Below you can find the latest news and highlights.
Our recent research article was published in Advanced Materials. (February 2025)
Our recent research article (in collaboration with University of Eastern Finland) was published in Nanoscale (open access). (December 2024)
Our recent research article (in collaboration with University of Helsinki) was published in Nanoscale (open access). (August 2024)
Our recent research article was published in Nanoscale with a cover (open access). (July 2024)
My doctoral student Sofia Julin defends her doctoral thesis entitled "DNA Origami as a Tool for Assembling Functional Biohybrid Nanomaterials". (December 2023)
2-year funding for fighting antimicrobial resistance (a consortium with Prof. Damion Corrigan, University of Strathclyde and Prof. Robert Johnson, University College Dublin). (November 2023)
Our recent research communication was published in Chemical Communications (open access). (November 2023)
Our research article on templating virus capsid assembly by different DNA origami shapes was published in Nature Nanotechnology (open access). (July 2023)
My doctoral student Petteri Piskunen defends his doctoral thesis entitled "DNA Origami as a Tool in Biosensing and Nanofabrication". (June 2023)
Our research article on pH-responsive DNA origami lattices was published in ACS Nano (open access). (May 2023)
A review article (with Adrian Keller) on the role of molecular interactions in DNA origami stability was published in Small (open access). (April 2023)
Our research article (collaboration with University of Eastern Finland) on Raman substrates fabricated with DNA-assisted lithography was published in Nanoscale (open access). (April 2023)
Our research article (collaboration with University of Strathclyde, UK) on boosting electrochemical signal in DNA biosensors by target-capturing DNA origami tiles was published in ACS Sensors (open access). (March 2023)
Our research article (collaboration with LMU, Germany) on a light-scattering-based technique to resolve assembly and disassembly of DNA nanostructures was published in Biophysical Journal (open access). (October 2022)
I started as an Associate Professor of Biomedicine Technologies at the Institute of Technology, University of Tartu, Estonia. (October 2022)
Our review article on dynamics of surface-assisted DNA origami assemblies was published in Bioconjugate Chemistry (open access). (September 2022)
Our research article "Optically Responsive Protein Coating of DNA Origami for Triggered Antigen Targeting" was published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (open access). (August 2022)
Our cover for "Optical characterization of BLIN-fabricated Ag nanoparticles" was published in Nanoscale. (July 2022)
Our cover for "From Precision Colloidal Hybrid Materials to Advanced Functional Assemblies" was published in Accounts of Chemical Research. (July 2022)
Our research article (collaboration with University of Eastern Finland) was published in Nanoscale (open access). (June 2022)
Our article was published in Accounts of Chemical Research (open access). (June 2022)
Our review article (collaboration with University of Leeds, UK) was published in iScience (open access). (May 2022)
Our research article (collaboration with Universität Paderborn, Germany) was published as a part of the Rising Stars series in Small (open access). (April 2022)
2-year funding for a proof-of-concept research. (December 2021)
An outlook (with Amelie Heuer-Jungemann, MPI Martinsried, Germany) on engineering inorganic materials with DNA nanostructures was published in ACS Central Science (open access). (November 2021)
Our comprehensive review on DNA-based stimuli-responsive cancer therapeutics (collaboration with University of Helsinki) was published in Macromolecular Bioscience. (October 2021)
Our frontispiece on scaling up DNA origami lattice assembly was published in Chemistry-A European Journal. (June 2021)
Our recent research article (collaboration with University of Strathclyde, UK) presents electrochemical probing of the conformational states of a pH-responsive DNA origami zipper (open access). (June 2021)
Our recent research article presents a new world record for the largest 2D DNA origami lattice (open access). (March 2021)
2-year funding for DNA nanotechnology -related research projects. (March 2021)
My Ph.D. student Heini Ijäs defends her doctoral thesis entitled "Functional DNA Nanostructures for Molecular Transportation and Biosensing". (March 2021)
Our research article on the interaction between doxorubicin and DNA origami was published in Nucleic Acids Research (open access). (February 2021)
Our cover for "Engineered protein cages for heparin encapsulation" was published in Journal of Materials Chemistry B. (February 2021)
Our cover for "Biotemplated lithography of inorganic nanomaterials" was published in ACS Applied Nano Materials. (January 2021)
Our recent research article on versatile biotemplated lithography for functional materials was published in ACS Applied Nano Materials. (December 2020)
I received the Reseach action of the year 2020 award of Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering. (December 2020)
Our recent research article was published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition. (October 2020)
Our cover for "Robotic DNA Nanostructures" was published in ACS Synthetic Biology. (August 2020)
Our review on advanced DNA nanopore technologies was published in ACS Applied Bio Materials (open access). (August 2020)
Our review on robotic DNA nanostructures was published in ACS Synthetic Biology (open access). (June 2020)
Our News & Views commentary on work by Oleg Gang and colleagues was published in Nature Materials. (June 2020)
Our recent research article (collaboration with Spanish research groups) was published in Chemical Communications (open access). (May 2020)
Our in-depth analysis on the interaction between doxorubicin and DNA origami nanostructures paves the way for customizable drug release profiles. (May 2020)
Our comprehensive review article on increasing complexity of wireframe DNA nanostructures was published in Molecules (open access). (April 2020)
A review article (with Adrian Keller) was published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition (open access). (February 2020)
I guest-edited a special issue entitled "Emerging Trend in DNA Nanotechnology" for Molecules. The issue includes my brief editorial and contributions from multiple research groups. (February 2020)
A grant for a research visit abroad in 2020/2021 from Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä Foundation of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. (December 2019)
3-year funding for developing protein-DNA nanomachines. (November 2019)
Our cover feature on real-time observation of DNA origami digestion by DNase I was published in ChemBioChem. (November 2019)
Our detailed nanolithography protocol (pdf with a video) was published in Journal of Visualized Experiments (open access). (September 2019)
Our recent collaborative research article (together with Universität Paderborn) was published in ChemBioChem. (June 2019)
Our international workshop on Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology is here! We have presenters from Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA. (May 2019)
I gave an invited seminar talk at the Universität Potsdam, and as a member of the programme committee I chaired a special session on Biopolymer-based Biomaterials at the 5th Euro BioMAT 2019 symposium in Weimar, Germany. (May 2019)
Our recent research article was published in ACS Nano (open access) and highlighted by several news outlets such as, EurekAlert! and Tekniikka & Talous. (April 2019)
My recent journal article was published in Tieteessä tapahtuu (open access). (March 2019)
Our recent research article was published in Nanoscale (open access). (February 2019)
Our cover for the Special Issue entitled "Nucleic Acids Nanoscience at Interfaces" was published in Langmuir. (December 2018)
I will guest edit a special issue of Molecules entitled "Emerging Trend in DNA Nanotechnology". Submissions welcome! (October 2018)
The special session on "Fysiikan epäonnistumisia ja niiden seurauksia" will be held on 11th January 2019. (October 2018)
Our timely mini-review about DNA origami stability under application-specific conditions was published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (open access). (September 2018)
I was granted the Title of Docent (Adjunct Professor) by the Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering in the field of Bionanotechnology. (September 2018)
Our article for the Special Issue entitled "Nucleic Acids Nanoscience at Interfaces" was published in Langmuir (open access). (August 2018)
Our recent research article (collaboration with Universität Paderborn) entitled "Superstructure-dependent loading of DNA origami nanostructures with a groove-binding drug" was published in ACS Omega (open access). (August 2018)
Our recent extensive review article entitled "Dynamic DNA origami devices: from strand-displacement reactions to external-stimuli responsive systems" was published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences (open access). (July 2018)
We are organizing a workshop entitled "Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology: from algorithmic design to biochemical applications" (NANTECH 2019) next year at Aalto university. (June 2018)
I joined the program committee of 5th Euro BioMAT 2019 conference (Weimar, Germany). (June 2018)
Our Progress Report was selected as an inside back cover of the Special Issue in Advanced Materials. (June 2018)
Contributed talk at 3rd Functional DNA Nanotechnology Workshop in Rome, Italy. (June 2018)
Our recent "Hot Paper" in Angewandte Chemie was highlighted by the Aalto University and the news outlet (May 2018)
Our recent research article (collaboration with Universität Paderborn) was published in Angewandte Chemie and selected as a "Hot Paper" of the journal. (May 2018)
My talk "DNA Origami for Biophysical Devices" was selected as the best oral presentation at the Physics Days 2018 (LII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society) in Turku, Finland. (March 2018)
3-year funding for DNA origami -related research projects. (March 2018)
My co-supervised Ph.D. student Boxuan Shen defends his doctoral thesis entitled "Applications of DNA self-assembled structures in nanoelectronics and plasmonics". (March 2018)
Our recent research article (collaboration with University of Jyväskylä, Caltech and iNANO) was published in Science Advances (open access). (February 2018)
Our progress report was published in Advanced Materials. (January 2018)
Our article (collaboration with Elton Graugnard, Will Hughes and Ralf Jungmann) was published in MRS Bulletin. (December 2017)
Research visit to Dr. Adrian Keller's lab (Nanobiomaterials Group) at the University of Paderborn, Germany. (November-December 2017)
Our cover story in Advanced Healthcare Materials was highlighted by the Aalto University and the news outlet (October 2017)
Our recent research article was selected as a cover story in Advanced Healthcare Materials. (September 2017)
Invited talk and chairing a session at XXVI International Materials Research Congress in Cancún, Mexico. (August 2017)
Our recent research article (collaboration with two groups from the University of Helsinki) was published in Advanced Healthcare Materials (open access). (July 2017)
Contributed talk at International Workshop on "Future Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology" in Dresden, Germany. (May 2017)
I joined the editorial board of Scientific Reports journal (subject category "Chemical Physics") by Nature Publishing Group. (January 2017)
3-year funding for a collaborative project with Janne Ihalainen (University of Jyväskylä): "Modular photoswitchable nanotweezers for controlling biochemical reactions". (December 2016)
Our recent research article (collaboration with Hélder Santos's group) was published in Chemical Communications (open access). (November 2016)
Recent invited presentations at SAME2016 conference in Aalborg, Denmark, and at NSC nanoseminar at the University of Jyväskylä. (October-November 2016)
Our News & Views commentary on work by Mark Bathe and colleagues (covering also the recent progress in DNA origami design techniques) was published in Nature Biotechnology. (August 2016)
Our comprehensive review articles titled "DNA-based enzyme reactors and systems" (figure) and "Metallic nanostructures based on DNA nanoshapes" were both published in Nanomaterials (open access). (July-August 2016)
Our recent research article was published in Nanoscale. (May 2016)
I was granted the Title of Docent (Adjunct Professor) by the University of Jyväskylä (Faculty of Mathematics and Science) in the field of Molecular Nanotechnology. (December 2015)
Our research article in Scientific Reports was highlighted by the Nanoscience Center (NSC), University of Jyväskylä. (October 2015)
Our research article in Chemistry-A European Journal was highlighted by the Kemia-Kemi magazine: "Kaksinaamaisesta molekyylistä jalostuu ihonalainen lääkevarasto". (October 2015)
Our review article in Trends in Biotechnology was highlighted by the Aalto University and several other news outlets such as, ScienceDaily and KurzweilAI. (September 2015)
Our research article in Nanoscale was highlighted by the Nanoscience Center (NSC), University of Jyväskylä. (June 2015)