
Short (~50 words)

Dr. Arno Solin is an Associate Professor (with tenure) in Machine Learning at the Department of Computer Science at Aalto University, Finland. He is an ELLIS Scholar and holds an Adjunct Professorship (Title of Docent) at Tampere University and is the coordinating professor of the ‘Next-generation Data-efficient Deep Learning’ program of the Finnish Center of Artificial Intelligence (FCAI). His research interests are in data-efficient machine learning, with special interest in probabilistic methods for real-time inference and sensor fusion.

Long (~250 words)

Dr. Arno Solin is an Associate Professor (with tenure) in Machine Learning and Academy of Finland Research Fellow at the Department of Computer Science at Aalto University, Finland. He is also an ELLIS Scholar and holds an Adjunct Professorship (Title of Docent) at Tampere University, serves as a member of the Young Academy Finland, and is the coordinating professor of the ‘Next-generation Data-efficient Deep Learning’ program of the Finnish Center of Artificial Intelligence (FCAI). His research interests are in data-efficient machine learning, with a special interest in probabilistic methods for real-time inference and sensor fusion.

At Aalto, Arno leads a research group in machine learning. He is an Editorial Board Reviewer for JMLR and an Area Chair for NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, and AISTATS. He gave a tutorial on Machine Learning with Signal Processing at ICML 2020. He is a winner of the ISIF 2018 Jean-Pierre Le Cadre Best Paper Award, and he won the MLSP 2014 Schizophrenia Classification Challenge on Kaggle. Spectacular AI, a sensor fusion and spatial AI start-up, is a spin-off from his research group.

Previously Arno worked as a team-lead in industry (2015–2017) and held an Academy of Finland post-doctoral fellowship (2017–2020). He has also held visiting researcher positions in Prof. Neil Lawrence’s group at the University of Sheffield (2013), the Computational and Biological Learning Lab (CBL) at the University of Cambridge (2017–2018), and Prof. Thomas Schön’s group at Uppsala University (2019). He is a co-author of the book Applied Stochastic Differential Equations, published by Cambridge University Press.


Tekniikan tohtori Arno Solin on koneoppimisen professori ja akatemiatutkija Aalto-yliopiston tietotekniikan laitoksella. Hän on myös Tampereen yliopiston dosentti, Nuorten Tiedeakatemian jäsen ja koordinoi Suomen tekoälykeskuksen (Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence, FCAI) syväoppimiseen liittyvää tutkimusohjelmaa. Hänen keskittyy tutkimuksessaan kehittämään tehokkaampia koneoppimismenetelmiä ja erityisesti todennäköisyyspohjaisiin reaaliaikaisiin menetelmiin ja sensorifuusioon.

På svenska

Doktor Arno Solin är professor i maskininlärning samt Finlands Akademis akademiforskare vid Aalto-universitetets institution för datateknik. Han är också docent vid Tampereen yliopisto, medlem av Unga vetenskapsakademien i Finland och samordnar forskningsprogrammet för djupinlärning vid Centret för artificiell intelligens (FCAI). Hans forskning fokuserar på att utveckla effektivare maskininlärningsmetoder, och i synnerhet sannolikhetsbaserade realtidsmetoder för sensorfusion.


You can enjoy a couple of high-resolution photographs of Arno below. Where indicated, these have been provided by external people, who have kindly allowed me to share them online. Please acknowledge the photographer if you use these photos.

Arno Solin
Photo: Matti Ahlgren / Aalto University
Arno Solin
Photo: Matti Ahlgren / Aalto University
Arno Solin
Photo: Arno Solin