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Martin Vermeer FCD, geodesian professori emeritus Rakennetun ympäristön laitos (Department of the Built Environment) Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu (School of Engineering) Aalto-yliopisto (Aalto University) PL 14100, FI-00076 AALTO Puh/Tel/Signal +358 50 3574139 s-posti/email: martin (dot) vermeer (at) aalto (dot) fi Mastodon |
Geodesy -
Fysikaalinen geodesia
Physical Geodesy -
(Fysikaalinen geodesia
Physical Geodesy)
Navigoinnin menetelmät
Methods of Navigation -
(Navigoinnin menetelmät
Methods of Navigation)
"Calculus Fennicus", tekijänä Juhani Pitkäranta, käännetty hyperref-paketin kanssa, ks. Avointen oppimateriaalien kirjasto.
Digital Photogrammetry, see the Library of Open Educational Resources for the latest.
Bernese 5.2 manual with side-panel table of contents added. Much easier navigation!
(Tool: pdftk with update_info option.)
Bernese 5.2 tutorial screen shots
Advanced and Satellite Geodesy GeOd 813 lecture videos:
August 3 part 1 part 2 part 3
August 5
George Washington | Three Famous Surveyors |
... Surveying is an honourable profession!
Place all files either in your home directory, or a place where LaTeX can find it. Only the .layout file should be placed where LyX can find it. You should reconfigure and restart LyX; before that, reconfigure also LaTeX by running texhash (as root, or through sudo).
example.tex and example.lyx demonstrate usage.
VecSol, a GPS baseline processor based on GPStk, the GPS toolkit. Man page Here.
Here is an example config file: vecsol.conf.
The class and LyX layout files for the LaTeX document class "iagproc", for writing articles for IAG Proceedings (Springer) two-column: Tarball here.
Tässä suomenkielinen BibTeX-luokkatiedosto tyylilaji "tekijä (vuosi)". Jokseenkin keskeneräinen. Tässä. Laita kotihakemistoon ja valitse BibTeX-tyyli apalike_fi sekä preambleen \usepackage{apalike}.
The LaTeX class and LyX layout files for Institute of Navigation GNSS Proceedings. Unsupported by IoN.
The LyX layout file for ISPRS journal articles. The LaTeX class file is here.
An article on the "Branches" work
"Branches" -työtä kuvaava artikkeli