Otakaari 3
02150 Espoo
Room F403, Health Technology House, 4th floor
Rakentajanaukio 2c
02150 Espoo, Finland
Mobile: +358 50 512 4393
Email: simo.sarkka@aalto.fi
Web: users.aalto.fi/~ssarkka
Twitter/X: @simosarkka
(no positions explicitly open now, but if you are interested in postdoc in physics-informed machine learning or advanced state estimation/control, feel free to contact me)
Simo Särkkä received his Master of Science (Tech.) degree in engineering physics and mathematics, and Doctor of Science (Tech.) degree in electrical and communications engineering from Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, in 2000 and 2006, respectively. Currently, he is a Full Professor in Aalto University (started 2015, tenured 2019, full from 2024) and an Adjunct Professor (= Docent) with Tampere University and LUT University. He is also a Fellow of European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS), and he is the leader of AI Across Fields (AIX) program and AI for Health SIG in Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI).
From 2000 to 2010 he worked with Nokia Ltd., Indagon Ltd., and Nalco Company in various industrial positions related to telecommunications, positioning systems, and industrial process control. From 2010 to 2013 he worked as a Senior Researcher with the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science (BECS) at Aalto University, Finland, and also held the position of Academy Research Fellow for 2013-2018.
His and his group's research interests are in multi-sensor data processing systems with applications in location sensing, AI methods in health and medical technology, machine learning, inverse problems, and brain imaging. He has authored or coauthored more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific articles and his books "Bayesian Filtering and Smoothing" and "Applied Stochastic Differential Equations" have been published via Cambridge University Press. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.
Simo Särkkä and Lennart Svensson (2023). Bayesian Filtering and
Smoothing, Second Edition. Cambridge University Press.
Available from Cambridge University Press at www.cambridge.org/9781108926645. The companion codes of the book can be found at github.com/EEA-sensors/Bayesian-Filtering-and-Smoothing.
With permission from the publisher, we are also providing a PDF version of the book here:
This material in the above PDF has been published by Cambridge University Press as Bayesian Filtering and Smoothing, Second Edition by Simo Särkkä and Lennart Svensson. This pre-publication version is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale, or use in derivative works. © Simo Särkkä and Lennart Svensson 2023.
Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin (2019). Applied Stochastic Differential Equations. Cambridge University Press. Available from Cambridge University Press. The associated MATLAB/Octave codes are available for download as well as in GitHub although they are also available in the Resources tab on the CUP book web page. Please also see errata.
With permission from the publisher, we are providing a PDF version of the book here:
This PDF version is made available for personal use. The copyright in all material rests with the authors (Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin). Commercial reproduction is prohibited, except as authorised by the author and publisher.
Simo Särkkä (2013). Bayesian Filtering and
Smoothing. Cambridge University Press.
Available from Cambridge University Press at http://www.cambridge.org/sarkka,
from this CUP-link,
or from, e.g., Amazon
UK or Amazon
Although the more convenient (and quite affordable) printed version of the book can be purchased from the above sources, with permission from the publisher, I am providing a PDF version of the book here:
This PDF version is made available for personal use. The copyright in all material rests with the author (Simo Särkkä). Commercial reproduction is prohibited, except as authorised by the author and publisher.
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Dr. Fahime Seyedheydari
Dr. Marcin Mińkowski
Dr. Muhammad Iqbal
Dr. Kundan Kumar
Mahdi Nasiri (Aalto University)
Hassan Razavi (Aalto University)
Casian Iacob (Aalto University)
Zaeed Khan (Aalto University)
Ajinkya Gorad (Aalto University)
Fatemeh Yaghoobi (Aalto University)
Xiaofeng Ma (Aalto University)
Cristian Andrey Galvis Florez (Aalto University)
Sahel Iqbal (Aalto University)
Salla Aario (Foundation)
Harshit Agrawal (Planmeca Ltd.)
Kimmo Suotsalo (RemoteA Ltd.)
Juha Sarmavuori (Nokia Ltd.)
Adrien Corenflos (Warwick University)
Joel Jaskari (Aalto University)
Zheng Zhao (Uppsala University)
Rui Gao
Filip Tronarp (University of Tübingen)
Toni Karvonen (Alan Turing Institute)
Ola Rinta-Koski (Aalto University)
Arno Solin (Aalto)
Juho Kokkala
(Kone Oy)
Isambi S. Mbalawata (University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania)
Jouni Hartikainen (Rocsole Ltd.)