* 2023-02 * https://simbaman.org/openbsd-20-reasons/ * Security: OpenBSD has a strong focus on security and has a number of features built in to help secure the system. Such as cryptography support, intrusion detection systems, and audit trails, and is designed to be easy to secure and maintain. Open Source: OpenBSD is open source software, which means you have the freedom to use, modify, and distribute it. Portability: OpenBSD runs on a number of different platforms, including x86, ARM, and PowerPC, making it highly portable. Stable: OpenBSD is known for its stability and reliability, making it a good choice for servers and other critical systems. Simplicity: OpenBSD's design philosophy emphasizes simplicity and minimalism, which helps to reduce the attack surface and make the system easier to manage. Strong cryptography: OpenBSD includes strong cryptography in the base system, including support for SSL, TLS, and other encryption technologies. No proprietary software: OpenBSD does not include any proprietary software, making it a good choice for those who value software freedom. Good documentation: OpenBSD has a large and active user community, and there is a wealth of documentation available for the operating system. Regular updates: OpenBSD releases new versions on a regular basis, with security fixes and new features. Package management: OpenBSD includes the pkg_add system, which makes it easy to install and manage software packages. Community support: OpenBSD has a strong and supportive user community, with forums, mailing lists, and other resources available for help and support. Good compatibility: OpenBSD is compatible with a wide range of hardware, including many newer devices. Audit trails: OpenBSD provides a robust audit trail system, making it easy to track changes to the system and detect any potential security issues. Reliable networking: OpenBSD includes a number of features to help ensure reliable networking, including support for IPv6, TCP, and other protocols. Trusted computing base: OpenBSD has a small trusted computing base, making it easier to secure and maintain. Efficient memory usage: OpenBSD is designed to be efficient with memory, which can help to reduce costs and improve performance on systems with limited resources. Intrusion detection: OpenBSD includes built-in intrusion detection systems, making it easier to detect and respond to security incidents. No back doors: OpenBSD does not include any hidden back doors or other security vulnerabilities, making it a secure choice for sensitive data. Customizable: OpenBSD can be customized to meet your specific needs, with the ability to add or remove features as needed. Free: OpenBSD is available for free, making it an affordable choice for those who want a secure and reliable operating system.