Source code for mne_rsa.viz

"""Functions related to visualization of RDMs."""

import types
from functools import partial

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mne.viz import Brain
from mne.viz.topo import _iter_topography
from scipy.spatial import distance

[docs] def plot_rdms(rdms, names=None, items=None, n_rows=1, cmap="viridis", title=None): """Plot one or more RDMs. Parameters ---------- rdms : ndarray | list of ndarray The RDM or list of RDMs to plot. The RDMs can either be two-dimensional (n_items x n_items) matrices or be in condensed form. names : str | list of str | None For each given RDM, a name to show above it. Defaults to no names. items : list of str | None The each item (row/col) in the RDM, a string description. This will be displayed along the axes. Defaults to None which means the items will be numbered. n_rows : int Number of rows to use when plotting multiple RDMs at once. Defaults to 1. cmap : str Matplotlib colormap to use. See for all possibilities. Defaults to 'viridis'. title : str | None Title for the entire figure. Defaults to no title. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib figure The figure produced by matplotlib """ if not isinstance(rdms, list): rdms = [rdms] if isinstance(names, str): names = [names] if names is not None and len(names) != len(rdms): raise ValueError( f"Number of given names ({len(names)}) does not " f"match the number of RDMs ({len(rdms)})" ) n_cols = int(np.ceil(len(rdms) / n_rows)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2 * n_cols, 2 * n_rows)) ax = fig.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False) for row in range(n_rows): for col in range(n_cols): i = row * n_cols + col % n_cols if i < len(rdms): rdm = rdms[i] if rdm.ndim == 1: rdm = distance.squareform(rdm) elif rdm.ndim > 2: raise ValueError(f"Invalid shape {rdm.shape} for RDM") im = ax[row, col].imshow(rdm, cmap=cmap) if names is not None: name = names[i] ax[row, col].set_title(name) if items is not None: ax[row, col].set_xticks(np.arange(len(items))) ax[row, col].set_xticklabels(items) ax[row, col].set_yticks(np.arange(len(items))) ax[row, col].set_yticklabels(items) else: ax[row, col].set_visible(False) plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax) if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title) return fig
def _click_func(ax, ch_idx, rdms, cmap): """Plot a single RDM interactively. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib.Axes.axes Axes.axes object on which a new single RDM is plotted. ch_idx: int Index of a channel. rdms: ndarray, shape (n_sensors, n_rdm_datapoint) RDMs of MEG recordings; there's one RDM for each sensor. cmap: str Colormap used for plotting RDMs. Check ``matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`` for details. """ rdm = rdms[ch_idx] rdm = distance.squareform(rdm) ax.imshow(rdm, cmap=cmap) def _plot_rdms_topo_timepoint( rdms, info, layout=None, fig=None, title=None, axis_facecolor="w", axis_spinecolor="w", fig_facecolor="w", figsize=(6.4, 4.8), cmap="viridis", show=False, ): """Plot RDMs on 2D MEG topography. Parameters ---------- rdms: ndarray, shape (n_sensors, n_rdm_datapoints) | generator RDMs of MEG recordings; one RDM for each sensor. Can also be a generator of RDMs as produced by the :func:`rdm_epochs`, :func:`rdm_evokeds` or :func:`rdm_array` functions. info: Info object that contains meta data of MEG recordings. layout: mne.channels.layout.Layout | None Layout objects containing sensor layout info. The default (``None``) will figure out layout based on info. fig: matplotlib.pyplot.Figure | None Figure object on which RDMs on 2D MEG topography are plotted. The default (``None``) creates a new Figure object. title: str | None Title of the plot, used only when ``fig=None``. The default (``None``) puts no title in the figure. axis_facecolor: str Face color of the each RDM. Defaults to 'w', white. axis_spinecolor: str Spine color of each RDM. Defaults to 'w', white. fig_facecolor: str Face color of the entire topography. Defaults to 'w', white. figsize: tuple of float Figure size. The first element specify width and the second height. Defaults to (6.4, 4.8). cmap: str Colormap used for plotting RDMs. Defaults to 'viridis'. Check :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` for details. show: bool Whether to display the generated figure. Defaults to False. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib.pyplot.Figure Figure object in which RDMs are plotted on 2D MEG topography. """ on_pick = partial(_click_func, rdms=rdms, cmap=cmap) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, x=0.98, horizontalalignment="right") else: fig = plt.figure(fig.number) my_topo_plot = _iter_topography( info=info, layout=layout, on_pick=on_pick, fig=fig, axis_facecolor=axis_facecolor, axis_spinecolor=axis_spinecolor, fig_facecolor=fig_facecolor, unified=False, ) for i, (ax, _) in enumerate(my_topo_plot): rdms_i = rdms[i] rdms_i = distance.squareform(rdms_i) ax.imshow(rdms_i, cmap=cmap) if show: return fig def plot_rdms_topo( rdms, info, time=None, layout=None, fig=None, axis_facecolor="w", axis_spinecolor="w", fig_facecolor="w", figsize=(6.4, 4.8), cmap="viridis", show=True, ): """Plot RDMs on 2D sensor topography. Parameters ---------- rdms: ndarray | numpy.memmap, shape (n_sensors,[ n_times,] n_rdm_datapts) RDMs of MEG/EEG recordings; one RDM for each sensor and time point. info: Info object that contains meta data of MEG/EEG recordings. time: int | [int, int] | None A time point (int) or time window ([int, int]) for which RDMs are plotted. When a time window is given, averge RDMs for the window are plotted. The default (``None``) plots the average RDMs of all the time points. Start of the time window is inclusive, while the end is exclusive. layout: mne.channels.layout.Layout, optional Layout objects containing sensor layout info. The default, ``layout=None``, will figure out layout based on info. fig: matplotlib.pyplot.Figure | None, optional Figure object on which RDMs on 2D sensor topography are plotted. The default (``None``) creates a new Figure object with a title based on time parameter. axis_facecolor: str, optional Face color of the each RDM. Defaults to 'w', white. axis_spinecolor: str, optional Spine color of each RDM. Defaults to 'w', white. fig_facecolor: str, optional Face color of the entire topography. Defaults to 'w', white. figsize: tuple of float, optional Figure size. The first element specify width and the second height. Defaults to (6.4, 4.8). cmap: str, optional Colormap used for plotting RDMs. Defaults to 'viridis'. Check :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` for details. show: bool, optional Whether to display the generated figure. Defaults to ``True``. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib.pyplot.Figure Figure object in which RDMs are plotted on 2D sensor topography. """ if isinstance(rdms, types.GeneratorType): rdms = np.array(list(rdms)) if rdms.ndim != 2 and rdms.ndim != 3: raise ValueError( "rdms have to be a 2D or 3D ndarray or numpy.memmap, " "[n_sensors,[ n_times,] n_rdm_datapoints]" ) if len(rdms.shape) == 2: rdms = rdms[:, np.newaxis, :] if time is None: time = [0, rdms.shape[1]] if isinstance(time, int): time = [time, time + 1] if not isinstance(time, list): raise TypeError("time has to be int, list of [int, int] or None.") if (not all(isinstance(i, int) for i in time)) or (len(time) != 2): raise TypeError("time has to be int, list of [int, int] or None.") if time[0] >= time[1]: raise ValueError( "The start of the time window has to be smaller " "than the end of the time window." ) if time[0] < 0 or time[1] > rdms.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "The time window is out of range. The minimum is 0 " f"and the maximum is {rdms.shape[1]}" ) if (fig is not None) and (not isinstance(fig, plt.Figure)): raise TypeError("fig has to be matplotlib.pyplot.Figure or None.") rdms_cropped = rdms[:, time[0] : time[1], :] rdms_avg = rdms_cropped.mean(axis=1) # set title to time window if time[0] + 1 != time[1]: title = f"From {time[0]} (inclusive) to {time[1]} (exclusive)" else: title = f"Time point: {time[0]}" fig = _plot_rdms_topo_timepoint( rdms_avg, info, fig=fig, layout=layout, title=title, axis_facecolor=axis_facecolor, axis_spinecolor=axis_spinecolor, fig_facecolor=fig_facecolor, figsize=figsize, cmap=cmap, show=show, ) return fig def plot_roi_map(values, rois, subject, subjects_dir, cmap="plasma", alpha=1.0): """Plot ROI values on a FreeSurfer brain. Parameters ---------- values : array-like, shape (n_rois,) The values to plot. One value per ROI. rois : list of mne.Label The labels corrsponding to the ROIs. subject : str The name of the FreeSurfer subject to plot the brain for. subjects_dir : str The folder in which the FreeSurfer subject data is kept. Inside this folder should be a folder with the same name as the `subject` parameter. cmap : str The name of the matplotlib colormap to use. Defaults to 'plasma'. alpha : float The alpha (opacity, 1.0 is fully opaque, 0.0 is fully transparant) of the data being plotted on top of the brain. Returns ------- brain : mne.viz.Brain The MNE-Python brain plotting object that was created and currently being shown. You can use this to modify the plot. """ cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) max_val = np.max(values) brain = Brain( subject=subject, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, surf="inflated", hemi="both" ) labels_lh = np.zeros(len(brain.geo["lh"].coords), dtype=int) labels_rh = np.zeros(len(brain.geo["rh"].coords), dtype=int) ctab_lh = list() ctab_rh = list() for i, (roi, value) in enumerate(zip(rois, values), 1): if roi.hemi == "lh": labels = labels_lh ctab = ctab_lh else: labels = labels_rh ctab = ctab_rh labels[roi.vertices] = i ctab.append([int(x * 255) for x in cmap(value / max_val)[:4]] + [i]) ctab_lh = np.array(ctab_lh) ctab_rh = np.array(ctab_rh) brain.add_annotation( [(labels_lh, ctab_lh), (labels_rh, ctab_rh)], borders=False, alpha=alpha ) return brain