A common question/request is for the ability to use R functions and packages as part of a Stan model specification. This requires two components:
While Stan can automatically calculate the gradients for C++
functions if they are implemented using existing functions with
gradients, this cannot be extended to R functions. This means that any
usage of R-based functions with parameters (i.e., not in the
transformed data
or generated quantities
blocks) requires that a function for calculating the gradients is also
This document will provide a worked example for the process of using an R function in a Stan model via external C++.
We will be implementing the log determinant function:
\[ \log|M| \]
Which has gradients:
\[ \frac{d}{dM}[\log|M|] = \left( M^{-1} \right)^T \]
This is already available in Stan as the
function, which we will use to verify
that the implementation is correct.
: Calling R from C++The process of interacting with R from C++ is greatly simplified by
the RInside
R package, which provides the C++ headers for
initialising and managing an R session. The data structures that
uses for passing results between R and C++ are also
designed for use with Rcpp
and RcppEigen
which are needed for easy handling of matrix and vector types.
However, a key detail that needs to be emphasised is that an R session can only be initialised once for a given program. This means that a single R session and its environment will be used for the entirety of the sampling/estimation process. Consequently, it should be considered best-practice to delete any variables/objects in the R session once they are no longer needed - otherwise you might be re-using objects/values from a previous iteration without realising.
For simplicity, we’ll first implement the function without gradients (not compatible with parameters):
* The Stan headers *must* be included before the Rcpp headers, otherwise
* internal definitions for Eigen are ignored
#include <stan/math.hpp>
#include <RInside.h>
#include <RcppEigen.h>
* The RInstance object is declared 'static' so that C++ knows not to delete
* the object and invalidate the R session until the program has finished
static RInside RInstance;
double r_log_determinant(const Eigen::MatrixXd& m, std::ostream *pstream__) {
* Passing objects to R is very simple, as the conversion from C++ -> R types
* is automatically delegated to Rcpp or similar (e.g., RcppEigen).
RInstance["m_val"] = m;
* Interacting with the R session is primarily through string commands.
* - The `parseEval()` method is for commands which will return an object
* - The `parseEvalQ()` method is for commands with no return value/object
* Rcpp again handles the process of converting the returned R object to the
* desired C++ type. You can allow this to be handled automatically, or you
* can wrap the call in `Rcpp::as<T>()` where `T` is the desired C++ type.
double log_det_val = RInstance.parseEval("determinant(m_val, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus");
* Make sure to clean-up the R environment before returning!
return log_det_val;
As can be seen above, there is remarkably little extra code needed when passing data and results between R & C++.
Next we can add the function definition for use with parameters.
stan::math::var r_log_determinant(const Eigen::Matrix<stan::math::var, -1, -1>& m,
std::ostream *pstream__) {
using stan::arena_t;
using stan::math::var;
using stan::math::value_of;
* The parameters are moved into Stan's memory arena so that their gradients
* can be updated lated
arena_t<Eigen::Matrix<var, -1, -1>> arena_m = m;
* The R process is exactly the same as the non-parameter version, just with
* the addition of calculating the gradients for the input 'm'
RInstance["m_val"] = stan::math::value_of(arena_m);
double log_det_val = RInstance.parseEval("determinant(m_val, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus");
Eigen::MatrixXd log_det_grad = RInstance.parseEval("t(solve(m_val))");
* Also move the calculated gradients into the memory arena so we can access
* them later
arena_t<Eigen::MatrixXd> log_det_grad_arena = log_det_grad;
* Initialise a new parameter with the calculated value, and specify how the
* gradients for the inputs should be updated later.
var log_det = log_det_val;
stan::math::reverse_pass_callback([arena_m, log_det, log_det_grad_arena]() mutable {
arena_m.adj() += log_det.adj() * log_det_grad_arena;
return log_det;
There is little additional R-specific content in the definition, so refer to the CmdStan Manual for any clarifications around the general approach(es) to specifying functions for autodiff types.
cat(readLines("r_log_determinant_header.hpp"), sep = "\n")
## #include <stan/math.hpp>
## #include <RInside.h>
## #include <RcppEigen.h>
## static RInside RInstance;
## double r_log_determinant(const Eigen::MatrixXd& m, std::ostream *pstream__) {
## RInstance["m_val"] = m;
## double log_det_val = RInstance.parseEval("determinant(m_val, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus");
## RInstance.parseEvalQ("rm(m_val)");
## return log_det_val;
## }
## stan::math::var r_log_determinant(const Eigen::Matrix<stan::math::var, -1, -1>& m,
## std::ostream *pstream__) {
## using stan::arena_t;
## using stan::math::var;
## using stan::math::value_of;
## arena_t<Eigen::Matrix<var, -1, -1>> arena_m = m;
## RInstance["m_val"] = stan::math::value_of(arena_m);
## double log_det_val = RInstance.parseEval("determinant(m_val, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus");
## Eigen::MatrixXd log_det_grad = RInstance.parseEval("t(solve(m_val))");
## RInstance.parseEvalQ("rm(m_val)");
## arena_t<Eigen::MatrixXd> log_det_grad_arena = log_det_grad;
## var log_det = log_det_val;
## stan::math::reverse_pass_callback([arena_m, log_det, log_det_grad_arena]() mutable {
## arena_m.adj() += log_det.adj() * log_det_grad_arena;
## });
## return log_det;
## }
## /**
## * This macro is set by R headers included above and no longer needed
## */
## #ifdef USING_R
## #undef USING_R
## #endif
To test that the R-implemented log_determinant()
the same values and gradients as the built-in Stan function, we will use
the following (nonsensical) model:
cat(readLines("r_log_determinant.stan"), sep = "\n")
## functions {
## real r_log_determinant(matrix x);
## }
## data {
## int<lower=0> N;
## array[N] int<lower=0,upper=1> y;
## int use_r;
## }
## parameters {
## matrix[2, 2] matrix_par;
## }
## transformed parameters {
## real log_det;
## log_det = use_r ? r_log_determinant(matrix_par) : log_determinant(matrix_par);
## }
## model {
## y ~ bernoulli_logit(log_det);
## }
To use this external C++ with Stan, we need to provide the additional
compilation & linker flags for compiling against R,
, Rcpp
, and RcppEigen
Both R and these packages provide methods for extracting these
r_bin <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")
extra_cxxflags <- c(
system2(r_bin, c("CMD", "config", "--cppflags"), stdout = TRUE),
extra_ldlibs <- c(
system2(r_bin, c("CMD", "config", "--ldflags"), stdout = TRUE),
Which we’ll add to the compilation arguments for Stan:
cpp_options = list(
paste0(c("CXXFLAGS +=", extra_cxxflags), collapse = " "),
paste0(c("LDLIBS +=", extra_ldlibs), collapse = " ")
These will then be used to compile the model and external functions:
r_model <- cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(
stan_file = "r_log_determinant.stan",
user_header = "r_log_determinant_header.hpp",
stanc_options = list("allow-undefined")
To check our implementation, we’ll use the $diagnose()
method to calculate the initial values and gradients for a model, and
compare the results between the built-in log_determinant()
and our implementation.
data <- list(N = 10, y = c(0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1), use_r = 0)
The built-in returns:
r_model$diagnose(data = data, seed = 2023)$gradients()
## param_idx value model finite_diff error
## 1 0 1.6225400 -2.6687900 -2.6687900 -8.85448e-10
## 2 1 -0.0281489 3.3891000 3.3891000 4.72490e-10
## 3 2 -1.3766500 0.0692981 0.0692981 -5.85736e-10
## 4 3 -1.0840600 3.9944300 3.9944300 -6.14064e-11
And our implementation:
data$use_r <- 1
r_model$diagnose(data = data, seed = 2023)$gradients()
## param_idx value model finite_diff error
## 1 0 1.6225400 -2.6687900 -2.6687900 -8.85448e-10
## 2 1 -0.0281489 3.3891000 3.3891000 -4.15689e-10
## 3 2 -1.3766500 0.0692981 0.0692981 -5.85736e-10
## 4 3 -1.0840600 3.9944300 3.9944300 -6.14064e-11
All looks good!
In some cases, the analytic gradients for a given function might not
always be known or easy to calculate. As a less-efficient alternative
the gradients for a given function could also be computed numerically in
R. For example, we could have calculated the gradients for our function
using the numDeriv::grad()
RInstance.parseEvalQ("detfun <- function(x) { determinant(x, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus }");
Eigen::MatrixXd log_det_grad = RInstance.parseEval("matrix(numDeriv::grad(detfun, m_val), nrow=nrow(m_val))");