The satellite meeting will focus on physical phenomena such as deformation (fracture, plasticity, mechanical non-linearities) and dynamics in materials (domain walls, fluid invasion, etc.) exhibiting complexity which needs statistical mechanics as a description.


The meeting will take place at the Centre Paul-Langevin, Aussois, France (see also this link), from June 29 to July 1, 2016. Full board accommodation will be available at the centre; for contributing participants, the cost of full-board accommodation for two nights is ~200 € in a shared double room.

Details on how to get there: Easy access by car (e.g. from Lyon, Torino, Geneva), or by train to Modane (8 km from Centre Paul-Langevin). If there is sufficient demand, we are planning to organize a shuttle from Modane to Centre Paul-Langevin  before the start of the workshop on June 29; if you are interested in this possibility, please notify Lasse Laurson by email ( You may also consult this link for more details on the location and how to get there.

Invited speakers & preliminary titles

Martin van Hecke: Combinatorial Programming of Mechanical Metamaterials

Alain Karma: Oscillatory instability of ultra-high speed brittle cracks in nonlinear
elastic solids

Kirsten Martens: A statistical approach for the nonlinear rheology of athermally driven
yield-stress materials

Jordi Ortin: Avalanches, non-Gaussian fluctuations and intermittency in fluid imbibition

Patrycja Paruch: Domain wall dynamics, roughness and conduction: controlling fundamental
and functional physics with environmental conditions and defect density in ferroelectric
thin films

Laurence Ramos: Microscopic dynamics during the creep of a colloidal gel

Alberto Rosso: Spatio-temporal patterns in ultra-slow domain wall creep dynamics

Peter Schall: Nonequilibrium transitions in colloidal glasses and gels

Eduard Vives: Comparing labquakes in porous materials with earthquakes: critical energy
distributions and critical temporal correlations

Michael Zaiser: Deformation localization processes in amorphous materials - statistical
mechanics and continuum mechanics


The preliminary program of the event is as follows (you can also find abstracts of the presentations here):


Mikko J. Alava (Aalto University), Lasse Laurson (Aalto University), Stephane Santucci (ENS Lyon) and Stefano Zapperi (Univ. Milano).


For additional details, please contact Lasse Laurson by email (
