not in (a, b)");
  // still **wrong**, needs T[a,b]
  theta ~ normal(0, 1);

In this case, the prior integrates to something less than one over the region of the parameter space where the complicated inequalities are satisfied. But we don’t generally know what value the prior integrates to, so we can’t increment the log probability function to compensate.

Even if this adjustment to a proper probability model may seem minor in particular models where the amount of truncated posterior density is negligible or constant, we can’t sample from that truncated posterior efficiently. Programs need to use one-to-one mappings that guarantee the constraints are satisfied and only use reject statements to raise errors or help with debugging.

7.14 Fatal error statements

The Stan fatal_error statement provides a mechanism to report errors or problematic values encountered during program execution and uniformly halt processing.

Like the print or reject statements, the fatal error statement accepts any number of quoted string literals or Stan expressions as arguments.

The fatal error may be used to signal an unrecoverable error in blocks where reject leads to the algorithm attempting to try again, such as the model block.

  1. The current notation replaces two previous versions. Originally, a variable lp__ was directly exposed and manipulated; this is no longer allowed. The original statement syntax for target += u was increment_log_prob(u), but this form was removed in Stan 2.33↩︎

  2. Writing this model with the expression -0.5 * y * y is more efficient than with the equivalent expression y * y / -2 because multiplication is more efficient than division; in both cases, the negation is rolled into the numeric literal (-0.5 and -2). Writing square(y) instead of y * y would be even more efficient because the derivatives can be precomputed, reducing the memory and number of operations required for automatic differentiation.↩︎

  3. Because \(\log | \frac{d}{dy} \log y | = \log | 1/y | = - \log |y|\).↩︎

  4. A programming idiom in BUGS code simulates a local variable by replacing theta in the above example with theta[n], effectively creating N different variables, theta[1], …, theta[N]. Of course, this is not a hack if the value of theta[n] is required for all n.↩︎

  5. The adjoint component is always zero during execution for the algorithmic differentiation variables used to implement parameters, transformed parameters, and local variables in the model.↩︎