Source code for mne_rsa.searchlight

"""Classes and functions having to do with creating searchlights."""

import numpy as np
from mne.utils import logger

[docs] class searchlight: """Generate indices for searchlight patches. Generates a sequence of tuples that can be used to index a data array. Depending on the spatial and temporal radius, each tuple extracts a searchlight patch along time, space or both. This function is flexible in regards to shape of the data array. The intepretation of the dimensions is as follows: 4 or more dimensions ``(n_folds, n_items, n_series, n_samples, ...)`` 3 dimensions ``(n_items, n_series, n_samples)`` 2 dimensions ``(n_items, n_series)`` when ``spatial_radius`` is not ``None``. ``(n_items, n_samples)`` when ``temporal_radius`` is not ``None``. 1 dimension ``(n_items,)`` The returned tuples will match the dimensions of the data array. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int The shape of the data array to compute the searchlight patches for, as obtained with the ``.shape`` attribute. dist : ndarray or sparse matrix, shape (n_series, n_series) | None The distances between all source points or sensors in meters. This parameter needs to be specified if a ``spatial_radius`` is set. Since the distance matrix can be huge, sparse matrices are also supported. When the distance matrix is sparse, all zero distances are treated as infinity. This allows you to skip far away points during your distance computations. Defaults to ``None``. spatial_radius : float | list of list of int | None This controls how spatial patches will be created. There are several ways to do this: The first way is to specify a spatial radius in meters. In this case, the ``dist`` parameter must also be specified. This will create a searchlight where each patch contains all source points within this radius. The second way is to specify a list of predefined patches. In this case, each element of the list should itself be a list of integer indexes along the spatial dimension of the data array. Each element of this list will become a separate patch using the data at the specified indices. The third way is to set this to ``None``, which will disable the making of spatial patches and only perform the searchlight over time. This can be thought of as pooling everything into a single spatial patch. Defaults to``None``. temporal_radius : int | None The temporal radius of the searchlight patch in samples. Set to ``None`` to only perform the searchlight over sensors/source points. Defaults to ``None``. sel_series : ndarray, shape (n_selected_series,) | None When set, searchlight patches will only be generated for the subset of time series with the given indices. Defaults to ``None``, in which case patches for all series are generated. samples_from : int When set, searchlight patches will only be generated for the subset of time samples with indices equal or greater than the given value. Only used when the given data shape includes a temporal dimension. Defaults to 0. samples_to : int When set, searchlight patches will only be generated for the subset of time samples with indices up to, but not including, the given value. Only used when the given data shape includes a temporal dimension. Defaults to -1, which means there is no upper bound. Yields ------ patch : tuple of (slice | ndarray) A single searchlight patch. Each element of the tuple corresponds to a dimension of the data array and can be used to index along this dimension to extract the searchlight patch. Attributes ---------- shape """ def __init__( self, shape, dist=None, spatial_radius=None, temporal_radius=None, sel_series=None, samples_from=0, samples_to=-1, ): # Interpret the dimensions of the data array (see docstring) n_dims = len(shape) if n_dims >= 4: self.series_dim = 2 self.samples_dim = 3 elif n_dims == 3: self.series_dim = 1 self.samples_dim = 2 elif n_dims == 2 and spatial_radius is not None: self.series_dim = 1 self.samples_dim = None elif n_dims == 2 and temporal_radius is not None: self.series_dim = None self.samples_dim = 1 else: self.series_dim = None self.samples_dim = None self.dist = dist self.spatial_radius = spatial_radius self.temporal_radius = temporal_radius self.sel_series = sel_series # Boundry checking for samples_from and samples_to. Only relevant if # there is a temporal dimension to the data. if samples_from != 0 or samples_to != -1: if self.samples_dim is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot select samples:" f"the provided data shape {shape} has no " "temporal dimension." ) n_samples = shape[self.samples_dim] if samples_from < 0 or samples_from > n_samples: raise ValueError( f"`samples_from={samples_from}` is out " f"of bounds given data shape ({shape})." ) if samples_to > n_samples: raise ValueError( f"`samples_to={samples_to}` is out " f"of bounds given data shape ({shape})." ) if samples_to != -1 and samples_to < samples_from: raise ValueError( f"`samples_to={samples_to} is smaller " f"than `samples_from={samples_from}." ) self.samples_from = samples_from self.samples_to = samples_to # Will we be creating spatial searchlight patches? if self.spatial_radius is not None: if self.series_dim is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot create spatial searchlight patches: " f"the provided data shape ({shape}) has no " "spatial dimension." ) # If spatial radius is a number, we will be making searchlight # patches based on distance computations. Alternatively, a list of # predefined spatial patches may be provided, and we don't need # `dist`. if type(self.spatial_radius) in [float, int]: if self.dist is None: raise ValueError( "A spatial radius was requested, but no " "distance information was specified " "(=dist parameter)." ) # Compressed Sparse Row format is optimal for our computations from scipy.sparse import issparse if issparse(self.dist): self.dist = self.dist.tocsr() if self.sel_series is None: self.sel_series = np.arange(shape[self.series_dim]) else: # Explicit spatial patches were provided if self.sel_series is None: self.sel_series = np.arange(len(self.spatial_radius)) # Will we be creating temporal searchlight patches? if temporal_radius is not None: if self.samples_dim is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot create temporal searchlight patches: " f"the provided data shape ({shape}) has no " "temporal dimension." ) n_samples = shape[self.samples_dim] # Compute the centers of the searchlight patches in time. Make sure # that adding/subtracting the temporal_radius does not produce # array out of bounds errors. samples_min = temporal_radius samples_max = n_samples - temporal_radius if samples_min > samples_max: raise ValueError( f"Temporal radius ({temporal_radius}) too large for the " f"given data shape ({shape})." ) self.time_centers = list( range( np.clip(samples_from, samples_min, samples_max), np.clip( n_samples if samples_to == -1 else samples_to, samples_min, samples_max, ), ) ) # Create a template for the patches that will be generated that is # compatible with the data array dimensions. By default, we select # everything along every dimension, taking `sel_series`, `samples_from` # and `samples_to` into account. This template will be filled-in inside # the __iter__ function. self.patch_template = [slice(None)] * n_dims if self.sel_series is not None: if self.series_dim is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot select series:" f"the provided data shape {shape} has no " "spatial dimension." ) self.patch_template[self.series_dim] = self.sel_series if self.samples_from != 0 or self.samples_to != -1: if self.samples_dim is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot select samples:" f"the provided data shape {shape} has no " "temporal dimension." ) self.patch_template[self.samples_dim] = slice( self.samples_from, self.samples_to ) # Setup the main generator function that will be providing the # searchlight patches. self._generator = iter(self)
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Get an iterator over the searchlight patches.""" if self.spatial_radius is not None and self.temporal_radius is not None: iterator = self._iter_spatio_temporal() elif self.spatial_radius is not None: iterator = self._iter_spatial() elif self.temporal_radius is not None: iterator = self._iter_temporal() else: # Single searchlight patch only iterator = iter([tuple(self.patch_template)]) return iterator
def __next__(self): """Generate searchlight patches.""" return next(self._generator) def _iter_spatio_temporal(self): """Generate spatio-temporal searchlight patches.""""Creating spatio-temporal searchlight patches") patch = list(self.patch_template) # Copy the template for series in self.sel_series: # Compute all spatial locations in the searchligh path. if type(self.spatial_radius) in [float, int]: spat_ind = _get_in_radius(self.dist, series, self.spatial_radius) else: spat_ind = self.spatial_radius[series] patch[self.series_dim] = spat_ind for sample in self.time_centers: temp_ind = slice( sample - self.temporal_radius, sample + self.temporal_radius + 1 ) patch[self.samples_dim] = temp_ind yield tuple(patch) def _iter_spatial(self): """Generate spatial searchlight patches only.""""Creating spatial searchlight patches") patch = list(self.patch_template) # Copy the template for series in self.sel_series: if type(self.spatial_radius) in [float, int]: spat_ind = _get_in_radius(self.dist, series, self.spatial_radius) else: spat_ind = self.spatial_radius[series] patch[self.series_dim] = spat_ind yield tuple(patch) def _iter_temporal(self): """Generate temporal searchlight patches only.""""Creating temporal searchlight patches") patch = list(self.patch_template) # Copy the template for sample in self.time_centers: patch[self.samples_dim] = slice( sample - self.temporal_radius, sample + self.temporal_radius + 1 ) yield tuple(patch) @property def shape(self): """Get the number of generated patches along multiple dimensions. This is useful for re-shaping the result obtained after consuming the this generator. Returns ------- shape : tuple of int For a spatio-temporal searchlight: Two elements: the number of time-series and number of time samples for which patches are generated. For a spatial searchlight: One element: the number of time-series for which patches are generated. For a temporal searchlight: One element: the number of time-samples for which patches are generated. For no searchlight: Zero elements. """ if self.spatial_radius is not None and self.temporal_radius is not None: return (len(self.sel_series), len(self.time_centers)) elif self.spatial_radius is not None: return (len(self.sel_series),) elif self.temporal_radius is not None: return (len(self.time_centers),) else: return tuple()
[docs] def __len__(self): """Get total number of searchlight patches that will be generated.""" total = 1 for n in self.shape: # Number of patches generated in each dimension total *= n return total
def _get_in_radius(dist, seed, radius): """Obtain indices for all points within the given radius from a seed point. Takes care to work with sparse matrices too. Parameters ---------- dist : ndarray or sparse matrix, shape (n_points, n_points) The distances between all points. seed : int The index of the point used as a seed. radius : float The maximum distance that points can be to be included. Returns ------- ind : ndarray, shape (n_points_in_radius,) Indices of all points in the given radius from the seed point. """ from scipy.sparse import issparse if issparse(dist): # Treat all zero distances as missing data ind = dist[seed].nonzero()[1] # Find indices for points within the radius ind = ind[dist[seed].data < radius] ind.sort() # Be sure to add the seed point, which has distance of 0 to itself ind = np.hstack((ind, [seed])) # Di else: ind = np.flatnonzero(dist[seed] < radius) return sorted(ind)