SMurphi is an extended version of the Murphi verifier (version 3.1). It includes three new symmetry reduction algorithms explained in the report:
After compiling the SMurphi program, there are two ways for compiling Murphi descriptions (files ending with ".m") depending whether the nauty tool is available or not. Without nauty, the following procedure is used:
mu FILE.m g++ -c FILE.C -I[SMURPHIPATH]/include g++ -o FILE FILE.owhere [SMURPHIPATH] is the path to the SMurphi directory. With nauty, the following procedure is used:
mu FILE.m g++ -c FILE.C -I[SMURPHIPATH]/include -DTJ_NAUTY -I[NAUTYPATH] g++ -o FILE FILE.o [NAUTYPATH]/nautil.o [NAUTYPATH]/nauty.owhere [NAUTYPATH] is the directory for nauty.