Yu Tian

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  • Postdoctoral Researcher focusing on machine learning over graphs, CS Aalto University

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    E-post: yu.tian@aalto.fi

About me

I have received a Phd degree from Peking University 2010. Since 2019, I began to work as a machine learing engineer. Now I'm doing my postdoc in Aalto University Department of Computer Science. I've experienced in applying deep learning technologies for image analysis and natural language processing. Familiar with RNN, CNN, Pytorch, Tensorflow. Experience in medical research team focusing on health care data analysis applying common machine learning models.

Education & Career History

Main Research Direction: Networked Lasso

Networked data are being generated from many applications including Internet of Things (IoT), social networking, and crowd-sourcing. Machine learning from these data distributed across multiple nodes, without exchanging raw data or sending raw data to a centralized place has become a rapidly developing field, but also facing new challenges.

Networked lasso is a novel algorithm for unsupervised and semi-supervised learning from large collections of local datasets. This algorithm capitalizes on an intrinsic network structure that relates the local datasets via an undirected “empirical” graph.