Source code for mne_rsa.sensor_level

"""Module implementing representational similarity analysis (RSA) at the sensor level.

Kriegeskorte, N., Mur, M., & Bandettini, P. A. (2008). Representational similarity
analysis - connecting the branches of systems neuroscience. Frontiers in Systems
Neuroscience, 2(November), 4.

Marijn van Vliet <>

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance
import mne
from mne.utils import logger
from mne.cov import compute_whitener

from .rdm import _n_items_from_rdm, rdm_array
from .searchlight import searchlight
from .rsa import rsa_array

[docs] def rsa_evokeds( evokeds, rdm_model, noise_cov=None, spatial_radius=None, temporal_radius=None, evoked_rdm_metric="correlation", evoked_rdm_params=dict(), rsa_metric="spearman", ignore_nan=False, y=None, n_folds=1, picks=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, n_jobs=1, verbose=False, ): """Perform RSA in a searchlight pattern on evokeds. The output is an Evoked object where the "signal" at each sensor is the RSA, computed using all surrounding sensors. Parameters ---------- evokeds : list of :class:`mne.Evoked` The evoked brain activity for each item. If you have more than one Evoked object per item (i.e. repetitions), you can use the ``y`` parameter to assign evokeds to items. rdm_model : ndarray, shape (n, n) | (n * (n - 1) // 2,) | list of ndarray The model RDM, see :func:`compute_rdm`. For efficiency, you can give it in condensed form, meaning only the upper triangle of the matrix as a vector. See :func:`scipy.spatial.distance.squareform`. To perform RSA against multiple models at the same time, supply a list of model RDMs. Use :func:`compute_rdm` to compute RDMs. noise_cov : :class:`mne.Covariance` | None When specified, the data will by normalized using the noise covariance. This is recommended in all cases, but a hard requirement when the data contains sensors of different types. Defaults to None. spatial_radius : float | None The spatial radius of the searchlight patch in meters. All sensors within this radius will belong to the searchlight patch. Set to None to only perform the searchlight over time, flattening across sensors. Defaults to None. temporal_radius : float | None The temporal radius of the searchlight patch in seconds. Set to None to only perform the searchlight over sensors, flattening across time. Defaults to None. evoked_rdm_metric : str The metric to use to compute the RDM for the evokeds. This can be any metric supported by the scipy.distance.pdist function. See also the ``evoked_rdm_params`` parameter to specify and additional parameter for the distance function. Defaults to 'correlation'. evoked_rdm_params : dict Extra arguments for the distance metric used to compute the RDMs. Refer to :mod:`scipy.spatial.distance` for a list of all other metrics and their arguments. Defaults to an empty dictionary. rsa_metric : str The RSA metric to use to compare the RDMs. Valid options are: * 'spearman' for Spearman's correlation (the default) * 'pearson' for Pearson's correlation * 'kendall-tau-a' for Kendall's Tau (alpha variant) * 'partial' for partial Pearson correlations * 'partial-spearman' for partial Spearman correlations * 'regression' for linear regression weights Defaults to 'spearman'. ignore_nan : bool Whether to treat NaN's as missing values and ignore them when computing the distance metric. Defaults to ``False``. .. versionadded:: 0.8 y : ndarray of int, shape (n_items,) | None For each Evoked, a number indicating the item to which it belongs. When ``None``, each Evoked is assumed to belong to a different item. Defaults to ``None``. n_folds : int | sklearn.model_selection.BaseCrollValidator | None Number of cross-validation folds to use when computing the distance metric. Folds are created based on the ``y`` parameter. Specify ``None`` to use the maximum number of folds possible, given the data. Alternatively, you can pass a Scikit-Learn cross validator object (e.g. ``sklearn.model_selection.KFold``) to assert fine-grained control over how folds are created. Defaults to 1 (no cross-validation). picks : str | list | slice | None Channels to include. Slices and lists of integers will be interpreted as channel indices. In lists, channel *type* strings (e.g., ``['meg', 'eeg']``) will pick channels of those types, channel *name* strings (e.g., ``['MEG0111', 'MEG2623']`` will pick the given channels. Can also be the string values "all" to pick all channels, or "data" to pick data channels. ``None`` (default) will pick all MEG and EEG channels, excluding those maked as "bad". tmin : float | None When set, searchlight patches will only be generated from subsequent time points starting from this time point. This value is given in seconds. Defaults to ``None``, in which case patches are generated starting from the first time point. tmax : float | None When set, searchlight patches will only be generated up to and including this time point. This value is given in seconds. Defaults to ``None``, in which case patches are generated up to and including the last time point. n_jobs : int The number of processes (=number of CPU cores) to use. Specify -1 to use all available cores. Defaults to 1. verbose : bool Whether to display a progress bar. In order for this to work, you need the tqdm python module installed. Defaults to False. Returns ------- rsa : Evoked | list of Evoked The correlation values for each searchlight patch. When spatial_radius is set to None, there will only be one virtual sensor. When temporal_radius is set to None, there will only be one time point. When multiple models have been supplied, a list will be returned containing the RSA results for each model. See Also -------- compute_rdm """ one_model = isinstance(rdm_model, list) if one_model: rdm_model = [rdm_model]"Performing RSA between Evokeds and {len(rdm_model)} model RDM(s)") # Check for compatibility of the evokeds and the model features for rdm in rdm_model: n_items = _n_items_from_rdm(rdm) if len(evokeds) != n_items and y is None: raise ValueError( "The number of evokeds (%d) should be equal to the " "number of items in `rdm_model` (%d). Alternatively, use " "the `y` parameter to assign evokeds to items." % (len(evokeds), n_items) ) if y is not None and np.unique(y) != n_items: raise ValueError( "The number of items in `rdm_model` (%d) does not match " "the number of items encoded in the `y` matrix (%d)." % (n_items, len(np.unique(y))) ) times = evokeds[0].times for evoked in evokeds: if np.any(evoked.times != times): raise ValueError("Not all evokeds have the same time points.") # Convert the temporal radius to samples if temporal_radius is not None: temporal_radius = round(evokeds[0].info["sfreq"] * temporal_radius) # Normalize with the noise cov if noise_cov is not None: if spatial_radius is not None: " Using diagonal values of the covariance matrix to whiten " "the data." ) diag = True else:" Using covariance matrix to whiten the data.") diag = False evokeds = [ mne.whiten_evoked(evoked, noise_cov, diag=diag) for evoked in evokeds ] # Compute the distances between the sensors locs = np.vstack([ch["loc"][:3] for ch in evokeds[0].info["chs"]]) dist = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(locs)) picks =[0].info, picks, none="data") if len(picks) != len(set(picks)): raise ValueError("`picks` are not unique. Please remove duplicates.") samples_from, samples_to = _tmin_tmax_to_indices(evokeds[0].times, tmin, tmax) if spatial_radius is not None:" Spatial radius: {spatial_radius} meters")" Using {len(picks)} sensors") if temporal_radius is not None:" Temporal radius: {temporal_radius} samples") if tmin is not None or tmax is not None:" Time interval: {tmin}-{tmax} seconds") # Perform the RSA X = np.array([ for evoked in evokeds]) patches = searchlight( X.shape, dist=dist, spatial_radius=spatial_radius, temporal_radius=temporal_radius, sel_series=picks, samples_from=samples_from, samples_to=samples_to, ) data = rsa_array( X, rdm_model, patches, data_rdm_metric=evoked_rdm_metric, data_rdm_params=evoked_rdm_params, rsa_metric=rsa_metric, ignore_nan=ignore_nan, y=y, n_folds=n_folds, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, ) # Pack the result in an Evoked object if spatial_radius is not None: info = mne.pick_info(evokeds[0].info, picks) else: info = mne.create_info(["rsa"], evokeds[0].info["sfreq"]) tmin = _construct_tmin(evokeds[0].times, samples_from, samples_to, temporal_radius) if one_model: return mne.EvokedArray( np.atleast_2d(data), info, tmin, comment="RSA", nave=len(evokeds) ) else: return [ mne.EvokedArray( np.atleast_2d(data[..., i]), info, tmin, comment="RSA", nave=len(evokeds), ) for i in range(data.shape[-1]) ]
[docs] def rsa_epochs( epochs, rdm_model, noise_cov=None, spatial_radius=None, temporal_radius=None, epochs_rdm_metric="correlation", epochs_rdm_params=dict(), rsa_metric="spearman", ignore_nan=False, y=None, n_folds=1, picks=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, dropped_as_nan=False, n_jobs=1, verbose=False, ): """Perform RSA in a searchlight pattern on epochs. The output is an Evoked object where the "signal" at each sensor is the RSA, computed using all surrounding sensors. Parameters ---------- epochs : instance of mne.Epochs The brain activity during the epochs. The event codes are used to distinguish between items. rdm_model : ndarray, shape (n, n) | (n * (n - 1) // 2,) | list of ndarray The model RDM, see :func:`compute_rdm`. For efficiency, you can give it in condensed form, meaning only the upper triangle of the matrix as a vector. See :func:`scipy.spatial.distance.squareform`. To perform RSA against multiple models at the same time, supply a list of model RDMs. Use :func:`compute_rdm` to compute RDMs. noise_cov : mne.Covariance | None When specified, the data will by normalized using the noise covariance. This is recommended in all cases, but a hard requirement when the data contains sensors of different types. Defaults to None. spatial_radius : floats | None The spatial radius of the searchlight patch in meters. All sensors within this radius will belong to the searchlight patch. Set to None to only perform the searchlight over time, flattening across sensors. Defaults to None. temporal_radius : float | None The temporal radius of the searchlight patch in seconds. Set to None to only perform the searchlight over sensors, flattening across time. Defaults to None. epochs_rdm_metric : str The metric to use to compute the RDM for the epochs. This can be any metric supported by the scipy.distance.pdist function. See also the ``epochs_rdm_params`` parameter to specify and additional parameter for the distance function. Defaults to 'correlation'. epochs_rdm_params : dict Extra arguments for the distance metric used to compute the RDMs. Refer to :mod:`scipy.spatial.distance` for a list of all other metrics and their arguments. Defaults to an empty dictionary. rsa_metric : str The RSA metric to use to compare the RDMs. Valid options are: * 'spearman' for Spearman's correlation (the default) * 'pearson' for Pearson's correlation * 'kendall-tau-a' for Kendall's Tau (alpha variant) * 'partial' for partial Pearson correlations * 'partial-spearman' for partial Spearman correlations * 'regression' for linear regression weights Defaults to 'spearman'. ignore_nan : bool Whether to treat NaN's as missing values and ignore them when computing the distance metric. Defaults to ``False``. .. versionadded:: 0.8 y : ndarray of int, shape (n_items,) | None For each Epoch, a number indicating the item to which it belongs. When ``None``, the event codes are used to differentiate between items. Defaults to ``None``. n_folds : int | sklearn.model_selection.BaseCrollValidator | None Number of cross-validation folds to use when computing the distance metric. Folds are created based on the ``y`` parameter. Specify ``None`` to use the maximum number of folds possible, given the data. Alternatively, you can pass a Scikit-Learn cross validator object (e.g. ``sklearn.model_selection.KFold``) to assert fine-grained control over how folds are created. Defaults to 1 (no cross-validation). picks : str | list | slice | None Channels to include. Slices and lists of integers will be interpreted as channel indices. In lists, channel *type* strings (e.g., ``['meg', 'eeg']``) will pick channels of those types, channel *name* strings (e.g., ``['MEG0111', 'MEG2623']`` will pick the given channels. Can also be the string values "all" to pick all channels, or "data" to pick data channels. ``None`` (default) will pick all MEG and EEG channels, excluding those maked as "bad". tmin : float | None When set, searchlight patches will only be generated from subsequent time points starting from this time point. This value is given in seconds. Defaults to ``None``, in which case patches are generated starting from the first time point. tmax : float | None When set, searchlight patches will only be generated up to and including this time point. This value is given in seconds. Defaults to ``None``, in which case patches are generated up to and including the last time point. dropped_as_nan : bool When this is set to ``True``, the drop log will be used to inject NaN values in the RDMs at the locations where a bad epoch was dropped. This is useful to ensure the dimensions of the RDM are the same, irregardless of any bad epochs that were dropped. Make sure to use ``ignore_nan=True`` when using RDMs with NaNs in them during subsequent RSA computations. Defaults to ``False``. .. versionadded:: 0.8 n_jobs : int The number of processes (=number of CPU cores) to use. Specify -1 to use all available cores. Defaults to 1. verbose : bool Whether to display a progress bar. In order for this to work, you need the tqdm python module installed. Defaults to False. Returns ------- rsa : Evoked | list of Evoked The correlation values for each searchlight patch. When spatial_radius is set to None, there will only be one virtual sensor. When temporal_radius is set to None, there will only be one time point. When multiple models have been supplied, a list will be returned containing the RSA results for each model. See Also -------- compute_rdm """ one_model = type(rdm_model) is np.ndarray if one_model: rdm_model = [rdm_model]"Performing RSA between Epochs and {len(rdm_model)} model RDM(s)") if y is None: y_source = "Epoch object" y =[:, 2] else: y_source = "`y` matrix" # Check for compatibility of the epochs and the model features for rdm in rdm_model: n_items = _n_items_from_rdm(rdm) if len(np.unique(y)) != n_items: raise ValueError( "The number of items in `rdm_model` (%d) does not match " "the number of items encoded in the %s (%d)." % (n_items, y_source, len(np.unique(y))) ) # Convert the temporal radius to samples if temporal_radius is not None: temporal_radius = round(["sfreq"] * temporal_radius) picks =, picks, none="data") if len(picks) != len(set(picks)): raise ValueError("`picks` are not unique. Please remove duplicates.") samples_from, samples_to = _tmin_tmax_to_indices(epochs.times, tmin, tmax) # Normalize with the noise cov if noise_cov is not None: if spatial_radius is not None: " Using diagonal values of the covariance matrix to whiten " "the data." ) noise_cov = noise_cov.as_diag() else:" Using covariance matrix to whiten the data.") W, _ = compute_whitener(noise_cov,, picks=picks) epochs._data[:, picks] = (W @ epochs._data[:, picks].T).T if spatial_radius is not None:" Spatial radius: {spatial_radius} meters")" Using {len(picks)} sensors") # Compute the distances between the sensors locs = np.vstack([ch["loc"][:3] for ch in["chs"]]) dist = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(locs)) else: dist = None if temporal_radius is not None:" Temporal radius: {temporal_radius} samples")" Time interval: {tmin}-{tmax} seconds") # Perform the RSA X = epochs.get_data(copy=False) patches = searchlight( X.shape, dist=dist, spatial_radius=spatial_radius, temporal_radius=temporal_radius, sel_series=picks, samples_from=samples_from, samples_to=samples_to, ) data = rsa_array( X, rdm_model, patches, data_rdm_metric=epochs_rdm_metric, data_rdm_params=epochs_rdm_params, rsa_metric=rsa_metric, ignore_nan=ignore_nan, y=y, n_folds=n_folds, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, ) # Pack the result in an Evoked object if spatial_radius is not None: info = info = mne.pick_info(info, picks) else: info = mne.create_info(["rsa"],["sfreq"]) tmin = _construct_tmin(epochs.times, samples_from, samples_to, temporal_radius) if one_model: return mne.EvokedArray( np.atleast_2d(data), info, tmin, comment="RSA", nave=len(np.unique(y)) ) else: return [ mne.EvokedArray( np.atleast_2d(data[..., i]), info, tmin, comment="RSA", nave=len(np.unique(y)), ) for i in range(data.shape[-1]) ]
def rdm_evokeds( evokeds, noise_cov=None, spatial_radius=None, temporal_radius=None, dist_metric="correlation", dist_params=dict(), y=None, n_folds=1, picks=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, ): """Generate RDMs in a searchlight pattern on evokeds. Parameters ---------- evokeds : list of mne.Evoked The evoked brain activity for each item. If you have more than one Evoked object per item (i.e. repetitions), you can use the ``y`` parameter to assign evokeds to items. noise_cov : mne.Covariance | None When specified, the data will by normalized using the noise covariance. This is recommended in all cases, but a hard requirement when the data contains sensors of different types. Defaults to None. spatial_radius : floats | None The spatial radius of the searchlight patch in meters. All sensors within this radius will belong to the searchlight patch. Set to None to only perform the searchlight over time, flattening across sensors. Defaults to None. temporal_radius : float | None The temporal radius of the searchlight patch in seconds. Set to None to only perform the searchlight over sensors, flattening across time. Defaults to None. dist_metric : str The metric to use to compute the RDM for the evokeds. This can be any metric supported by the scipy.distance.pdist function. See also the ``dist_params`` parameter to specify and additional parameter for the distance function. Defaults to 'correlation'. dist_params : dict Extra arguments for the distance metric used to compute the RDMs. Refer to :mod:`scipy.spatial.distance` for a list of all other metrics and their arguments. Defaults to an empty dictionary. y : ndarray of int, shape (n_items,) | None For each Evoked, a number indicating the item to which it belongs. When ``None``, each Evoked is assumed to belong to a different item. Defaults to ``None``. n_folds : int | sklearn.model_selection.BaseCrollValidator | None Number of cross-validation folds to use when computing the distance metric. Folds are created based on the ``y`` parameter. Specify ``None`` to use the maximum number of folds possible, given the data. Alternatively, you can pass a Scikit-Learn cross validator object (e.g. ``sklearn.model_selection.KFold``) to assert fine-grained control over how folds are created. Defaults to 1 (no cross-validation). picks : str | list | slice | None Channels to include. Slices and lists of integers will be interpreted as channel indices. In lists, channel *type* strings (e.g., ``['meg', 'eeg']``) will pick channels of those types, channel *name* strings (e.g., ``['MEG0111', 'MEG2623']`` will pick the given channels. Can also be the string values "all" to pick all channels, or "data" to pick data channels. ``None`` (default) will pick all MEG and EEG channels, excluding those maked as "bad". tmin : float | None When set, searchlight patches will only be generated from subsequent time points starting from this time point. This value is given in seconds. Defaults to ``None``, in which case patches are generated starting from the first time point. tmax : float | None When set, searchlight patches will only be generated up to and including this time point. This value is given in seconds. Defaults to ``None``, in which case patches are generated up to and including the last time point. Yields ------ rdm : ndarray, shape (n_items, n_items) A RDM for each searchlight patch. """ times = evokeds[0].times for evoked in evokeds: if np.any(evoked.times != times): raise ValueError("Not all evokeds have the same time points.") # Convert the temporal radius to samples if temporal_radius is not None: temporal_radius = round(evokeds[0].info["sfreq"] * temporal_radius) # Normalize with the noise cov if noise_cov is not None: diag = spatial_radius is not None evokeds = [ mne.whiten_evoked(evoked, noise_cov, diag=diag) for evoked in evokeds ] # Compute the distances between the sensors locs = np.vstack([ch["loc"][:3] for ch in evokeds[0].info["chs"]]) dist = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(locs)) picks =[0].info, picks, none="data") if len(picks) != len(set(picks)): raise ValueError("`picks` are not unique. Please remove duplicates.") samples_from, samples_to = _tmin_tmax_to_indices(times, tmin, tmax) # Compute the RDMs X = np.array([ for evoked in evokeds]) patches = searchlight( X.shape, dist=dist, spatial_radius=spatial_radius, temporal_radius=temporal_radius, sel_series=picks, samples_from=samples_from, samples_to=samples_to, ) yield from rdm_array( X, patches, dist_metric=dist_metric, dist_params=dist_params, y=y, n_folds=n_folds, )
[docs] def rdm_epochs( epochs, noise_cov=None, spatial_radius=None, temporal_radius=None, dist_metric="correlation", dist_params=dict(), y=None, n_folds=1, picks=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, dropped_as_nan=False, ): """Generate RDMs in a searchlight pattern on epochs. Parameters ---------- epochs : instance of mne.Epochs The brain activity during the epochs. The event codes are used to distinguish between items. noise_cov : mne.Covariance | None When specified, the data will by normalized using the noise covariance. This is recommended in all cases, but a hard requirement when the data contains sensors of different types. Defaults to None. spatial_radius : floats | None The spatial radius of the searchlight patch in meters. All sensors within this radius will belong to the searchlight patch. Set to None to only perform the searchlight over time, flattening across sensors. Defaults to None. temporal_radius : float | None The temporal radius of the searchlight patch in seconds. Set to None to only perform the searchlight over sensors, flattening across time. Defaults to None. dist_metric : str The metric to use to compute the RDM for the epochs. This can be any metric supported by the scipy.distance.pdist function. See also the ``epochs_rdm_params`` parameter to specify and additional parameter for the distance function. Defaults to 'correlation'. dist_params : dict Extra arguments for the distance metric used to compute the RDMs. Refer to :mod:`scipy.spatial.distance` for a list of all other metrics and their arguments. Defaults to an empty dictionary. y : ndarray of int, shape (n_items,) | None For each Epoch, a number indicating the item to which it belongs. When ``None``, the event codes are used to differentiate between items. Defaults to ``None``. n_folds : int | sklearn.model_selection.BaseCrollValidator | None Number of cross-validation folds to use when computing the distance metric. Folds are created based on the ``y`` parameter. Specify ``None`` to use the maximum number of folds possible, given the data. Alternatively, you can pass a Scikit-Learn cross validator object (e.g. ``sklearn.model_selection.KFold``) to assert fine-grained control over how folds are created. Defaults to 1 (no cross-validation). picks : str | list | slice | None Channels to include. Slices and lists of integers will be interpreted as channel indices. In lists, channel *type* strings (e.g., ``['meg', 'eeg']``) will pick channels of those types, channel *name* strings (e.g., ``['MEG0111', 'MEG2623']`` will pick the given channels. Can also be the string values "all" to pick all channels, or "data" to pick data channels. ``None`` (default) will pick all MEG and EEG channels, excluding those maked as "bad". tmin : float | None When set, searchlight patches will only be generated from subsequent time points starting from this time point. This value is given in seconds. Defaults to ``None``, in which case patches are generated starting from the first time point. tmax : float | None When set, searchlight patches will only be generated up to and including this time point. This value is given in seconds. Defaults to ``None``, in which case patches are generated up to and including the last time point. dropped_as_nan : bool When this is set to ``True``, the drop log will be used to inject NaN values in the RDMs at the locations where a bad epoch was dropped. This is useful to ensure the dimensions of the RDM are the same, irregardless of any bad epochs that were dropped. Make sure to use ``ignore_nan=True`` when using RDMs with NaNs in them during subsequent RSA computations. Defaults to ``False``. .. versionadded:: 0.8 Yields ------ rdm : ndarray, shape (n_items, n_items) A RDM for each searchlight patch. """ if y is None: y =[:, 2] # Convert the temporal radius to samples if temporal_radius is not None: temporal_radius = round(["sfreq"] * temporal_radius) picks =, picks, none="data") if len(picks) != len(set(picks)): raise ValueError("`picks` are not unique. Please remove duplicates.") samples_from, samples_to = _tmin_tmax_to_indices(epochs.times, tmin, tmax) # Normalize with the noise cov if noise_cov is not None: if spatial_radius is not None: " Using diagonal values of the covariance matrix to whiten " "the data." ) noise_cov = noise_cov.as_diag() else:" Using covariance matrix to whiten the data.") W, _ = compute_whitener(noise_cov,, picks=picks) epochs._data[picks] = W @ epochs._data[picks] if spatial_radius is not None: # Compute the distances between the sensors locs = np.vstack([ch["loc"][:3] for ch in["chs"]]) dist = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(locs)) else: dist = None # Compute the RDMs X = epochs.get_data(copy=False) patches = searchlight( X.shape, dist=dist, spatial_radius=spatial_radius, temporal_radius=temporal_radius, sel_series=picks, samples_from=samples_from, samples_to=samples_to, ) rdm_gen = rdm_array( X, patches, dist_metric=dist_metric, dist_params=dist_params, y=y, n_folds=n_folds, ) if not dropped_as_nan or epochs.drop_log_stats() == 0: yield from rdm_gen else: nan_locations = [ i for i, reason in enumerate(epochs.drop_log) if len(reason) > 0 ] for rdm in rdm_gen: rdm = distance.squareform(rdm) rdm = np.insert(rdm, nan_locations, np.NaN, axis=0) rdm = np.insert(rdm, nan_locations, np.NaN, axis=1) # Can't use squareform to convert back due to the NaNs. yield rdm[np.triu_indices(len(rdm), 1)]
def _tmin_tmax_to_indices(times, tmin, tmax): """Convert tmin tmax parameters to an array of sample indices.""" if tmin is None: samples_from = 0 else: samples_from = np.searchsorted(times, tmin) if tmax is None: samples_to = len(times) else: samples_to = np.searchsorted(times, tmax) if samples_from > samples_to: raise ValueError(f"Invalid time range: {tmin} to {tmax}") return samples_from, samples_to def _construct_tmin(times, samples_from, samples_to, temporal_radius): if temporal_radius is None: return times[(samples_from + samples_to) // 2] else: return times[max(temporal_radius, samples_from)] def _square_to_condensed(i, j, n): if i < j: i, j = j, i return n * j - j * (j + 1) // 2 + i - 1 - j