Found misprints in Sihvola: Electromagnetic mixing formulas and applications, IEE Publishing, London 1999

  1. page 9, line -11: "microscopic" instead of "microsopic"
  2. page 27: replace the real and imaginary parts of \epsilon in Equations (2.21) and (2.22) by \epsilon' and \epsilon'' (The sign difference: \epsilon'' = - Im{\epsilon} ) (The same with Equations (2.27) and (2.28))
  3. page 35, Problem 2.1: the lower limits in both integrations should be -\infinity instead of 0 !
  4. page 35, Problems 2.2 and 2.3: If you solve the problem by integrating over the whole infinite range (including the negative frequencies), note that for reasonable materials, the permittivity obeys: \epsilon(-\omega) = \epsilon*(\omega)
  5. page 40, line -7: \epsilon_i should be E_i
  6. page 44, Equation (3.17): in the denominator of the bracketed expression of the center term, the power of r should be 3, not 2
  7. page 66, upper part (the definitions missing for two parameters): \phi = arccos (a_y/a_x), and k^2= (a_x^2 - a_y^2)/(a_x^2 - a_z^2)
  8. page 94, last line: \epsilon_e should read \epsilon_i
  9. page 98, footnote: "delta function" instead of "delta dunction"
  10. page 120, line 3: "Chiral" instead of "Chilar"
  11. page 165, Equation (9.10): \epsilon_a multiplying the last term in the right-hand side should be inside the sum of the numerator (because in some cases \epsilon_a depends on the index j)
  12. page 166, line 4: N_j instead of N_i
  13. page 170, Equation (9.25): on both sides, the difference in parenthesis that is being multiplied by "nu" should read (M_eff - M_e) instead of (M_i - M_e). Cf. Equation (9.7)
