Antiferromagnetism in Rh nuclei at T > 0 and T < 0

FIGURE Absolute value of the inverse static susceptibility of rhodium spins vs. the  absolute value of temperature measured at T > 0 (· ) and at T < 0 (· ). The solid line is  the Curie-Weiss law with an offset of – 1.4 nK, while the dashed line is the  corresponding ferromagnetic susceptibility for T < 0.

In contrast to the exclusive ferromagnetic behavior of silver at T < 0, Rh displays a cross-over from ferro- to antiferromagnetic tendency around –5 nK [PRL70, 2818 (1993)]. Such behavior is possible in a fcc lattice with an appreciable next nearest neighbor interaction; in this case both the minimum (T > 0) and maximum (T < 0)  energy states are anti- ferromagnetically ordered. Owing to close competition between nearest and next nearest neighbor interactions, no ordering was observed in rhodium in spite of the record of low temperture of 280 pK produced in these experiments. Nor was ordering achieved at the record-high temperature of –750 pK (Both records were held over 1993 - 2000).
A concise review of our work on nuclear magnetism in silver and rhodium at positive and negative absolute temperatures has been published in Science 265, 1821 (1994).