Good afternoon fellow LIBS enthusiasts! I am Ilkka Laine from Aalto University from Helsinki. Today I will take you through the my story with LIBS Imaging. I have a poster out there as well if this looks familiar. I put my slides and the poster available on the internet on libsimaging.net slash nordiclibs2024.
Here is an outline of what I will talk about. So first is context about my background. Second I'll show you two different LIBS imaging devices, LIBS scanners that we have built at Aalto University. This is the main content of my presentation. Then we look into the LIBS images made with these and couple methods for analysis. And lastly I mention some LIBS resources and databases I want to share with you. First about me for context.
I'm an automation engineer turned LIBS Imaging researcher. I started building LIBS scanners at Aalto University in 2018 and currently my research goal is to give all of you the tools needed to do LIBS Imaging analysis and explaining it as simply as possible.
I'm believe the fundamentals are most important so we are not gonna skip this. What is LIBS? LIBS stands for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, but I find its old name, Laser Spark Spectroscopy is much better name when explaining it to someone. In Laser Spark Spectroscopy we shoot laser to do a spark on the sample and then collect the light of the spark to a spectrometer. The wavelengths of the light reveal all elements and some molecules present in the sample. Imaging means doing many measurements over an area for pretty pictures. With "Many" I mean ten thousand, hundred thousand or millions of measurements. LIBS has been done since laser was invented in the 60s, but LIBS imaging has become prominent only recently. So what's the trick? The trick is doing it fast, cheap, reliably and being capable of measuring any shape samples. So combining cheap, small and fast lasers and spectrometers with the computers controlled frame similar to 3D printers or CNC machines, we get a LIBS scanner.
LIBS-LIDAR We demonstrated this in mine conditions Kittilä gold mine But compared to the convenient table size scanner, this device is dangerous, heavy and expensive so it was left as a prototype, for now. A few years ago I was recruited to Aalto University to build a LIBS-LIDAR, a remote LIBS scanner that can map rock walls and tunnel endings from a safe distance with LIBS. Most of you probably know the CHEMCAM LIBS instrument in the Mars rovers. Our idea was to bring this technology back to earth. We built this device with adaptive focusing and receiving optics During the project my collegue started to work on another LIBS scanner device, a drill core scanner.
This is our main tool. Large Area Scanning Open-source Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrometer or LASOLIBS. It was designed to scan drill cores one box at at time but can be used to scan any shape samples that fit in the device. We work mainly with geological samples so that means rocks mostly. I will show a little video if that works. The device is this 3-axis frame similar to 3D printers that moves the LIBS measurement head over the sample. It has autofocus to make consistent sparks on any shape samples and can do up to thousand measurements per second and move the measurement head half a meter per second. As a side note, the original plan for this design was to publish the building instructions as free and open hardware for anyone to build this by themselves. I still hope to publish them some day but so far the instructions are not finished, as my colleague and the main guy behind this device Lasse Kangas went to start a company Lumo Analytics in Helsinki that does these commercially and so successfully that he doesnt have any extra time.

A little invention we made while building this device is our autofocus method which is a cheap an simple method. We have a position sensitice detector PSD set behin Pros: cheap and easy to build
## LIBS Images 1: Drill cores
## LIBS Images high resolution HIGHRES LIBS images This is a scan from a piece of drillcore so a small piece of rock, about 3 x 4 centimeter area. On the left is xx and on the right is yy. So our device can do both large areas quickly. Scanning a box takes depending on the wanter resolution from minutes to couple hours.
## LIBS Images high resolution
## LIBS Images: Hand sample
LIBS Analysis Methodology Simply. Methodology simple enough you can do it with pen and paper and a book of the peaks
Spectral Angle Mapper(SAM) is an essential
Thanks! And qustions please
+358 50 581 6319 (Lumo CEO Antti Kotanen)
Thanks! And qustions please
previous draft versions: edellinen: I work at Aalto Civil Engineering department building Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy(LIBS) scanners and developing LIBS imaging with mining industry. I came to Nordic LIBS 2024 to share with you what we can do with this technology. To present the very basics of LIBS imaging to give you a clear image of what it is. Cons: need to keep libs laser on to autofocus. ## LIBS Imaging Devices ### LASOLIBS Autofocus system Autofocus using position sensitive detector(PSD) with LIBS laser as light source.